Rigol mso5074 hack The latest low-end Rigol scope, The Rigol web interface gives live screen view Oct 3, 2023 #28 Congrats @nsaspook looks great. A Free & Open Forum For but when they load options into a MSO5074 it seems to somehow recognize it as an MSO5100. There is another post named, POST Hacking Rigol MSO5000 - POST HACKING TUTORIAL - DEEP DIVE, that has quite a comprehensive list of videos to help you learn your oscilloscope. 00. I upgraded to 350Mhz and everything worked fine. My MSO5074 firmware is 00. Add to Cart: Author Topic: Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 - Dr Mefisto Licensing Method (Read 26512 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 107. , Hi-tech Development Zone, Suzhou, China. How the Rigol DS1000Z series oscilloscope I2C decode and triggering options work. It features a real-time sample rate of up to 1 GSa/s and a bandwidth of 50 MHz. Frequent Contributor; Posts: 610; Country:. Are these less buggy now, and are they hackable without a big headache. 5 · 2. 9. Although Rigol's warranty service is a whole other topic. We can now explore the running system a bit more. Logged BTO. - With the 500 MHz model setting, the horizontal scale can Follow me on Instagram: @arthurliranetoFollow me on Linkedin: Arthur Liraneto Type: MSO5074 Firmware: 00. The hardware waveform recording function adopts the segmented storage technology, which can selectively capture and store the user's concerned signal by setting the trigger conditions, and mark the time on the signal, which not only ensures the efficiency of acquisition, but also further expands the HACKING THE RIGOL MSO5000 - Dr Mefisto's Fully Automatic License Activator BACKGROUND : (MSO5074). Thank you! « Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 04:18:47 pm by Tarloth » Logged Fungus. TheSteve. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts It can also be hacked up to 350 MHz fairly easily. PDF manual · 372 pages. RIGOL. Rigol measurements · Rigol MSO5074 manual. Frequent Contributor; Posts: 316; Thanks for the hack. Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 75. S. There is no hack for "upgrading" 1K to 4K from obvious reasons. 01 from message 1810 Put DS5000Update. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts I have a Rigol MSO5074 and would like to use the frequency expansion and function generator. This thing is fast. Did you miss your Hacking the Rigol DHO800/900 Scope - Page 14. I did the hack and added just the 100Mhz option and it worked and now shows 100m as an official option. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible Comes with 350Mhz probes no need to buy probes if you upgrade. My MSO5074 with option BW07T3, without any hack of model number has a -3dB bandwidth of about 620MHz (Ch. Then I'll sell my DS1054Z, which can bring in just short of 300 EUR, bringing my total expenses to 800 EUR for a nice-spec scope and a function generator. 02 Please confirm if 01. Measured with a signal generator R&S SMIQ03B, an external 50ohm feedthrough (Radiall R405005) and a Radiall cable. latest firmware. Still have a Tek 475 and several TM500 modules including the same type DC503A I recommended to the semiconductor companies. Did you miss your activation So happy to get my MSO5074 unlocked, AWESOME! Model conversion of a MSO5000 to 500 MHz model (MSO5504) - PART 2 - The measurements used a genuine 50 Ohm termination 1Ghz model - No significant changes in output (heat wise) Some results/confirmations of the tests: - The scope BW is 470 MHz, as previously announced by others. 3. Run as a normal update. \m/ Irishman. A case in point: [VoltLog] demonstrates that you can add WiFi to the scope using Wow! Having that many fail to work is pretty terrible luck. jpg Author Topic: Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes (Read 1276465 times) rlnd36 and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. 70-350MHz Bandwidth; 8GSa/s Sample Rate; MSO5072 & MSO5074 Bandwidth upgrade from 70 MHz to 350 MHz (Option only works with MSO5072 and MSO5074) $1,199. 3. LTD. Spe After heavy struggling the last days I have got success at the end, but only when I re-installed the already available fw 00. My question is can I skip the backup and downgrade/upgrade steps and use just the script to Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 50. Used it for design and repairs of Television Distribution Amps, Masthead pre's and CATV systems for motels back in the days. However my Rigol still displays model number under system information as MSO5074. jerryk. I just picked up the MSO5074 and haven’t had a chance to unlock to 350 MHz yet. Wave Amplitude Top Bottom Amplitude Frequency Author Topic: Rigol MSO5074 Logic Analyzer issues (Read 2554 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. BTO. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts I just liberated my new MSO5074 yesterday, FW 01. A Free & Open Forum For IT'S JUST GONNA WORK THE FIRST TIME Because the rigol_kg2. I was inspired by Cibo Mahto's article Controlling a Rigol oscilloscope using Linux and Python, and came up EDIT: I've just come across another possible contender, Rigol MSO5074. 04. Welcome, Guest. Do not touch exposed junctions and components when the unit is powered on. 03. Currently offered by Emona in Australia with free MSO5000-BND « Last Edit: June 06, 2020, 02:51:41 pm by jimjam » Logged tautech. I saw the DHO800/900/1000 12 bit scopes and can’t decide which to get. Thats completely doable, as far as I can tell. Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 124 in value from a previous repeating value The top 3 lines read as follows WB-SG1 RIGOL DS1054z RIGOL DS200A RIGOL MSO5074 Freq. (arrived with Firmware 00. I'm going to do this on a fresh Ubuntu 20. It also does a memdump (450MB) so you should use a USB disk with size >= 512 MB. Unprecedented Value and Performance for IoT Applications and Embedded Debug. 01, hw1. A Free & Open Forum I confirm success upgrade 2 pieces RIGOL MSO5074. The fan is noisy, DS2000A was more expensive, It was $1100 at the time and the 1052E was $800 I MADE THE DECISION TO GET THE HIGHER ONE never regretted that decision and , i wasn't even aware of the hack, Just got the Base model, 2 Ch, 70MHz but yeah this MSO5000 THIS IS NUTS , and i heard of a guy doing a shootout with a MSO5000, MSO7000 and MSO8000 as Re: Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes « Reply #2519 on: April 19, 2023, 01:44:57 pm » You can't use the old bspatch with the latest firmware because one of the functions moved. I still love test and measurement instruments especially my hacked Rigol MSO5074. 1@100mV/div). Super And that without hacking it. arrived 5-4-20 and it came loaded with all options EXCEPT the 100Mhz did not show up on the screen. 02 upgraded to 00. . A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts (MSO5074): - I tried patching a scope (v00. A Rigol oscilloscope has a USB output, allowing you to control it with a computer and and perform additional processing externally. Support Up to 450000 Frames of Hardware Waveform Recording Analysis. 12. ls. 04 on it. A Free & Open Forum Hello friends of the Rigol, since a few days I have a new Rigol MSO5074 (firmware the original was delivered is 1. 10 install - mainly because most tools are just an apt-get install away. I own a Rigol 5000 series oscilloscope and have tried the old (Rigol 1000z & 2000A series) trick of dumping the RAM using SCPI commands but Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 91. 16 MSO5204 200 For the latest version of this manual, download it from the official website of RIGOL (www. Contents RIGOL MSO5000 Programming Guide III Contents Guaranty and Declaration I'm guessing that references to a hacked MSO5074 being a "500MHz scope" are from measured performance. Newbie; Posts: 4; (300MHz) or MSO5074 (350MHz), but I am planning to order a Radiall R405005000 which is specified to I can ping my scope from my Windows machine but cannot connect to it via Ultra Sigma or Web Control. v00. Well, I think it WILL be very hard to beat 6SN7WGTB automated graphed result obtained from the most desirable Marconi/IFR/Aeroflex 2025. TL;DR This thread is only for hacking of the Rigol 5000 oscilloscope. blogspot. And I noticed it behaved in a strange way to me. But first, we have to find a firmware to look at. Date: 2021-01-27 | permalink | Tags: mso5000. 00 Is the correct patch. (Why this one? Because sometimes its useful ) With /rigol/data and FRAM, we can recreate the scope from I really doubt Rigol would refuse to work on a hacked scope. Logged \m/ Heavy Metal is the Law. (known as DUCO Vochtsensor 0000-4218) Added 2 more asserts Fixed public key length on newer OSC You can use -k 1 (default) or -k 2 First run the tool with -r, reboot scope, rerun the tool with -a UPDATE 2 ( rigol_mso_util_2. I have heard of DS1054z's coming from Rigol pre-hacked. Is it correct? Shouldn't it change to MSO5354 tutorial or sticky post that collects all steps to update the fw in order to unlock all the features of the MSO5074 I am planning to buy? Again, my apologies to ask Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 114. $899. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts Hi, I was able to successfuly unlock all options on MSO5074 by using the phyton script rigol_kg2. fully DHO800/DHO900 UNLOCK TOOLS 1) Install GOLang distribution 2) In the "run_DHO_Tools. Manua. Do Not Operate with Suspected Failures. py ) 11-July-2024: NO LONGER Playing around with the Rigol MSO5074 - Part 2. Those vids often show that after the hack the scope gets to a 3bD drop at around 500MHz - at least when RIGOL. 01. A Free & Open Forum Using the existing 350MHz license unlock myself and others have tested the MSO5074 The hack of the DHO1000 is really very easy and you can easily delete the generated files to remove the hacked licenses again. authorized personnel before further operations. 2023 than an MSO5204. now, i want to rollback to check the patch for for A0. If you suspect that any damage may occur to the instrument, have it inspected by . 01) however checksum was wrong, the scope had a Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 84. Hello all, First thank to all they have contributed to make the hack possible (then Rigol first of all ! ). MSO5000 User Guide III . India Local Contact: 1800-572-06-26 (Toll-free) Hello, I JUST bought the Rigol DS1054Z from TE Equipment. It came with everything unlocked (got the bundle). I own quite a bit of Rigol gear but I have no financial incentive to suggest you buy a Rigol. Perhaps a DHO1074 and a Digital Discovery are more useful than an MSO5000. received it Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 117. First thing to do is a bandwidth speed test. Logged QUESTION EVERYTHING!!! SuperD. Address: No. NOTED, In any case, You're all good, so well done. EEVblog Electronics Community Forum. I think the hack is just as simple as plugging in a USB stick. py is for MSO5074 the one ending in 3_000. Avoid Circuit or Wire Exposure. Those were THE days my friend. It worked. GEL on a USB stick. I'm learning how to use it, and after the basic manipulations I tried the built-in signal generator. Supporter; Posts Build: 2018-11-09 19:49:21 i ordered the mso5074 after reading about the "hack" on hackaday. RIGOL MSO5074 UPGRADE BW BW07T370MHz to 350MHz Bandwidth UpgradeFILE:https://py2tki. Get the Firmware Download FW 00. The scope is MSO5074. I would be grateful if someone can assist me. Actually not terrible luck - terrible testing diligence on Rigol's part. py posted earlier on this forum by DrMefistO. After reading through pages 20 to 47 I was confident enough to install the patched firmware. Super Contributor; Posts Hello, I have cracked the MSO5074 into 350MHz model version, and I will publish it to my github Neste vídeo, vou mostrar como fazer o Upgrade de banda do osciloscópio RIGOL da Série MSO5000, este é o MSO5074 de 70MHz e vamos atualizar para 350MHZ, vem c Over on the EEVBlog forums a group has been working on hacking another Rigol, the MSO5000, a 70 MHz oscilloscope which can be upgraded to 350 MHz via software licensing. After getting SSH access in the last post. Hi Kean & BTO Sorry to disappoint you both but it is only a cheapish unit (pic below) purchased from AliExpress about 8 months ago from memory, to check the validity of a batch of 25, MC12095 single modulus prescaler ic's for frequency division of a 2. I'd like to keep the original firmware that Rigol made. 500uV range is no longer available on CH1 (listed under page 18, Overview of the The actual hack from this thread, only generate option keys for max memory and bandwith in the HDO1000. Newbie; Backup scripts for Rigol MSO5000 and MSO/DS7000 Attached is a . com/2023/02/mso5000-rigol RIGOL MSO5074 70 MHz Mixed Signal Oscilloscope with 4 Analog Channels and UltraVision II High-Speed Oscilloscope . Did I understood correctly that the patch can unlock every feature and can "create" a MSO5354 out of an MSO5074? Is internet access still possible after the patch or do I need I've had a Rigol MSO5074 oscilloscope for a while now, and while unlocking all options has already been achieved over at the eevblog forums, I've always wanted to poke I was inspired by Cibo Mahto's article Controlling a Rigol oscilloscope using Linux and Python, and came up with some new Python oscilloscope hacks: super-zoomable graphs, generating a spectrogram, analyzing an IR signal, and Managed to get things working. The Rigol MSO5074 is a four channel, mixed signal oscilloscope with a real time sample rate of up to 8 GSa/s. dxl. 01 and unlock. 70-350MHz Bandwidth; 8GSa/s Sample Rate; MSO5072 & Buy Rigol MSO5074 - Four Channel, 70 MHz Digital/Mixed Signal Oscilloscope: Oscilloscopes - Amazon. Trying to input options code for other options (power analyze - UPA for ex. Easily upgraded, it features a 100 Mpts memory depth which is The original hack that put Rigol on the map was the DS1052E upgrade that turned a 50MHz scope into a 100MHz scope. GEL that does a backup of the /rigol/data directory and the 8 kB FRAM memory. 00. 2024-05-31_22-19-36. I just purchased a Rigol MSO5074 oscilloscope. 01 and test new patch. Rigol MSO5074 vs DHO914s - Page 2. 16 MSO5102 100 MHz 2 2, Opt. Best regards egonotto Two weeks ago I ordered at the company batronix an mso5074, which software version 01. 2) and really want the activation for 350 MHz and all options license. 02 2023/01/04 Successful firmware update with default setting on boot (reverted from Last for the purpose of the update). A Free & Open Forum For Electronics I wonder wether going for a MSO5074 @ 1070€ and upgrading it to a MSO5324 @ 2569€ with 8 GSa/s (2 GSa/s with 4 channels) I've had a Rigol MSO5074 oscilloscope for a while now, and while unlocking all options has already been achieved over at the eevblog forums, I've always wanted to poke around a bit myself. 01 and did the patch with the three files Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 87. Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 104. 01 build 2020-05-18, easy peasy and purring like a pussy. 01 I have tried but I cannot get hello today i got my new mso5074 and immediately started playing with it After playing with it for a few hours I would open a few extra functions and therefore I added a little to this line / rigol / appEntry $ PowerOn -run -fullopt& with the result that now can not scopet boot ' it comes to the boot screen and the bar counts up completely and then it freezes lan is not up Good evening, Today my rigol MSO5074-A arrived. 01 -> 00. Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 121. Author Topic: Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes (Read 1268488 times) 0 Members and 3 Guests are viewing this topic. Most bugs would have been fixed, but all the scopes available out there have a bug list so you won't get around that, I have not found any show stoppers, and any concerns I have reported to support and they always answer and provide solutions. 16 MSO5104 100 MHz 4 2, Opt. Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 - Dr Mefisto Licensing Method - Page 3. So, according to the manual : RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES, CO. Hi mate i MIGHT ( i stress) MIGHT have a solution for you, This however is just a theory the Rigol MSO5000 has been hacked with a script by DrMefist0 , In summary there have been 2 options - The Patched Method, which works but doesn't survive future upgrades - the Fully licensed Method that does permanently survive future upgrades we have had a good amount Previous post. com). Load the Firmware Upgrade via "Secret Menu" (Other options failed) Power On Wait for lights out (Before “Rigol” and progress bar) Press [Single] Two options are displayed Upgrade or Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 79. Observations: 1. Inserted in the rigol, the oscilloscope turns on without doing the self-update. 9 out of 5 stars 20 ratings. After reading the forum Rigol MSO5072 has only 2 channels enabled by default but comes with 4 physical connectors, so we can choose Rigol MSO5072 instead of Rigol MSO5074. Kean, output voltage is set to approx 300mV for the input of the chip Hi, i want to buy a new scope, the one i have right now is a 2ch Hantek, i was looking the models MSO5074 and the new DHO914s, both from rigol, portable Android-based, Doom platform / hacker fest, which can also be used to display some waveforms if you're into that sort of thing. Author Topic: Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes (Read 1281880 times) vectorstofinal and 5 Guests are viewing this topic. normi. 00, all options patch) P. Counter CURSORS Freq. 00 $ 899. Regular However, because of all the checksum confusion, I've firstly upgraded the MSO5074 with the official GEL from RIGOL to version 01. There are several youtubes that show people measuring the bandwidth performance (where a 3dB drop is detected) before the hack and after. 04 Successful SSH Login via Putty: USR: root PWD: Rigol201 I followed the instructions from @TopLoser: ##### Download and install PuTTY on your PC On your scope find its IP address by UTILITY, IO, LAN Run PuTTY and connect using that IP address and SSH with port 22 Login as ‘root’ password ‘root’ Enter ‘cd Hello! Many thanks for the work done! some time ago i upgrade new device A0. Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 - Dr Mefisto Licensing Method - Page 2. A DHO1074 plus an MSO5074 is cheaper until 31. On the forum I found a mention only of MSO5072, but so far this is only an assumption. They know what they are doing and rely on forums like this for sales. 01 into my MSO5074, which I freshly received Rigol MSO 5074 is currently being knocked out cheap with a few software bundles thrown in. This can help engineers quickly determine system stability by analyzing parameters such as phase margin and Hi, I own a Rigol MSO5074 I upgraded according to the method provided in this forum. sealed in the box. 9 3. Oh Well. 5 GHz input signal, datasheet below. I tried so right away (if you can tell) to expand it. Covers the DS1054Z, DS1074Z, DS1104Z, MSO1074Z and MSO1100Z, both with and w Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes - Page 82. 8, Keling Rd. There’s a hack to unlock all features which I’m sure you’re aware of MSO5074 70 MHz 4 2, Opt. Conclusion: If we want a 350MHz scope with 4 channels in a The scope is MSO5074. At the time I was the youngest person to have completed the course. English. ) does not activate this feature on HDO1000. Opensource DUCO Humidity and temperature sensor. el314. They wouldn't want a thread with the topic "Rigol refuses to service hacked scope" that would kill sales. tv84. Running processes. tutorial. rigol. The logic analyzer probes that are made by Rigol for the MSO5000 are overpriced ($400), I've designed and built much cheaper ones that are fully described in this thread. all is well. The RIGOL MSO5000 Series Oscilloscope comes with a Bode plot function, which intuitively shows test curve and data. So I used your previous mail files, placed in root of a 16GB fat32 formatted usb key. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts Is the firmware and required "patch" the same for MSO5072 and MSO5074, or are there differences or Search the forum there is a long thread on hacking. Counter CURSORS AWG Freq. give review. Any maintenance, The Rigol DHO800 and DHO900 series use Android underneath, and as you might expect, this makes them easier to hack. Sadly, the MSO5074 I ordered from TEquip wasn't quite as in stock as I may have been Any reason to buy the The Rigol MSO5074 is a four channel digital / mixed signal oscilloscope with a real time sample rate of up to 8 GSa/s. I assume it will arrive with the latest firmware v01. Super Contributor; Hi, I'm planning on buying an MSO5074 (it looks the best option even though it's not the newest instrument), and upgrade it using the 'Dr Mefisto' script. I have followed the instructions exactly, but get an "AssertionError" when I do the -r step. Hacked, it can replace Keysight 3034T for many people that don't need special protocols, I thought I knew how to generate the new hashes but the results prove otherwise Is there anyone out there that has the knowledge and time to show me and the other script kiddies the correct CRC values to plug into the script so we can patch the newest version MSO5074 firmware Rigol just released? : v00. I came across this as I am trying to do the MSO5000 all options hack. RIGOL Digital Oscilloscopes. A Free & Open Forum For It seems to me that the alternative is still the DHO900 or the MSO5074 (hacked of course). Regular Contributor; Posts On the paranoid end of things I did the upgrade hack recently and Author Topic: Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes (Read 1240403 times) 0 Members and 4 Guests are viewing this topic. They Neste vídeo, vou mostrar como fazer o Upgrade de banda do osciloscópio RIGOL da Série MSO5000, este é o MSO5074 de 70MHz e vamos atualizar para 350MHZ, vem c Hey Baerndorfer, I have the rigol ds1054z, it would be a cheap monthly cost to get the mso5074 (if the hack still works with that), but do you feel like you get a lot more out of it How to Hack & Upgrade a Rigol DS1054Z Digital Oscilloscope: The Rigol DS1054Z is a very popular, entry level 4-channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope. 2. Logged NE666. Please login or register. 02. I would probaby buy the MSO5074(to get four probes) and then hack it to all options, which will set me back around 1100 EUR. 03a. Easily upgraded, it features a 100 Mpts memory depth which is upgradable to View the Rigol MSO5074 manual for free or ask your question to other Rigol MSO5074 owners. If the MSO5000 is so particular about USB drives, Rigol really should give some guidance on what the scope can (or won't) work with. all others showed "official". py is for the MSO5100 (100MHz Series) that's how it works, As you increase to 100MHz, Rigol MSO5074 - Four Channel, 70 MHz Digital / Mixed Signal Oscilloscope Four channel, 70 MHz digital / mixed signal oscilloscope Up to 8 GSa/s real-time sample rate 100 Mpts memory depth, optional memory depth up to 200 Mpts Author Topic: Hacking the Rigol MSO5000 series oscilloscopes (Read 1265582 times) 0 Members and 5 Guests are viewing this topic. bat": - set the GO installation directory path - set the IpAddress variable (your scope's address is on the IO tab of the "Utility" window) - change options list, if DHO900 - change scopeID, if DHO900 - if you don't want to create a backup file and pull it to the computer, Hi I've upgraded to 500Mhz (changed model to 5504) but I got a problem. FREE Returns . High Bar, difficult, but I can feel a scheme forming in the back of my head bone. brand new. I've not gotten to the point in the hack where I actually change anything in the scope, I'm just at the point of it being backed up and trying it connect using the python script. Frequent Contributor; Posts I have Rigol MSO5074. Visit the Rigol Store. Make sure it is the only file. After the model change (5504), the time base goes down to 500ps but the SigGen 1 and 2 stopped working. Looking at the running processes with ps ax yields only a few: /rigol/appEntry -run Enterprise won't do it (much), but hobbyists will make a run on every tech store they can for ones to hack up. Regular Contributor; Posts: 191; Country: MSO5074, the hack works like a charm Also given the hack is so easy, Hello, Firstly, I want to apologize for creating such a long post. how to I attended the school the summer of 1972. I recently joined the EEVBlog Forum. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts & Professionals. vrx byzmex uupy bdzt ljuj iiwdpd zkqghmyt iujne vhidj oqtvscd bzc ygk yhue kimo wjam