4 dpo bloating Finally the last 2 cycles have been similar, so I'm really crossing my fingers that everything aligns this month. 4 DPO: bloating, backache, indigestion, light CM. Common initial signs include sore breasts, fatigue, and taste changes. Your progesterone levels rise after ovulation, and this could leave you feeling a little bloated. Many luteal phase symptoms are similar to early pregnancy symptoms. . 5 DPO: fatigued, elevated heart rate at times, bloated, peeing more often, feeling really warm, backache, diarrhea, no cravings for sweets when I usually have a huge sweet tooth, boobs very full, medium CM, emotional Understanding 4 DPO Symptoms. This could feel The sucky thing is, premenstrual symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms are very similar, so it's really hard to tell. First, because tracking DPO will help you plan for the best time to take a pregnancy test (typically no sooner than 12 DPO). amoseley89. Pregnancy Week 5. Get all the answers here! Bloating is an uncomfortable sensation characterized by abdominal pressure, gas, and tightness. 1 Comment Here are my symptoms DPO - I absolutely feel almost convinced that these are leading to a BFP but I don’t want to get my hopes Latest: 4 years ago | ttcMomsx2. Light twinges. The likelihood of experiencing no symptoms at this point is much higher. If you do experience symptoms, they might be caused by another condition, like a cold or an upcoming period. At 4 DPO, it’s likely that the zygote is now moving through your fallopian tubes toward your uterus. My stomach is so big I look 3 months pregnant. This week at 7DPO I have been having some brownish discharge, super light and barely there when I go to the bathroom. Moreover, ovulation itself can result in bloating. 5DPO: (5. Posted 31-03-15. No symptoms at all and period due tomorrow. 4 DPO is considered early in the potential pregnancy timeline, but some women experience symptoms as early as 4 days post-ovulation. My left ovary area was still a little painful but I think it was still from ?DPO CD26 SMU FRER. 9DPO , BLOATING, BACKACHE. Mood Swings. i didn’t even take a test out of suspicion, just out of habit! this was about 16 DPO. You may be bloated if: your tummy feels full or bigger than usual; you have tummy pain or discomfort; your tummy is rumbling or making noises I am not gonna list DPO's 1-4 because realistically I probably had a cold at that time as I was feeling bleh during and tad before Ov so I am srting from 5 dpo - 10 dpo (current): bloating; nausea; constipation; fatigue; 1DPO. k. After 2, my original magic number, I decided I had no limit — the more the merrier lol. I know, technically it’s too early to have any symptoms, but I am 4 DPO and swear I was mildly nauseous this morning with a metallic taste in my mouth. Ouch!! kat20 mum to 1 baby and 2 angel. Pregnancy Week 9. 96,502 likes · 470 talking about this. Not constipated (the opposite, This could increase gas and bloating and make you feel sick . For example, if ovulation occurs on a Monday, then the next day (Tuesday) would be considered 1 DPO. Spotting: Light spotting may occur due to implantation bleeding. Why track DPO? Two reasons. AF cramps are always in my legs so this is not the same at all. Nov 11, 2013 #5 3 DPO - Lots of creamy CM 4 DPO - Bloated and creamy CM 5 DPO - Pressure behind and slightly below belly button - cramping later that night, nausea and very fatigued. dull abdominal cramps; insomnia; Today and 11 DPO and woke up with extreme bloating. I'm 5 DPO, and went off BC last Sept. Bloated. they felt JUST like period cramps, and i had started having increased discharge which i assumed would turn brown any day prior to testing. Some common 5 DPO symptoms include; cramping, bloating, 2 DPO: Nausea; Headache; Bloating; Gas ; Hightend sense of smell ( I love how the Axe for men smell's and i went to spray myself this morning and I instantly felt disgusted) ; HUNGRY ; Cold 4 dpo and BLOATED! s. Tali'smommy. Common 4 DPO symptoms may include mild cramping, Experiencing pregnancy symptoms at 4 DPO is highly unlikely since implantation hasn’t occurred yet. 4 DPO: What to expect, and how to tell if 3-4 dpo- back cramps (as if AF was coming. 4 dpo: Bloated. Fatigue at 4 DPO? Thread starter rustyswife828; Start date Nov 10, 2013; Forums New posts rustyswife828 TTC 2nd miracle baby. EJL425. 4 DPO is generally too early for pregnancy symptoms to be detected because implantation hasn’t happened yet. Back pain and pelvic pain: Likely related to ovulation or early hormonal shifts. Posted 10-10-12. 1. Maybe a little "sore", but maybe that's my imagination. You may have to relegate that cologne you bought your partner last year to the back of the Feeling moody or more tired than normal are possible, as are bloating, breast soreness, and abdominal discomfort (more on this later). Implantation takes place between 6-14 dpo. I hope this is the month!!! Fingers crossed! 2-3 DPO: lots of bloating + mild cramps, fatigue, light CM. I’m having lots of lower abdominal pain and fullness Bloating: Progesterone can slow digestion, causing gas and bloating. progesterone just really takes a toll on my body. Hormone levels, particularly progesterone and estrogen, continue to rise. Progesterone peaks around 7dpo so it’s more than likely from that! Implantation can occur earliest at 6dpo but least likely as it’s extremely uncommon 3. the only thing out of the ordinary is this sore scratchy throat that won't go away no matter how much water I drink. I'm now 8 dpo, exhausted and dizzy. DPO is simply an acronym that stands for “days past ovulation” or “days post ovulation”. 16. It has come and gone. Posted 04-19-09. I will try to keep this short, but for anyone willing to read it all and respond is greatly appreciated!! I used the ClearBlue digital advance ONE time and it said peak fertility we BD the day 10 DPO - bloated, tender BBs, frequent urination, skin break out and fatigue. 2 dpo- slight spotting and excess of cm, bloated 3 dpo- bloated and gassy, sore back, very tired 4 dpo- "heavy" but not painful feeling in uterus, bloating, gassy, sore back 5 dpo- noticing some more prominent veins on my breasts (husband actually noticed first), gassy, heavy feeling, twinges in uterus area 6 dpo- very slight waves of nausea. But the past two or three days the bloating has been so severe I can't breathe or get comfortable unless I am lying down. I am also having some bloating and weird dreams! 4 DPO - Milky CM, bloating, back and neck pains, vivid dreams, less of an appetite 5 DPO - Less CM, diarrhea, less of an appetite 6 DPO - Watery CM, thirsty, dry mouth, less of an appetite, frequent urination, weird 4 DPO: Bloated tender breasts, diarrhea. It's been going on for the past several hours. Bloating is where your tummy feels full and uncomfortable. Jan 1, 2011 #1 It actually hurts. “Had moderate cramps from 2-4 DPO (unusual for me), indigestion Understanding the Early Signs: 4 DPO Symptoms You Need to Know After ovulation, it's common for women to start experiencing some early symptoms that are indicative of pregnancy. At 1 DPO, hormonal changes begin with an egg's viability lasting 12-24 hours. Pregnancy Week 8. Symptoms would be similar to those listed above, as this day is still characterized by the 3 DPO, and experiencing the following symptoms (phantom or real) - Heightened sense of smell - Frequent urination - Bloating - Constipation - Enlarged boobs - Exhaustion . But see a GP if you feel bloated a lot or it does not go away. If you test at 12 DPO and get a negative result, it may still Cramping at 4 or 5 DPO. Feeling really moody this past week too. 3. Food aversions or cravings: These can start to appear in early pregnancy. Some things say it’s possible to have symptoms, but biologically I don’t feel like If you usually experience PMS symptoms, you might have 5 DPO symptoms and be completely unaware. backache; constipation; insomnia; fatigue; bloating; slightly lightheaded; 2DPO. Symptoms of bloating. I'm not even seeing a line; and if I am, it's just an indent. Left leg cramped again but lighter I'm 6 dpo and feeling super bloated since 4 dpo and I also never usually have bloating until the day of my period. 09) Bloated, tender breasts, gassy cramps. First baby I had hardly any bloating, but my breasts were so sore. but I'm trying (expert level) to not symptom spot. Some of these include: 1) bloating 2) constipation 3) breast tenderness 4) increased urination 5) moodiness. If you want to keep an eye on your potential pregnancy symptoms and what's going in your body on each day post ovulation, check out our articles from day 1 to 19: 1DPO • 2DPO. 13 DPO: Woke up early again - and really hungry again. 5 dpo - Bloated and heavy, mildly crampy, tired and nausea More on DPO. 6-8- DPO- tired, mild cramping and lower back pain, bloating. I do feel a bit more bloated than other cycles. So for a 4- nothing 3 DPO - headache, apathetic mood 4 DPO - sore itchy throat 5 DPO - dry-feeling tongue (weird I know), metallic taste in mouth, vivid dreams 6 DPO - metallic taste in mouth, vivid dreams, anxious This is my first cycle ttc and I feel like every little twinge makes me think I’m pregnant! I am 10 dpo tomorrow and plan on testing but I can’t shake how weird I feel. It can be caused by hormonal changes during ovulation, which can increase water retention in the belly, leading to bloating. In early pregnancy, there’s a significant rise in the hormone progesterone. But anecdotal evidence suggests it’s possible to have signs earlier. 8 dpo- on & off back cramps again. Pretty sure I ovulated Saturday night. I started reading into possibly low progesterone causing the short luteal phase and early spotting. If that was implantation, I guess that it's a waiting game now. 6 dpo - constipated, gassy, bloated, extremely tired. Lower back pains. At 4 DPO (4 days post ovulation): The fertilized egg continues its journey through the fallopian tube. I was trying to ignore it, but couldn’t help but dive into Google. Is a pregnancy test at 5 DPO reliable? Since implantation won’t have happened Bloating and gas are pregnancy signs, but not until later. 70, 4 dpo = temp rise to 98. • 3DPO • 4DPO • 5DPO Bloating. Not even spotting. seraann. Am usually a 2. 07 2 dpo = temp drop to 97. 1Sam_one27. s. ( 6 more days 4 DPO- Creamy cm, Very fatigued (probably because I didn't sleep well last night), slightly sensitive nipples, restless sleep again unexplainable fatigue, crazy dreams, irritability, hungry, bloated 8 DPO - Nausea, sneezing, bloated, tired, cramps, creamy cm, burping, heartburn, irritable, slight headache, increased sinus drainage but not Don't get me wrong--I am typically a bloaty girl with a REALLY sensitive stomach. 4 DPO: What to expect, and how to tell if you’re pregnant; 5 DPO: What to expect, and how to tell if you’re pregnant Bloating. 4 dpo - extra cm, still some darkish but less. Your new super smell sense can also contribute to nausea. the only symptoms i have had this month were for 5 days after ovulation. Loose and frequent stools. Bloating is an early pregnancy symptom but you may not notice it at 4 DPO. I've also got a huge amount of CM when I would have normally dried up by now. 5 DPO- Pink spotting only when wiped, nausous, bloating. Like worse than I've ever had. Your body may not have begun to release hCG, a hormone that confirms Usually, at 4 DPO, you may not feel any pregnancy symptoms, but if you do, you can have nausea, implantation cramps, breast tenderness, bloating, and fatigue. But those first few weeks I was uncomfortable. I'm trying not to read too much into it, but its so difficult not to! Like. Let’s take a closer look. Wilcox Hi ladies, I know it's super early and implantation probably couldn't even occur yet, but, I'm very in tune with my body and I have noticed some changes already at 4 DPO. Hormonal Changes: Increased progesterone and estrogen levels contribute to I'm also 11 dpo and have been getting quite a few symptoms the past few days. I could hardly stretch or twist without irritating it. Like. At about 2DPO I had some light pink spotting and then it stopped 24 hours later. DPO 7: Bloated, headache, fatigue, dry yellowish CM, vivid pregnancy dreams, sore tatas 4 dpo - Nipples still sore to touch but no other symptoms 5 dpo - Breasts now feel very heavy and full, even hubby notices, also not fitting my bra like usual. I can feel the pain up in my shoulders as well. Why am I so bloated 4 days after ovulation? Bloating. 4) Feel free to "bump" this post to help others in the TWW. Some women may also experience constipation, which can add to the I am around 5 or 6 DPO and am very bloated and having AF like cramping. heard all types of stories about the blue dye tests , and I'm unsure what to think of this result. Gassy. Oh yeah. It’s my first time trying! 3 dpo - extra cm, some is brownish/reddish. As early as 4 DPO, breast tenderness could be a possible symptom of 4-5 dpo crampy, bloated, nausea 6 dpo sore nipples, bloating 7 dpo bloating, heavy discharge, sensitvity to smells, discharge with brown blood, twinges of pain on right side very low. Frequent urination: This can be an early sign of pregnancy. I've been getting so much bloating. I have a sore back around my sides and have dull cramps (like very mild period cramps). No signs or symptoms of Today, I'm 3-4 dpo, and I'm completely exhausted (taking three hour naps after work every day now), I've been getting slight cramping and headaches, I just tackled my first If you don’t notice these changes yet, don’t be anxious as your fertilized egg may still be traveling down the tube at 4 DPO. 5. So if you think you’re pregnant, don’t rely on symptoms alone. Maybe increased urination 3 dpo- stress eating like crazy. Do cramps at Also feeling pretty bloated all the time but I bloat a lot anyway so I dunno :s Hoping these are good signs, no change to bbs really, AF due in 6 days. I’m 4 DPO and I’ve got some small cramps in my left side in the front and I’m a little confused as it should be way At 4 DPO, my right ovary was very swollen and sore. At 4-5 dpo, the egg isn't even implanted yet, so I can't image it causing you those problems. Here’s the lowdown on 4 DPO. 1-3 DPO not much 4, 5 DPO more gassy, clear CM , slight headache and slight congestion but nothing making me feel like I may be pregnant. I'm 5 DPO and I had lower back aches yesterday and mild cramping since 3DPO. I am not due for AF until July 18th. These symptoms could simply be causes by a normal increase in Common Symptoms: Possible symptoms at 4 DPO include nausea, cramps, breast tenderness, bloating, and fatigue, but they are not definitive signs. SavvyWillis. It's very common and there are things you can do to ease it. The symptoms I can experience with light bleeding after implantation. 3 dpo: dizzy spells 4 dpo: extreme bloating 5 dpo: moody 6 dpo: crampy, EWCM 7dpo: hair shedding a lot 8 dpo: BFN, sticky CM. Joined Sep 24, 2013 Messages 459 Reaction score 0. This hormonal surge can decelerate your digestive system, increasing gas and . Wednesday 11 dpo The line was a bit easier to see but still not very 2WW Bloating- Think I'm pregnant?? 10 DPO. Every pregnancy is different and bloating is one of those normal early symptoms. Pregnancy Week 4. 4 dpo is too early for any symptoms. Pregnancy Week 10. Symptoms like bloating and fatigue at 3 DPO can also result from other causes. 6DPO a little crampy, clear CM still 7 DPO crampy, clear CM, tired 8 DPO more crampy (feels like AF cramps), still clear CM on panties (usually I am dry until AF so this is the only symptom giving me hope!) 1 dpo = bloated, slightly sore nipples, temp rise to 98. Breasts not tender but nipples feel bruised when touched. Common Symptoms to Look Out for at 4 DPO: Cramping: Mild cramping is normal, but severe cramps may indicate implantation. Reply . All seems a bit eearly to me for AF :s 3/4 dpo light cramping on lower left side abdo which moved to middle lower abdo / pelvic region 4/5 dpo which is now gone - currently 6 dpo. i was day 28 and had been cramping for ~3 days just waiting. Hi Ladies, So i ovulated 4 days ago - according to FF and yesterday and today i have been getting cramps that feel like AF is due. Pregnancy Week 13. Find out more about signs of pregnancy in Pregnancy Symptoms – 16 Early Signs You Might Be Pregnant. i took a pregnancy test this morning and it was negative. Is it even possible to have any signs Bloating subsided at about 6-7 weeks. y. Early Bloating is also an early symptom of pregnancy that some women may experience at 4 DPO. I have been eating pretty healthy, everything homemade and fresh. Bloating, Gas, and Nausea. severe bloating, cramping, dizzi: After missed period: Conception, as defined by the generation of a fer If you're tracking your ovulation, then you're likely wondering what's happening at 4 DPO. Period like cramps 3 and 4 DPO. 5dpo- hot flushes & loose stool (TMI) 6dpo- creamy lotion like CM when going for a wee & an odd feeling in my belly. @kikkipoo, same boat - started feeling twinges 4DPO too. 11 DPO - cramps, 4 DPO - Increased sex drive, fatigue, headache, headache, tender boobs, and runny nose. Feelcrazy Guest. Pregnancy Week 6. I'm 6 dpo an been cramps sence 4 dpo. 26, vivid dream about dying in a hospital 5 dpo = temp drop to 98. Take a pregnancy test instead. This hormonal change causes your body to retain more water, leading to a bloated feeling. This could feel anything like stomach pain and discomfort, gas, and a general While some people may feel mild pregnancy symptoms at 4 DPO, it’s more likely symptoms wo If you are trying to conceive, it may be hard to wait until you take a pregnancy test to see if you’re pregnant. This was the start of me getting sharp left side pains and some uterus pressure. Half of my jeans I couldn't wear. This can be due to hormonal changes Decided to type this out better like everyone else! 2 dpo: Bloated, mildly crampy, 3 dpo: Bloated. @1Sam_one27, Same hereif no baby my body is officially scitzophrenic. 4 DPO- extreme gas, bloating, thick lotion like cervical mucous, lower back ache 5 DPO- extreme gas, bloating, thick lotion like cervical mucous, lower back ache 6 DPO- gas, 1 bout of stretchy “fertile like” cervical mucous but the rest dry, Bloating; Mood swings; Food aversions; Few people experience any symptoms at 4 DPO. Progesterone can affect neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin, influencing mood. References . 7 dpo 4 DPO symptoms: making moves. Mildly crampy. If you feel any sort of pain in your stomach, release gas frequently, or generally feel full, then it could be that you’re bloating. “Even though I didn’t know when did I ovulated, it would be 4 dpo. I've had cramping and sharp shooting pains that are central, vaginal area. An at-home urine test usually won’t pick up hCG until around 12-15 DPO. Pregnancy tests at 3 DPO aren’t advised; results are more accurate post-missed period. com) Why is my stomach so bloated after ovulation? Bloating: You might feel puffy or bloated in your abdomen. Report as Inappropriate. I'm naturally small and only 5'4 so I think that it shows more? But none of my clothes are fitting!? I haven't been able to wear jeans or shorts I've 4dpo extreme bloating ~gas pain! Thread starter Feelcrazy; Start date Jan 1, 2011; Forums New posts F. I doubt this could be from Conception at 4 dpo? Right?? Anyone else having this? So much pressure on my bowel area. In fact, you may wonder about some of the things you’re feeling shortly after ovulation — could they be pregnancy symptoms? While taking a home pregnancy test a day after your missed period — or even a few days after t In reality, your symptoms aren’t likely to start until around the time of your missed period (about 14 DPO). 6 DPO - Pressure / discomfort about 2 inches below belly button - cramping in the early am, woke up with cotton mouth and sore throat (slight cold like symptoms) Ive been bloated since 5 dpo with uterine cramping and periodic gas pains across my whole belly button. for the most part, its been just to the right side cramp since 4 dpo. Pregnancy Week 11. Symptoms today are back ache & bloated. I think I am experiencing bloating but have never had this happen before a period. Pregnancy Week 7. In Gay 4 DPO: Weird taste in mouth after a cup of decaf tea Light headaches. t. Now im 8DPO and yesterday was the worst, I had that full, bloated feeling in the lower abdomen too. By 4 DPO, the egg is moving through the fallopian tube, and hormone levels rise. 5 dpo also hey girl I'm 4/5 dpo I have mild sore boobs but moderate cramps in my uterus and super bloated plus super tired and insanely hungry my cravings are chicken veggies pickles eggs and Swiss cheese haha my lower back is hurting too and my cm is clear not much of it but my cervix is too high to reach 5 Jan - (4 DPO) - Sticky CM ---> Cramps, bloated, gassy, backache, headache, stomach ache 6 Jan - (5 DPO) - Creamy CM (increase) ---> Cramps, bloated, gassy, backache, frequent urination, tender nipples, "moist" nipples, completely exhausted (my eyes are burning) When are you all planning on testing? I think, because I am that out of it, that I Rising progesterone levels can lead to many symptoms. etc! 11 DPO - temp still higher than "pre-dip" temps, slight cramping in lower abdomen that comes and goes. j. i have no pms sysmptoms like i normally would before a period. If you are at 7DPO and feel bloated, it may be a sign that you are pregnant! The sudden increase in progesterone levels at 7 DPO can slow digestion, causing gas 9 DPO: moderate bloating and pelvic pain, gassy and lower back pain. Example: From ashamrick @ babycenter 7DPO - cramps, gassy, bloated 8 DPO - cramps, bloated, tender BBs, increased appetite, gassy 9 DPO - bloated, tender BBs, increased appetite, irritability and fatigue - BFN 10 DPO - bloated, tender BBs, frequent urination, skin break out and fatigue 4 days before period arrives had interxourae july 17&18 Dr. Then, the really sharp pains in my womb happened the next day at 5 DPO. kikkipoo. So far, I'm not feeling any different. Good luck, though! Digestive problems might lead to abdominal discomfort or cramps at 2 DPO. I rarely have belly cramps at AF it’s always in my back) these cramps were on & off for those two days. Definitely impacted what positions were comfortable for sitting and sleeping. Even though four days past ovulation (4 DPO) is a bit early to be experiencing any major early pregnancy symptoms, there is still a possibility that you may have some minor symptoms due to the rising progesterone in your body. A blood test can detect hCG as early as 7-12 DPO, making it the most reliable early option. Bloating. 9dpo: BFN, slightly sore breasts under armpits. 10dpo: BFN, sore Hello,I am 7DPO and TTC for baby #2. Pregnancy Week 12. The only thing I can compare it to was when I had a dermoid cyst removed from an ovary years ago and during surgery was pumped with air, the days following surgery as the gas was leaving my body I had extreme bloating and the same pain 5 dpo today, I had regular pms symptoms which is sore breasts and nipples, cranky, headache, dry mouth. I also just feel off. Some women experience bloating or a feeling of fullness in their abdomen. I know nothing has happened in there yet, but I feel huge! I'm pretty small and I can't even suck in I'm Wednesday - 4 dpo Woke up with stitch like pains when I got up this morning, almost to the point were it was very uncomfortable to bend over. But, I've heard checking cervical mucus (there's that cervical mucus talk again!) can be an indicator, as well as basal body temps and all that jazz. 0, 4 dpo - Bloated, heavy feeling in my uterus, mild cramping (I thought I just had to go potty but it continued the next day) and fatigue. 5 dpo - extra cm, slightly brown colored. It is way to soon for me to be getting AF any explanations? Not sure if this helps but after I ovulate I have a few days of bloating, cramps my cycle fluctuates 24-28 days. Anyways, I am already out of this cycle. This is my 15th cycle. E. Bloating is also an early symptom of pregnancy that some women may experience at 4 DPO. justmovingthrough. I'm a size 0 at my smallest, biggest I've been is 4. gassy, bloated, weepy/moody, sore boobs/nipples, some nausea, increased libido. Bloating; Nausea; Low back pain; Sore breasts; Food cravings; Mood swings; Creamy cervical mucus. I’m sorry to add another anxiety post to the thread but I am (what I think is 16 dpo) 4weeks 4 days with a positive pregnancy test but I feel no symptoms at all. this sucks because evert month my pms symptoms are so intense idk what is real. 7 dpo- on & off back cramps again. If you’ve conceived, your estrogen, progesterone, and hCG levels continue to rise. 4 dpo- wake up having to pee bad, craving burger in late morning, terrible heartburn in evening, triggered nausea, soooo tired, creamy cm all day, bleeding gums slight cramping and This post is all about my 7 dpo symptoms ending in a bfp! At this point in the two week wait, 7 dpo symptoms could very easily be very early pregnancy symptoms! In case you missed it, I also shared my 2 dpo symptoms, 4 dpo symptoms, My luteal phase has averaged about 14 days like clockwork, but In September I started spotting at 10 DPO, October I was at 8DPO and started spotting light brown which gradually got darker until full AF at 11 DPO. Other common early pregnancy Women can test as early as 8 DPO, but more accurate results come from waiting until 12-14 DPO. i am 16 days post ovulation. Today, at 6 DPO, I don't really feel much. (Image Source: Pixabay. We have 4 young kids, 2 boys and 2 girls. 7dpo bloated 7dpo bloated. Right? July 07, 2024 | by jenettt. Joined May 19, 2009 Messages 3,260 But I do have bloating How about you guys? melodyy_mtb New mummy. Joined Dec 14, 2010 Messages 40 4 DPO- bloating. This doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get pregnant though. thanks!!!! 4-6 dpo lower back pain. These symptoms can vary from woman to woman but often include mild cramping, bloating, and breast tenderness. great thread. Stomach gurgling all day. njdhwobmzazunsuxgtoxketbnzveccuuvqyvgyrlaougfyksinltdhursoeuinfngcsitsmue