Port of los angeles management. Los Angeles Harbor Communities.
Port of los angeles management Navigation. businesses throughout America with overseas trade opportunities—particularly exports—through trade SAN PEDRO, Calif. The Port of Los Angeles reported that total December volume, at 921,616 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units), posted a 24. Information for submitting proposals can be found here. call environmental email environmental. The final plan was adopted at a joint meeting of the Los Angeles and Long Beach Boards of Harbor The Port of Los Angeles has a dedicated investor website to better communicate with current and potential bond investors who invest in the Port's infrastructure projects. Located in San Pedro Bay, 20 miles south of downtown Los Angeles, the Port encompasses 7,500 acres, 43 miles of waterfront and features 25 cargo terminals, including passenger, Recommendation: Board resolve to (1) find that the Director of Environmental Management has determined that the proposed action is administratively exempt and has been previously evaluated pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Article II Sections 2(f) and 2(i) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; (2) find that in Internationally, the Port of Los Angeles co-chairs the chainPORT Cyber Resilience Working Group. Los Angeles Harbor Communities. The Port of Los Angeles is a department of the City of Los Angeles (also known as the Los Angeles Harbor Department) and is governed by the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners, a panel appointed by the Mayor of Los Angeles. North America’s leading seaport by container volume and cargo value, the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) facilitated $276 billion in trade during 2019. Development The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have expanded its water quality programs with the development of a coordinated Water Resources Action Plan (WRAP), a comprehensive effort to target remaining water and sediment pollution sources in the San Pedro Bay. " Media in search of specific content not available below, including photo, video, and/or b-roll, may send an email to Port of Los Angeles News , or call (310) 732-0430 . Events. Although the Port is a City department, it is not supported by City taxes. Films. The new module offers cargo owners, terminal operators, truckers and other supply chain stakeholders the capability to gauge movement of containers The Port of Los Angeles’ planning efforts center around a long-range Port Master Plan, which guides the future development of the Port consistent with the provisions of the California Coastal Act. Construction is expected to begin next year. Additional permits may be required depending on filming activities and locations within the Port. Daniella Ruiz, Marketing Manager Phone: (310) 732-3840 . Recommendation: Board resolve to (1) find that the Director of Environmental Management has determined that the proposed action is administratively and categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Article II Section 2(f) and Article III Class 2(3) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; (2) find that in Steve Otera serves as General Counsel and oversees all legal matters on behalf of the Port of Los Angeles. The Port of Long Beach reported that total December volume, at 861,006 TEU, increased 21. businesses with overseas trade opportunities—particularly exports—to encourage increased trade through A key focus of site restoration is to restore Port of Los Angeles property to a clean, usable condition by reducing or eliminating environmental risks and impacts. The Port’s Internal Audit Marisela Caraballo DiRuggiero is the Director of Trade Development for the Port of Los Angeles, the busiest container port in North America. The approval comes on the heels of record cargo volumes during FY 2020/21, which Port officials credit to a rapid recovery in global trade and pent-up, pandemic-induced consumer demand for goods. Appointed to this position in 2023, she oversees the Port’s Information Technology Division, and is responsible for information technology-driven strategy, modernization, development, and infrastructure at the nation’s busiest container port. The Port of Los Angeles management team includes Sheeba Varughese (Chief Information Officer), Joy Crose (Assistant General Management of the Port is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above. 2 billion in grant funding to a public-private partnership formed to lead California’s bid to create a Port of Los Angeles. Historical Port Landmarks. – Feb. g. Appointed to her current position in September 2019, Katnich rejoined the Port after previously serving as the Director of Strategic Commercial Management at Los Angeles World Airports, where she managed a large-scale acquisition and relocation program supporting landside development at Los Angeles International Airport. 23, 2025 – With a focus on people, planet and performance, Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka outlined the Port’s agenda for the coming year to a record 640 attendees at the 10th annual State of the Port event. In this position, Magnien Rockwell will manage special projects, act on executive and administrative matters, provide executive-level staff support and represent the Port before City of Los Angeles officials and other stakeholders. He joined the Port in 2017 after having served in President Obama’s Administration as The White House Liaison and Counselor The Port of Los Angeles has unveiled new features to its Port Optimizer™, the nation’s first and only port community system that allows shippers, cargo owners, terminal operators and others to better predict and Also referred to as unaudited quarterly financial reports and annual reports, the Port of Los Angeles' Financial Statements are a Component Unit Financial Report of the City of Los Angeles Harbor Department, reporting Fiscal Year (FY) data, from July 1 to June 30. Welder June 3, 2021 – The Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners has approved a $1. Established in 1994, FTZ 202 currently comprises approximately 5400 acres (2185 hectacres) of Port property, including warehousing facilities compatible with FTZ operations. These include: Development, Finance and Administration, Marketing and Customer Relations, Public Safety and Emergency Management, and Stakeholder Engagement. Please allow up to 10 calendar days to receive a If you operate any kind of vessel in and around Los Angeles Harbor, download the 2025 Port of Los Angeles Mariners Guide with Tide Tables, or call (310) 732-3810 to request a printed copy. Calhoun’s role is the human resources function for the City of Los Angeles Harbor Department’s nearly 1,000 employees. The Port directly hires interns and student workers during the Top Port of Los Angeles Management Employees Sheeba Varughese Chief Information Officer at Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA, US View. learn more The Port of Los Angeles Community Investment Grant Program creates funding opportunities for community events, programs and projects that benefit surrounding harbor communities and promote the goals of the Los Angeles Harbor Department. Port of Long Beach Media Relations Manager EMAIL. Port senior Environmental Management ensures the Port remains on the forefront of sustainability and environmental change throughout the maritime industry and across the global supply chain, playing an active, leading role in collaborating with ports and other stakeholders worldwide on strategies to reduce the environmental impacts from shipping City of Los Angeles Employment. Thomas E. Other Employment. If you are All Port operations are managed by the Board of Harbor Commissioners in accordance with the Public Trust Doctrine to promote maritime, commerce, navigation, The Finance and Administration Bureau, overseen by Deputy Executive Director Erica M. , "Photo courtesy of the Port of Los Angeles. Summary: Staff requests approval of an Order resetting compensation for Permit No. The Port of Los Angeles is proud to adopt the Sustainable City pLAn for the City of Los Angeles. Historical Photo Collection. Sept. For the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 The Port’s management structure is SAN PEDRO, Calif. 1. Leadership. This dashboard is designed to provide a snapshot of the Port's current operational status, including real-time cargo-tracking data tools for Port supply chain partners, including marine terminal operators, railroads, chassis providers The Port of Los Angeles and its partners are launching a new era of pollution-free goods movement with the debut of five new hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) and the grand opening of two hydrogen fueling stations. Director of Environmental Management Los Angeles Harbor Department The Public Safety And Emergency Management Bureau, overseen by Deputy Executive Director and Los Angeles Port Police Chief Thomas Gazsi, includes Los Angeles Pilot Service, Los Angeles Port Police and Information Technology. Located in San Pedro Bay, 25 miles south of downtown Los Angeles, Get information about the different bureaus and divisions at the Port of Los Angeles. m. The City of Los Angeles is a civil service, equal opportunity employer and most positions require applicants to take a competitive civil service exam through the City of Los Angeles Personnel Department. Educational Resources. The proposed project includes the development of a nearby 2,600-stall parking lot in San Pedro, which would be available to theatergoers and other waterfront visitors. With more than 2,000 pages of data and documents, the corporate-style investor platform provides insight into the credit fundamentals behind the Port's longstanding 'AA+/Aa2 The Port of Los Angeles Harbor Commission Board Room will NOT be accessible for public observance of the meeting or public comment pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Gov. Water Taxi Signal Street San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 519-8230 Water taxi service for inner waters in vicinity of Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Contact the Port's Environmental Management Division to learn more. The Port maintains an efficient, sustainable supply chain, adopting new technologies to improve the reliability, predictability, and efficiency of the flow of cargo across The Port of Los Angeles and Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA) will present the 10th annual “State of the Port of Los Angeles” luncheon event Thursday, Jan. 5, 2024 – The Los Angeles Harbor Commission has approved a lease amendment that finalizes plans for a $52 million infrastructure improvement project to significantly improve the on-dock rail capacity and reduce overall emissions at the Port of Los Angeles Pier 300 terminal operated by Fenix Marine Services. 15, 2021 — Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka held a wide-ranging briefing with journalists Wednesday to close out 2021. Student Employment. _____ with A voluntary VSRP was established in 2001 with the signing of a cooperative Memorandum of Understanding among the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, U. With two weeks left in the year, the Port anticipates its final volume will be approximately 10. This process is now facilitated by NextRequest. and works closely with senior management and the Port’s Cargo Marketing and Media Relations divisions on forecasting container volume levels. Join the Los Angeles Port Police. Books. Calhoun, includes the Commission Office, Contracts and Purchasing, Human Resources, and Risk Management divisions, as well as the Accounting, Debt and Financial Analysis, and Financial Planning and Analysis divisions managed by the Chief Financial Officer. 12, 2024 – The Port of Los Angeles has issued a Request for Interest (RFI) for the redevelopment or adaptive reuse of the existing Los Angeles Municipal Warehouse No. 1 acres of Port property leased to West Harbor. Artie Mandel has been The Port of Los Angeles is America's Port®, the nation's #1 container port and global model for sustainability, security, and social responsibility. When sourcing this data, please credit the Port of Los Angeles. Senior Executives. Gazsi is the Deputy Executive Director, Chief of Public Safety and Emergency Management for the Port of Los Angeles, the busiest container port in North America. The Board is comprised of five members, all volunteers, who are appointed by the Mayor of Los Angeles and confirmed by Los Angeles City Council. 896 (P896) with Crafted at the Port of Los Angeles (Crafted), a visitor-serving arts and crafts public marketplace and tourist attraction. 7 billion Fiscal Year (FY) 2021/22 annual budget for the Port of Los Angeles. Department of Energy today that it will award up to $1. . Sharma is the Senior Director of Workforce and Government Affairs for the Port of Los Angeles. Selected from among 65 proposers, the grant recipients will undertake projects and programs focused on the environment and sustainability, maritime industry education and job The Port of Los Angeles is committed to proper oversight and management of all Port activities, with an outstanding team of individuals appointed to propel the organization's vision and strategy forward, contributing to the continued success of America's Port®. The Port of Los Angeles features both passenger and cargo terminals, including cruise, container, automobile, breakbulk, dry and liquid bulk and warehouse facilities that manage billions of dollars’ worth of cargo each year. – Oct. After acknowledging ongoing wildfire recovery and relief efforts currently underway across Los Angeles, Seroka pointed out an array of environmental, City of Los Angeles Employment. in the Board Hearing Room of the Port of Los Angeles Administration Building in San Pedro, or Banning's Landing Community Center in Wilmington. Education. 425 South Palos Verdes Street San Pedro, CA, USA 90731 Includes all news stories from the Port of Los Angeles, covering a range of topics, including business, cargo, community, environment, public safety, and LA Waterfront. The Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach are the two largest container ports in the nation, first and second respectively, and combined are the ninth-largest port complex in the world. 9 in the world: 128,000 jobs in Los Angeles (1 in 15) 171,000 jobs in Los Angeles/Long Beach (1 in 13) 462,000 jobs in five-county region (1 in 19) 931,000 jobs in five-county region (1 in 9) Internal Audit comprises the management of audit contracts and audit personnel, including compliance, financial, and performance audits, fraud prevention, and consulting engagements that enable the Port to optimize revenue and encourage operational efficiency. — Dec. Environmental Management Policy. Commission. All of the above The information presented on this website is provided free of charge. Let’s look at how Los Angeles Port manages terminal space to keep all the operations running smoothly: SAN PEDRO, Calif. P896 has a 25-year term that commenced December 16, 2011, with two five-year options to extend. Appointed December 2014, Chief Gazsi is responsible for Founded in 1907 with the Port of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Pilot Service is a team of nearly 30 dedicated professionals that includes pilots, dispatchers, boat captains, and deck hands at the Port of Los Angeles. Newsom on March 17, 2020. 5 million Shore-to-Store (S2S) project, more than a dozen public and private sector partners have teamed up for a 12 These principles are linked to the Port's Five-Year Strategic Plan and practiced through the planning, design and construction phases, and in our operations and maintenance processes. The process will inform the Port’s strategy for a subsequent Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and Request for Proposals (RFP) expected to be issued in 2025. While cargo volume slipped 1% in calendar year 2019, the Port and its partners succeeded in cutting emissions between 5% and 7% compared with 2018, according to the study released today. Includes all news stories from the Port of Los Angeles, covering a range of SAN PEDRO, Calif. Efficient terminal space management is crucial for ensuring smooth operations and minimizing delays. Environmental The proposed project involves the development of an approximate 6,200-seat, 100,000-square-foot-amphitheater on 2. For the past decade, the Port of Los Angeles has moved more containers than any other port in the nation, more than doubling volumes during this time. learn more Foreign-Trade Zone 202 Ana Dragin, Cargo Marketing Phone: (310) 732-3840 . Sponsorships. Environmental Protection Agency, California Air Resources Board, South Coast Air Quality Management District, Steamship Association of Southern California, and Pacific Merchant Shipping Association. – July 19, 2021 – Adding to its growing digital technology platform, the Port of Los Angeles has launched “Horizon,” a long-term cargo volume predictive feature of its Port Optimizer ™ Control Tower data tool. As part of the overall cleanup process, the Port of Los Angeles performs and coordinates health and environmental risk assessments, regulatory reviews, negotiates restoration levels for contaminated sites with In accordance with the City of Los Angeles’ 2019 Green New Deal and the Mayor’s Executive Directive No. 1 for more than two decades with record volumes for containerized trade. The Port of Los Angeles is committed to proper oversight and management of all Port activities, with an outstanding team of individuals appointed to propel the organization's vision and strategy forward, contributing to the continued This Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) of the Port of Los Angeles (thePort), Harbor Department of the City of Los Angeles, California(the City), for the fiscal years ended June 30, The Port of Los Angeles has announced two significant leadership appointments aimed at strengthening its operations and community connections. 23 at the Los Angeles Cruise Terminal in San Pedro. 25 (L. TransPORTer. Appointed to this position in 2019, she directs the Trade Development Division, ensuring that the Port fulfills its mission to connect U. The Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners oversees the management and operation of the Port of Los Angeles. The Port of Los Angeles initiated a pilot Environmental Management System (EMS) for its Construction and Maintenance Division in 2003 and obtained International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001 certification in The Port of Los Angeles is a department of the City of Los Angeles (Harbor Department) that hires City employees. 7 million Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units (TEUs), about 13 percent more than its previous record set in 2018. Always credit the Port of Los Angeles when reproducing images, e. A member of the Port’s Leadership Team, Otera leads the Harbor Division of the Office of the City Attorney. Addressing the The Port of Los Angeles remains focused on supply chain efficiency and optimization, providing enhanced visibility, efficiency and choice for cargo owners. This Investors Presentation is provided as of March 9, 2020 as part of the Los Angeles 5th Regional Investors Conference 2020 organized by the City of Los Angeles (“City”). The Port of Los Angeles has announced 37 local non-profit organizations will receive $1. The California Public Records Act (CPRA) allows for the inspection or disclosure of government records to the public, upon request, unless exempted by law. Boaters. Get information about the different bureaus and divisions at the Port of Los Angeles. History. For additional information, contact the Port of Los Angeles at (310) 732-3675, or the Port of Long Beach at (562) 590-4160. She has oversight of the Finance and Administration Bureau, which includes the Commission Office, Contracts and Purchasing, Human Resources, and Risk Management divisions, as well as the Accounting, Debt and Financial Analysis, and Dec. The Port of Los Angeles, which spans over 7,500 acres of land and water, is enormous in terms of space management. The following exams include City of Los Angeles job classifications assigned to the Harbor Department (Port of Los Angeles). – October 1, 2020 – The Port of Los Angeles continues to make significant clean air gains, according to the Port’s new 2019 Inventory of Air Emissions report. Handling facilities include tankers, barges, bulk carriers and storage tanks with Key to Ms. 425 South Palos Verdes Street San Pedro, CA, USA 90731 The Port of Los Angeles manages Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 202. City Personnel Department Exams Open Now Real Estate Officer (1960) - Closes March 20, 2025 . School Boat Tour Program. In this role, he oversees the Port’s Cargo Marketing, Cargo and Industrial Real Estate, Waterfront and Commercial Real Estate, Environmental Management, Planning and Strategy, and The Port of Los Angeles is on track to break a new record for cargo throughput in 2021, processing more volume than any port in the Western Hemisphere. The Port of Los Angeles has appointed Stephanie Magnien Rockwell as Chief of Staff to the Executive Director. Public Trust Doctrine. Programmer Analyst (1431) - Closes March 20, 2025 Emergency Management Coordinator (1702) - Closes March 27, 2025 . To request copies of public records from the City of Los Angeles Harbor Department, you may begin the CPRA process online. Bureaus and Divisions. The TAP is funded by both ports with the potential for additional funding from participating agencies. 425 South Palos Verdes Street San Pedro, CA, USA 90731 Phone: (310) 732-3508 Email: community@portla The Port of Los Angeles has released an Initial Study/Notice of Preparation (IS/NOP) — the first step in the environmental review process — for a proposed Low-Carbon Cement-Processing Facility Project, located at Berths 191-194, in Wilmington at the Port of Los Angeles. History was made this week when the Port of Los Angeles, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, APM Terminals Los Angeles and International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Locals 13, 63 and 94 successfully moved 18,465 containers from the MSC Isabella during a single ship call at APM Terminals’ Pier 400. 5 million in funding under the Port’s Community Investment Grant Program for FY 2023/24. The Port of Los Angeles Harbor Commission Board Room will NOT be accessible for public observance of the meeting or public comment pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20 issued by Gov. 3 562809XXXX; 734343XXXX; 562505XXXX; Joy Crose Assistant General Counsel at Port of Los Angeles Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, Sheeba Varughese is the Chief Information Officer for the Port of Los Angeles. The busiest container port in North America, the Port of Los Angeles has sustained its rank as No. This new all-time world record — equal to Terminal Space Management. Initiated by the Hamburg Port Authority and Port of Los Angeles in 2018, chainPORT is an international partnership among the world’s leading ports, designed to share innovations, strategies and best practices. Seroka discussed year end cargo volumes, the new vessel queuing system and improvements in rail and truck dwell times on Port of Los Angeles container terminals. Port of Los Angeles San Pedro Bay Port Complex (Port of Los Angeles + Port of Long Beach) Ranked No. Development Regular meetings of Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners are held on the first and third Thursday of each month at 9 a. Board resolve to (1) Find that the Director of Environmental Management has determined that the proposed action is administratively Marisela Caraballo DiRuggiero is the director of trade development for the Port of Los Angeles, the busiest container port in North America. 24, 2020 – The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will strengthen collaborative measures in the areas of cargo movement efficiency, connectivity, Port of Long Beach Media Relations Manager (562) 283-7715 EMAIL. 12, 2024 - The Port of Los Angeles and Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA) will present the 10th annual “State of the Port of Los Angeles” luncheon event Thursday, Jan. Operating as a landlord port with more than 200 U. City leaders recognized the Port's growth opportunities and created the Board of Harbor Commissioners on December 9, 1907, thus marking the PORT OF LOS ANGELES (HARBOR DEPARTMENT, A COMPONENT UNIT OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA) Annual Comprehensive Financial Report . Emergency Management. SAN PEDRO, Calif. The Port of Los Angeles Historical Photo Collection includes thousands of images of Los Angeles Harbor from the 1890s through present day. Under the $82. find that the Director of Environmental Management has determined that the proposed action is administratively exempt from the Includes all news stories from the Port of Los Angeles, covering a range of topics, including business, cargo, community, environment, public safety, and LA Waterfront. The Wharfinger team at the Port of Los Angeles are responsible for the day-to-day activities at cargo terminals and serve as agents for Port customers. 5%. The Port's goal is to partner with non-profit organizations that have similar interests and goals, creating mutually supportive Michael DiBernardo is the Deputy Executive Director of Marketing and Customer Relations at the Port of Los Angeles, the nation’s leading container port. Grants. 12% annual increase. Port Agreements. The Port of Los Angeles is committed to proper oversight and management of all Port activities, with an outstanding team of individuals appointed to propel the organization's vision and strategy forward, contributing to the continued Avin P. LA Recommendation: Board resolve to (1) find that the Director of Environmental Management has determined that the proposed action is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Article III Class 1(31) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines; (2) adopt a third Temporary Order No. The Port works regularly with its supply chain partners to continually improve and maximize efficiency, productivity and sustainability. Environmental Management System. The Port of Los Angeles will The Port of Los Angeles has eight major container terminals, complete with on-dock and near-dock intermodal rail yards with direct access to the Alameda Corridor, a 20-mile express railway connecting the Port to the rail hubs in downtown Los Angeles. ’s Green New Deal - Leading by Example), the Port has developed a 2022 Zero Waste Plan (ZWP) (working draft) that assesses the Port’s waste system and details its future goals in reaching zero-waste targets. 13, 2023 – The San Pedro Bay ports’ efforts to help seed a robust green hydrogen market to assist in the pursuit of zero-emissions operations got jump-started with an announcement from the U. About the Port of Los Angeles The Port of Los Angeles (Port) is America’s premier port and Southern California's gateway to international commerce. 3% annually, setting a new December record, topping December 2020 by 5. A critical focus for the Port of Los Angeles, the supply chain is made up of all the entities, companies, resources, technology and activities needed to get a product from concept to consumer. Map is scaled to an 11x14" printable page. Harbor Commission. View Map. Home; Business. Port of Los Angeles employs 638 employees. 16 in the world: Ranked No. Provided statistical breakdowns include monthly and annual container counts measured in Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units (TEUs), a standardized maritime industry measurement used when counting cargo containers of varying lengths. The Port of Los Angeles is committed to promoting responsible growth and supporting innovative development, site restoration which includes reducing or eliminating environmental risks and impacts and performing environmental oversight and audits. S. A. Appointed to this position in 2019, she oversees the Trade Development Division, ensuring the Port fulfills its mission to connect U. The annual signature industry event will feature Port Executive Director Gene Seroka as keynote speaker, who will provide supply chain The City of Los Angeles and the Harbor Area experienced unparalleled population growth in the early 20th century. These images document a wide variety of harbor history, including Port operations, events, The Port of Los Angeles boasts seven liquid bulk facilities comprising a total of 114 acres to handle various types of commodities for both import and export. The proposed Order recommends compensation be reset Jan. Please contact the Wharfinger Division at (310) 732-3810 prior to scouting locations at the Port of Los Angeles. The pLAn advances our environment, economy and social equity in Nov. oaxfygivgoyjzvchqeakirszeahvmscdksehnyruqqtszzloveiubqabovrbsngpfesmkhiruogxkxyj