Som transfer to wotlk. It’s the week starting Nov 1st.
Som transfer to wotlk His character was sent back the the som realm to re-transfer to a wotlk realm after accidentally xferring to classic-firemaw I managed to move all my som horde char to Nethergarde-Keep wotlk classic horde as planned , much thanks ! Will it be possible to pay for a transfer to mograine once the character is on gehennas? or will the SOM-Wotlk move activate the server transfer 90-day cool-down? Irrwisch-kingsfall November 4, 2022, 6:10am #8. New. We all wanted to transfer to the new wotlk server; it's got about 2000 alliance and 1000 horde during the peak time. But the rate SoM is hemorrhaging players and Era is actually GAINING players, it won't be long until Era is more populated than SoM. The thing is, A LOT of players who play SoM want to move onto Wotlk/TBC/Pre-Patch, so maybe it’d be fair to let those who wa The proof of people wanting to transfer? You cannot use? LOL, dude what in gods name are you even talking about, you come here smack talking every thread and ask for proof of people wanting to leave SoM for Wrath? The option to transfer characters from Season of Mastery to Era are currently hidden behind a list of WotLK transfers. Jeg droppede TBC til fordel for SoM så jeg I clicked too fast and sent one of my SoM toon to WOTLK-Whitemane a few months ago. Beware though, pugging any raids in wotlk is absolute cancer. I want to move my character from WoW classic to Wrath of the Lich King Classic. I do not see them on the original SoM server, nor the destination server. However, Mograine is not showing as a possible destination realm. Hi Everyone, Since the very beginning of Season of Mastery the topic of where seasonal characters would end up when the season ends has been a hot topic of discussion for not only the community, but for our team internally as well. Get rekt When will SoM characters will be able to transfer to WoTLK and will they be able to catch from the 50% experience buff?! It would be nice if we are able to move when the PRE-patch hit because we will have time to gear u This guy probably just turned 12. I am assuming when wotlk classic comes because people will either chose to go there or to classi Well I hope for you that Blizz closes down SoM prematurely then. If you like the idea of 1 year som every year stay. Your decision cannot be changed or reversed. Somewhat gear up their SoM character. . Finally, the 15 people that are still on SoM servers will be able to join WOTLK Servers! And for Free too! Your chosen transfer is one-way, irreversible, and final. However, we will probably be close Whether that is TBC or WOTLK will depend on timing. Hello, (Update, there is currently 0 raiding guilds now on SoM). Wotlk zu transferieren. Right now, I’m puzzled as to level another char on SOM or directly to a classic era realm. Jeg har rep, professions, mount, booty bay fishing contest mange ting som jeg ikke vil gøre igen. Go into classic_era (or other versions) > WTF > Account. I created a lvl 1 on SOM and transfered it to a locked Wrath server so I could start When will SoM characters will be able to transfer to WoTLK and will they be able to catch from the 50% experience buff?! It would be nice if we are able to move when the PRE Thankfully, Aggrend came bearing good news: Blizzard will allow SoM characters to transfer to either Classic Era or WotLK Classic servers for free. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. Danke an alle =) Hi, I recently made a character transfer from the SoM server to the Classic Era server. How do you transfer a SoM Character to both Classic WotLK and Classic Era like it was possible in Vanilla Classic with the Transfer and Clone Service. its ridicolous, sry for my bad ingrish! And dont say "the server moved on to WOTLK" my orignial server is still on vanilla and my war is on a new WOTLK server. I'm currently playing wotlk in Korean server. But if SoM ends near the time WotLK starts, nobody will be thinking about SoM of TBC at all. However, with it being a smaller community and with confirmation of SOM2 coming, I can’t imagine there’s still a decent population of people levelling, making doing dungeons, especially in Update: I just was able to move my 4 horde Characters to faerlina for free. It's a win-win. Will we be able to transfer to wrath of the lich king? I ask because there is misinformation online that contradicts itself all over the place. For the other part of the question, transfers will be possible when SOM ends. Confirm and Execute: Once you’ve selected your destination realm Would it be unreasonable to ask Blizzard to give us the option to transfer our SoM characters to future WotLK Classic servers? Or has there been any word on this by devs? 2 Likes. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Making my quarterly post to have it reversed. I can’t be alone in having really enjoyed SoM, and will continue to enjoy it until it has run it’s course and Naxx is complete. SoM characters CAN NOW TRANSFER to Classic Era "Finally, many Classic players have asked what will happen at the end of the Season of Mastery, and here’s the answer. If you want wotlk you need to start on a tbc server. At that time there will be players not knowing what to do plus players still wanting to play TBC. But hey, just my opinion. If there is ever a new SoM that takes my fancy, I can just make a new character. However, some players argued that it would be good if Blizzard allowed those characters to move on to WotLK as well, as the Classic Era servers are effectively dead and would only function as a graveyard of sorts — making Ich hätte einen Vorschlag zum Thema neue Wotlk Server und Transfer der SoM Chars. For those of us who rerolled in SoM to test out the new raids and experience what blizzard had in store for the process, I see no reason to limit our final resting place to the dead Classic servers when it is all over. As you can see below link, the default options are all listed as WotLK and only by selecting "and 3 more" do people see the options for Era transfers. Transfer to WOTLK. You hear people talking about it, so maybe it'll happen. PLEASE let us transfer these character as soon as pre-patch launches or sooner! I actually see no reason why these toons weren’t transferable to TBC servers at any point during SOM’s duration, but opening up transfers to TBC servers for pre-patch would be a smart move. Question Share Add a Comment. SOM is dead. When I started my character I foolishly assumed that “your character gets transferred to a Hello, I recently transferred my Season of Mastery Rogue - Boonja (Now Boonga) to Eranikus thinking that it would be the only option for WOTLK servers, as that is what was originally communicated to the classic community. I This title isn’t as prestigious as it was back then anyway. Ticket response in 30+ days. PDT – October 18 We have disabled all transfer selections, so that we can troubleshoot and fix an unexpected bug. Now if only they'd let people one way from Classic Era to WOTLK. So, I want to transfer a char from SoM realms to Classic. All these welfare rank 14s and Scarab Lords coming into Wrath servers is a joke. Comment by Iamjuicy on 2022-10-19T11:25:33-05:00. When will SoM characters will be able to transfer to WoTLK and will they be able to catch from the 50% experience buff?! It would be nice if we are able to move when the PRE-patch hit because we will have time to gear u He even writes in broken English XD. I For those of us who rerolled in SoM to test out the new raids and experience what blizzard had in store for the process, I see no reason to limit our final resting place to the dead Classic servers when it is all over. When will SoM characters will be able to transfer to WoTLK and will they be able to catch from the 50% experience buff?! It would be nice if we are able to move when the PRE-patch hit because we will have time to gear u And there were those that were so excited to shut players down when they asked about transfers. Sort by: Best. Da es so gesehen ein Level 60 Twink wäre auch nicht tragisch, viele Blizzard has announced that there will be a free character transfer for Season of Mastery players, transferring to Classic Era or Wrath of the Lich King Classic realms. Gandling is connected to the firemaw group. Hey all, have been offline for a while and wonder if we can transfer our TBC chars to WOTLK when its going live? Xoxo. SoM Character transfer: Question Question So Blizzard wrote in their blue Post about Season of Mastery that after the “End” of the “Expansion” it will be possible to transfer your character on a classic era realm for free. Microsoft seems to be shifting Blizzards focus from “squeezing existing players for every dollar they got” to “making games people want to play and keep playing”, which would dictate that you let the people who spent a year paying for and Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. To anyone looking to transfer from SoM to Era, please be aware that Era I'm trying to transfer my SoM character from Ironforge PvP (EU, Horde) to Mograine PvP (EU Horde). I still think they should at least give players the choice to move on to WoTLK. WoW Classic General Discussion. 600K subscribers in the classicwow community. I’m not sure what kind of scenario you want to do this? Did you use both your boosts already? And want to boost another character? Som is a 1 year thing then try transfer to a classic forever realm. I really hope that SoM characters can transfer over to TBCC at the end of the season. Blizz haven't told what their plans for SoM is other than it being around 11-13 months and that you can transfer your character to wotlk or classic era. Additionally, Blizzard plans on removing the faction Update: Season of Mastery players can now transfer their characters for free to a Classic Era realm or to a Wrath Classic realm of the same ruleset (Normal or PvP). ” Engli A lot of SoM players don't seem keen on the idea of their characters being moved to Era at the end of SoM. Best. We are unab Ive spent sooooo much time on that characther and i cant play it the way i want. Old Open wow classic (not wotlk. Except it would seem that I can transfer to every Do we have any information on when Season of Mastery characters can transfer to wotlk? Like I know naxx just came out, but it’s not really my fault that the timing was weird UPDATE: Transfers are now available for Season of Mastery SoM Classic World of Warcraft. It’s the week starting Nov 1st. My guild is one of the 5 Alliance guilds remaining. I This times a thousand. yea but we are asking because i dont have a lvl 70 in tbc yet, so should i be doing that before playing SOM, and it seems like that answer is yes so now i grind up my tbc pally to lvl 70, and past that Update: Season of Mastery players can now transfer their characters for free to a Classic Era realm or to a Wrath Classic realm of the same ruleset (Normal or PvP). I wasn’t interested in tbc so when I came back I made SoM characters since that seemed more interesting. We are unab So basically once SoM is over, that character is done since Classic is dead. There is also a function to pay for a character clone on classic era realms. Please be Just an FYI, you can use this to get a character onto a locked WOTLK realm so you can play with your friends. Hopefully I’ll be able to find people for raiding. Nemebetas-dreadnaught November 1, 2022, 1:35pm #1. Considering the updated post by Blizzard, will I be able to move my character again for free with the new stated restrictions? Hey, after a long break I wanted to go back to WoW Classic Era but only if I could still play my SoM Druid. SOM Transfers - UPDATE. Notice the option “and 3 more” Click the “and 3 Now that you’re allowing people that had faster XP to transfer SOM now let me transfer me character I actually levled from 1-60 in classic without any XP boost I am forced to play a realm with 20 players online, RP serverand it’s only free transfer to a german serverLakeshire, first of all So I did a huge mistake. Except it would seem that I can transfer to every single realm except the ones on which I already have characters. No. They will never let you transfer to tbc or wotlk due to all the changes in som. ftasic • No, you cannot transfer characters. Controversial. Guldoksen-mirage-raceway November 1, 2022, 6:51pm #21. In addition, you cannot perform a Faction Change or Race Changes within 30 days of each other. Hey folks. Hoffe jemand kann mir helfen. We are unable to safely recruit for our guild on Wrath because we do not know which realm we will be able to transfer to and when. Tjaman-stormscale November 1, 2022, 1:48pm #2. Will we get a date for Era/WotLK transfers soon, as SoM lifetime approaches its end? 2 Likes. TIME TO GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY, SALVAGE WHAT IS LEFT! AND MAKE IT POSSIBLE ASAP! For those of us who rerolled in SoM to test out the new raids and experience what blizzard had in store for the process, I see no reason to limit our final resting place to the dead Classic servers when it is all over. like title says I ask the question when will we be able to transfer our characters from season of mastery to classic era? I am assuming when wotlk classic comes because people will either chose to go there or to classic era but would Be nice to SOM Transfers to WOTLK server. Let us level our 60s to 70 and grind honor before WOTLK drops! Blizzard have announced that Season of Mastery characters will be able to transfer to either Classic Era or Wrath of the Lich King Classic when the season ends! Som Transfer (Source) Hi Everyone, Since the very beginning of Season of Mastery the topic of where seasonal characters would end up whe While we don’t yet have an exact date for SoM characters to move to either Classic Era or Wrath Classic realms, we expect that to be about 11-13 months after Season of Mastery began. Starting the week of Nov 1st, players will be able to transfer their SoM character to any WotLK realm, so long as that realm shares the same ruleset (PvE/PvP). Video has commentary. We’ve spent a ton of times talking amongst ourselves, talking to SoM players, and reading comments on these forums and social media, Select which character you want to transfer in the dropdown, and then click the checkbox to see the transfer realm options. I don't know if Blizzard is thinking that SoM transfer will revive Classic, but it won't. Warum nicht Jenen den SoM Char auf fresh Servern erlauben die bereits mind einen Level 80 Char besitzen? Der Classic Char darf nicht mehr wie 2500 Gold mitbringen also kein wirklicher Vorteil. 2 Likes. We also know transfers will be opening at some point so absolute worse case you have the option to get off. Fresh this time around will be Wrath (prepatch) from the start and if they decide to continue into Cata there's a high chance these servers will as well. I hope he had a nice birthday and maybe a less sad life. You can choice to transfer either to Classic Era WoW or to Classic WOTLK. It makes a weird kind of sense if they actually do make a TBC SOM after the current Classic SOM ends. I feel some are missing the detail that the SoM transfers to WotLK are going to happen AFTER the end of SoM-Naxx, which might not be happening at the same time as WotLK Hi Everyone, Since the very beginning of Season of Mastery the topic of where seasonal characters would end up when the season ends has been a hot topic of discussion for not only the community, but for our team internally as well. Wie hoch schätzt ihr die Chance ein, nach SoM auf TBC bzw. 'Twas a sad day. Then just copy and paste the folder of your account (if an old account ACCOUNTNAMEA, if on new bnet system something like 1234567#1). Can a blue please confirm if you will be able to transfer your toon from SoM to a WotLK Classic server? WoW Classic Ohhsnap-grobbulus April 19, 2022, 7:04pm Transfers from SoM to fresh WOTLK servers? Title - Has anyone heard anything about if this will be opened up following the 3 month fresh WOTLK server deadline at the end of November? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Members Online • Holbry1. The Classic realm will likely be my forever home with occasional new characters on the SoM servers. WoW Classic. hobbyman8 • Additional comment actions. You cannot even transfer SoM characters to wotlk, so having retails characters transferable is even more of stretch. But that leaves me in a weird spot for wotlk as I either This is about SoM transfer to WotLK. So when the season is over, why Hello, (Update, there is currently 0 raiding guilds now on SoM). Reubi: I can only transfer to Firemaw, I wanna transfer to Gandling where my other chars are. I Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. how can i transfer my toons from some to wotlk? there is no information anywhere. I’m interested in hearing a rough estimate of when SoM transfers will come. You can hope, as they have “given in” to SoM players before with allowing transfer to Wrath . PLEASE let us transfer these character as soon as pre-patch launches or sooner! I actually see no reason why Amen I have a 60 shaman I would love to play for wotlk. Open comment sort options. Please be advised that this transfer is one way only and final. ADMIN MOD SOM Wotlk transfer dates . Specificaly i moved my character Dovahk at a time when there wasn’t any information regarding future transfers in Keep trash talking SoM threads in hope the SoM community misses Wrath and goes to era. PLEASE let us transfer these character as soon as pre-patch launches or sooner! I actually see no reason why SoM is one year cycle, you gotta wait til November to transfer to wotlk servers. I cannot find and option to do this right now, and choosing to transfer gives the warning this action is not reversible. I wanted to transfer my r13 som character to classic server firmaw, but i missclick and somehow it got transfer to wotlk firemaw. Seeing as free transfers are now open, not an issue. Those are all the details he had to offer for now, as it’s still a bit too soon — Hey folks. 1 Makes SoM more relevant and also WoTLK so it’s a 2 in 1 2 People are already getting mage boosted so the integrity of leveling won’t really be effected. Soon, Season of Mastery players are now offered free transfers for their characters to either a Classic Era realm or a Wrath Classic realm. I doubt they will allow it but having a clone option so I The thing is, A LOT of players who play SoM want to move onto Wotlk/TBC/Pre-Patch, so maybe it’d be fair to let those who want to move on already, do so? Those with SoM characters still have to: Level from 60 to 70. Getting to roll your toon over is great and SOM to WOTLK? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. wow classic) Make a lv 1 character on SOM Swamp of Sorrows Shop -> free xfer, go to Jom Gabbar Wait for xfer processing Go from Job Gabbar to benediction edit: works on other servers too, i got bene and faerlina unlocked A shame that paid transfers from a wotlk classic realm to Bene is still blocked. bye Hello, (Update, there is currently 0 raiding guilds now on SoM). Never logged into the toon after the transfer either. I have no interest in tbc or wotlk. Let me break the news - either way, they are not going to play with you kids on era and your constant bashing of these threads is only alienating people who may have considered to make 1 char wrath and 1 char era. Ging das damals nicht auch von Era auf TBC? Bzw das war Klonen oder? Bin im Thema nicht drin. I would not rely on that transfer being available at or before WOTLK launch. It's a shame! I managed to correctly transfer a few toons, but hastily clicked and managed to mess up the one I wanted the most lol. Aggrend-1483 (Aggrend) Jeg droppede TBC til fordel for SoM så jeg er stuck medmindre de fikser det 😃. I would think it would be easier to have default option be ERA and then pay for an irreversible Wrath transfer. Then just rename your new copy of that folder into the new account name (ACCOUNTNAMEB or 132465#1). Thank you. You can choice to transfer either to Classic E Finally, the 15 people that are still on SoM servers will be able to join WOTLK Servers! And for Free too! Big old disclaimer: Your chosen transfer is one-way, irreversible, and final. Thanks for the help everybody! I appreciate it. Love how the first option in the transfer window, for SoM players, is to Wrath. Dottie-thunderhorn (Dottie) October 18, 2022, 8:41pm #383. Guldoksen-mirage-raceway August 5, 2022, 9:23am #42. UPDATE: Transfers are now available for Season of Mastery SoM Classic World of Warcraft. We had only one active SoM server throughout the season, which was heavily Alliance dominated. 2 Update 6:55 p. I’ve seen threads about “lol wait Do we have any information on when Season of Mastery characters can transfer to wotlk? Like I know naxx just came out, but it’s not really my fault that the timing was weird between the two versions. Hatte eine sehr lange Pause darum möchte ich gern was fragen. Its mindblowing how stupid this idea was from blizzard, ATLEAST LET US PAY FOR A TRANSFER!!! Copy link Go to classicwow r/classicwow. It seems that you can even transfer to Locked realms. For the low low price of 60 smackers. After some googling last transfer news from Blizzard I found was way back from Feb 14th and it said SoM chars will be available for transfer for at least 3 more months after which characters will become unavailable permanently. Update please. you are supposed to go WotlK, not cannibalize ERA Hello, (Update, there is currently 0 raiding guilds now on SoM). I’m sure there is some sort of SoM snapshot or backup somewhere to pull the data from and make it available again. When Season of Mastery concludes, you’ll have the option to permanently transfer your character to an existing Classic Era realm in your region. We’ve spent a ton SoM was originally advertised as classic only, no option for TBC or Wrath. Scarab Lord on retail = respect. I would think they do something 1 month after WotlK launch or so, when the first hype fades and ppl may start looking for alternatives again. If you were on a Normal SoM realm, you can transfer only to Normal Classic Era or WotLK Classic realms. Reading us posts, seems like it’s not like this what would i do now? SOM Transfers to WOTLK server. The original timeline was about a year, which is November. Greetings I have a problem regarding a character transfer in World of Warcraft Classic. Danicks-dreadnaught November 2, 2022, 9:23pm #121. r/classicwow. Please advise. now would be a bad time. We are unab. yeah update please. Here is Hoping, i feel For those of us who rerolled in SoM to test out the new raids and experience what blizzard had in store for the process, I see no reason to limit our final resting place to the dead Classic servers when it is all over. Dackota: Dear all, as the title suggests, and I am terribly sorry, but I can not find this information stated clearly anywhere: Are we going to have a character transfer/cloning from Classic (not TBC because not all of us have a character there) straight to WOTLK? Free or paid is indifferent, I just need to know if I can keep levelling my main in Classic or I must create the Completely fine with this. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked SOM: From my knowledge, SOM has a rather small community, I’m unsure how active it is at end game, and I’m unsure how active it is while leveling. Only a gdkp. It’s been several hours, and the character has completely disappeared. Then a new season starts. (And rightfully take use of the +50% XP from all sources buff) Level up professions. Greetings, As Kaivax mentioned here, we started opening the Free Character Migration The thing is, A LOT of players who play SoM want to move onto Wotlk/TBC/Pre-Patch, so maybe it’d be fair to let those who want to move on already, do so? Those with SoM characters still have to: Level from 60 to 70. Blizzard kept mentioning that the most important part is being able to play with your Not being able to transfer to a current Wrath realm you're already playing is a massive troll by Blizz. Breedborst-firemaw March 7, 2022, 11:44am #2. Reply Anyone wanting to play wrath already has a main established and not allowing you to transfer your som toon to your main's server is ridiculous. they literally told you people it would just be a ladder season, chars deleted afterwhy do people people think SOM would ever transfer over? makes 0 logical sense, Som will just be like a path of exile league or how arpg seasons function. Hey guys anyone know the answer to this? How come i can not transfer from Dreadnaught (PVP) realm to Mirage Raceway (PVE) server? I thought and was told that you can always transfer from PVP to PVE, but not from PVE to PVP ? I think that letting SoM transfer to WotLK would be fair and justified, but I’ll probably just eat the boost cost to try another class. I cannot find a solid source for this information. I know that free transfers are allowed between SOM characters and WOTLK. However, I can’t transfer to Mograine, where my Alliance characters are, nor Please let SoM players transfer to TBC/WOTLK when it is over. So how do i transfer my som character to wotlk server? Comment by Jagben on 2022-10-19T12:20:32-05:00 What is the transfer cooldown in Wotlk Classic? Paid Character Transfer, Faction Change, and Race Change cooldowns are 30 days, during which time you cannot perform another service of the same kind. k, thx. The reason I ask is from this sentence: “When Season of Mastery concludes, you’ll have the option to permanently transfer your character to an existing Classic Era realm in your region. It was released in South Korea in December 2019 by Smilegate and in Europe, North America, and South America in February 2022 by Amazon Games. I will probably have a main on SOM, then transfer him to the Classic and then live there when it ends. This is critical. Top. You’ll probably have to find a guild before you can really Start doing endgame content I think at this point most people hope for a transfer from SoM + merge of all ERA. Hallo. m. Alright Blizz, if you see this comment. Now if only So, matter of fact i transfer 2 char on era from SOM, thinking i’d be transferring from there to wotlk. As far as i can tell it is the only WotLK server that isn't an option for SoM characters. lmzq sfj scytd hey aicx jqdloh bfpsyl thyxja hibnqs kqjap ginrc wglxxg sjecw vrxusb zbfj