State of nevada employee handbook Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) The U. BROWN . 7251 Amigo St. gov U. Employee handbooks serve as the cornerstone of the employer-employee relationship, outlining legal rights, employee responsibilities, and company expectations. Residents of Nevada have many questions that affect them every day regarding employment laws in Nevada from wage and hour laws, hours worked laws, wage payments laws, leave laws, child labor laws, and many more. , Suite 120 Las Vegas, NV 89119 defined in the State of Nevada Employee Handbook (1), as any action taken by a State Officer or employee in the performance of his or her official duties, which is: In violation of any Federal or State law or regulation; An abuse of authority; Of substantial and specific danger to the public health or safety; or A gross waste of public money. The State provides reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with disabilities who are employees or applicants for employment unless it Employee Handbook, State Government, DAS, state rules, state policies: Subjects: State government > State employees State government > Iowa General Assembly State government > State agencies State government: ID Code: 50340: Deposited By: Margaret Barr: Deposited On: 27 Aug 2024 14:52: Last Modified: 27 Aug 2024 14:52: URI: https://publications STATE OF NEVADA O FFICE OF THE L ABOR C OMMISSIONER OLLEGE P ARKWAY, S UITE 102 STEVE SISOLAK . Phone, FAX, Hours and Location Carson City Location Las Vegas Location Nevada State Employee Directory. In addition to any state-specific policies, your employee handbook for Nevada should contain the following federal policies. Regardless of which states you have employees in, there are required federal policies that must be included in your employee handbook. The Division of Industrial Relations explains the rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees in creating a safe working environment. The handbook is located on the State Personnel website . Flex Time: All full-time Nevada State employees (Academic Faculty, Administrative Faculty, Classified) are eligible for flex time. POLICY The Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Act requires Nevada employers to furnish a place of employment which is free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees. More information can be found in the State of Nevada Employee Handbook. Provide the employee or the employee's representative (e. 100 N. Las Vegas, Nevada 89101-1046 . , required hard copy form). If a classified employee Resources. State of Nevada Career Opportunities; State of Nevada; State Directory; About. 463; Rules for State Personnel Administration (Nevada Administrative Code 284) NAC 284. GENERAL BACKGROUND: a. Classified Compensation Schedules. This Employee Handbook is your guide to policies and procedures that are specific to employees in the state of Nevada. 209 East Musser Street, Suite 101. We're here to help. Mendez, M. 086 “Position” defined. ARSON ITY, NV 89706 G OVERNOR HONE: (775) 684-1890 F AX (775) 687-6409 . Questions/Feedback. The State of Indiana Employee Handbook is provided only as a resource summarizing the personnel policies and procedures for the employment relationship between the state and its employees. Whistleblower A “whistleblower” is an employee who alerts authorities 1 State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Administration Division of Human Resource Management Blasdel Building 209 East Musser Street, Suite 101 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 Grant Sawyer Building 555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 1400 Las Vegas, “Part-time employment” defined. Agency Information Memos; State Holidays (pdf) Forms/Publications. Theft of property belonging to Federal or State government or fellow employees. Mission and Vision; Organizational Chart; DHRM Overview (pdf) State Holidays (pdf) HRM Listserv Email Subscription Management; Public Information Requests and Fee Schedule; Sections. 555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 1400 . 284. appeals handbook nevada unemployment compensation program office of appeals 2800 e st louis avenue, las vegas, nevada 89104 telephone: (702) 486-7933 Type: Handbook Templates About This State Supplement Handbook Statement: Nevada. 330; Rules for State Personnel Administration (Nevada Administrative Code 284) NAC 284. 01923 hours of paid leave for each hour worked. Contributions are made pretax through payroll deductions and investment earnings are tax-deferred. Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204. There is NO State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Administration Division of Human Resource Management Blasdel Building 209 East Musser Street, Suite 101 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 Grant Sawyer Building 555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 1400 Las Vegas, For Southern Nevada cases, NERC Las Vegas may be reached at (702) 486-7161. m. MICHAEL J. Depending on your employee type, you may be governed by policies and rules of the Nevada System of Higher Education, University of Nevada, Reno and the state of Nevada The Nevada Deferred Compensation Program (NDC) is a voluntary retirement savings program for employees of the State of Nevada and other local government employers. i . II. Department of Labor Clarifies Interaction of PTO and FMLA: On January 14, 2025, the DOL issued an opinion letter clarifying that employers can’t require employees to use (and employees can’t unilaterally choose to use) available Contact. ADDITIONAL The University of Nevada, Reno strives to provide a work environment where expectations, policies and rules are clearly articulated. Human Resource Management available resources. This handbook is not intended to be a substitute for Nevada’s statutes and regulations as set forth in the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) section 338 and Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) section 338, and any other applicable laws and regulations. In the bustling workplaces of Nevada, the Employee Handbook form serves as a critical tool in setting clear expectations between employers and employees, ensuring a mutual Collective Bargaining Resource for State Leadership, Labor Organizations, and Employees. Communications. Supersedes: 09/05/2024 Updated: 09/09/2024. Update employee handbooks: Employee handbooks should be updated regularly to reflect any changes in state-level labor laws related to employee benefits. 101 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 Grant Sawyer Building 555 East Washington Avenue, Suite An employee who has 90 days of employment with the State is entitled to not more than 160 hours of leave (potentially including annual leave, leave without pay, and/or compensatory time) in one 12-month period beginning on the date of the act of domestic violence if an employee is a victim of an act of domestic violence or his or her family or household member is a victim of access the publication Rules for State Personnel Administration, which includes the changes outlined above, as well as other changes, on the Division of Human resource Management’s website. It consists of divisions that offer workforce related services, job placement and training, services for people with U. Welcome to the Division of Child and Family Services’ Children’s Mental Health statewide policies and procedures. 019, an employee that works at State of Nevada Employee Directory 18,039 records found Search or browse within these records: or Search. The handbook covers topics such as Included in this section are published documents and reports produced by Department of Administration divisions. It serves as a guide for employees to understand their 1 State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Administration Division of Human Resource Management Blasdel Building 209 East Musser Street, Suite 101 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 Grant Sawyer Building 555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 1400 Las Vegas, Employee Law Handbook have compiled the complete listing of Nevada State Holidays for easy reference for both Public and Private Employers. Type: Employment Law State of Nevada Career Opportunities; State of Nevada; State Directory; About. 08 The Good Government, Great Employees Award program was created in 1967 to reward state employees for money-saving ideas and to recognize efforts and contributions to increase the efficiency and productivity of Nevada. State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Administration Division of Human Resource Management Blasdel Building 209 East Musser Street, Suite 101 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 Grant Sawyer Building 555 East Washington Classified employees will automatically receive payment for unused leave by January 31. PP01 – Classified Employee-Employer Pay Contribution Plan (July 01, 2024) PP02 – Classified on Employer Pay Contribution Plan (July 01, 2024) State of Nevada. The two main questions I have are: My offered salary will be at grade 33, step 1, which is $53,390. Welcome to _____ [Company Name]. 95 - Create an MS Word employee handbook for small business in The Silver State State of Nevada Employee Handbook Template. Publications are organized by the division generating the document. It outlines your company’s policies, and expectations for staff, and ensures compliance with state and federal law. Documents, Forms and Resources; News & Upcoming Events and Rules for State Personnel Administration (Nevada Administrative Code 284) NAC 284. Grant Sawyer Building . 586; Your agency's human resource staff; Division of Human Resource Management, Consultation & Accountability staff Federal Employee Handbook Policies. How to create a Nevada employee handbook. Build: 01. D IRECTOR . S. See the NEATS Handbook for applicable payroll code(s). Agency HR Services. The Official State of Nevada Website The policies and procedures outlined in this handbook will be applied the discretion of Nevada State High School and Nevada State High School reserves the right to deviate from the policies, processes, and procedures of this handbook, or to withdraw or change them, at any time, with the exception of at-will employment status. Department Agency Employee Name Job Title Email Phone; Adjutant General: Military: Allen, Dawn S: Budget Analyst 2 [email protected] (775) 884-8484 Adjutant General: Military Licensing Qualifications: The Board determines the qualifications of applicants before licensing, including written examinations, background investigations, and financial responsibility assessments. 16. The Official State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Personnel “Serving the citizens of Nevada with a qualified workforce. e. 6. This results in a Only $39. Licensing Conditions: The Board sets conditions for licenses, such as field and scope limitations, bond requirements, and contractual limits. Employee Handbook (pdf) Telework Resources; More State Employee Services; HR and Payroll Professional. Annual Leave Payout at Separation. State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Administration Division of Human Resource Management. , family member) with the Request to Receive Catastrophic Leave Donations (PAY-23) form and the appropriate medical certification form (i. STATE OF NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION POLICY STATEMENT ON . Nevada State High state of nevada department of employment, training & rehabilitation employment security division revised november 2018 . Anti-Harassment Policy; Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Administration Division of Human Resource Management Blasdel Building 209 East Musser Street, Suite 101 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 Grant Sawyer Building 555 East Washington The State of Nevada offers a wide array of benefits to employees including paid holidays, annual and sick leave, health coverage, retirement and many other additional options. Unless an employee is exempt pursuant to . Crafting a Any employee serving a one (1) year probationary period is entitled to receive performance evaluations on the 3rd, 7th, and 11th month of their employment, per the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 284. Salas, R. 096, 284. A well-crafted employee handbook, concise yet Stay in compliance with the latest updates for your company, including state and city-specific policies. gov or (775-684-0136) if you have any questions regarding the State of Nevada Employee Handbook. Grant Sawyer Building. State employees now receive the W-2 form electronically through their NEATS Nevada Employee Handbook Template. State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Administration Division of Human Resource Management Blasdel Building 209 East Musser Street, Suite 101 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 Grant Sawyer Building 555 East Washington The Nevada Employee Action and Timekeeping System (NEATS), is comprised of several modules: Timekeeping, Employee Data Capture, and Employee Development, and NVAPPS. State of Nevada Employee Handbook (for Classified Employees only) Workplace Safety . NRS 284. 0875 “Premises of the workplace” defined. www. the following morning. Department of Administration Home Directory of Divisions. State of Nevada & American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Local 4041 . Updated guidance to include information on the state's heat illness prevention standard, effective November 15, 2024. This handbook is not a contract of employment, does not create any such contractual obligations for the state, and does not create or abridge any rights A State vehicle will be covered for Auto Physical Damage when driven by a State employee, temporary employees, board members, volunteers, contracted employees and those working in conjunction with the State of Nevada while conducting official State business and within the course and scope of employment. The employee handbook provides a ready reference for State of Nevada employees regarding terms and conditions for employment. State Library & Archives Building . Employee Handbook. nv. g. Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records. Download directory. The employer pays the full retirement contribution based on the adjusted gross salary. Stockett 2021, Employee Handbook and Nevada Labor Law Basics | SBEP Management Class, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno Tennessee State Government Employee Handbook Secondary employment can involve contracts with the State, work for a temporary employment agency and provider agreements. Get started by creating a new handbook. 076 “Permanent employee” defined. Nevada's new laws may impact existing employee policies or handbooks. 1. 555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 1400. Out With The Old, And In With The New. State Employee Handbook. Nevada labor laws require employers with 50 or more employees to provide employees with at least 0. Click for more The employee handbook provides a ready reference for new and experienced State of Nevada employees when questions arise relating to the terms and conditions of employment. An employee handbook is one of the best ways to ensure fair, uniform treatment of employees. 01 Application of the Handbook (a) Information in this handbook is listed for all personnel. Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 . , Suite 200 . WORK ATTIRE (DRESS CODE) Policy 2. Blasdel Building. 087 “Positive reporting employee” defined. 386; Your agency's human resources staff Vacation Leave 50 or more employees. , Suite 101 Carson City, NV 89701 (775) 684-0150 Fax (775) 687-9085. 100 Series: General Administration; 200 Series: Fiscal Management; 300 Series: Human Resources, EEO / Employee Development, Payroll The Nevada Employee Handbook form is a crucial document that outlines the policies, procedures, and expectations set by an employer for its employees in the state of Nevada. Employees who work for a Nevada state agency are usually entitled to paid holiday leave on Classified employees who have been hired into a permanent position are required to participate in the Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) of Nevada. ; When the employee or the State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Personnel “Serving the citizens of Nevada with a qualified workforce. , PAY-23CE or PAY-23CF) or if the employee is unable to fill out the form and has no representative, contact your agency's human resources. Customer Service. It is designed to help you navigate through your employment, providing clarity on our company's expectations and your employment rights under Nevada law. Collective Bargaining Documents. 101 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 Grant Sawyer Building 555 East Washington Avenue, Suite Nevada Revised Statutes. 088; Your agency's human resources staff; Division of Human Resource Management, Compensation, Classification & Recruitment staff In accordance with Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 51 of the NSHE Handbook and the State of Nevada Remote Work Policy, F. Table of Contents. Michigan - The Michigan Earned Sick Time Act becomes effective on February 21, 2025. 1 5 5 25 Endangering self, fellow employees, clients or public through careless or willful violation of agency policy as contained in performance standards, procedures and various federal and state laws, regulations and guidelines. Nevada DETR Department of NEVADA STATE HIGH SCHOOL EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK: A RIGHT TO KNOW Page 4 Article I. Nevada employers who have 15 or more employees generally may not fire someone for either of the and some may take the form of an employee Information and resources for State of Nevada Executive Branch agency supervisors Official participation representing State employees as a member of a committee or procedures or regulations for any agency specific processes (e. (b) There is a wealth of information which Nevada State High School is required to inform and contractors comply with Nevada’s prevailing wage laws. This will help ensure that employees are aware of their rights and entitlements under the new regulations. Forms; HR Reference Guide; Manuals, Publications & Posters Directory of State of Nevada Employees and Elected Officials with phone numbers, emails and general information. For Northern Nevada cases, NERC Reno may be reached at (775) 823-6690. ” 209 East Musser Street, Room 101 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 Grant Sawyer Building 555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 1400 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101-1046 State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Administration Division of Human Resource Management Blasdel Building 209 E. hr. 078 “Permanent status” defined. This agency also works in tandem with a state-based Nevada equivalent. If the grievance falls under Title VII, Sexual Harassment, the Rehabilitation Act, or ADA, it will be sent to the OIE for review and possibly referred to Human Resources. This Model Code of Conduct applies to all employees of the Judicial Branch in the State of Nevada except the justices, and judicial officers. gov. NRS 293. Within this handbook you will find helpful guidance on a wide variety of As necessary, adjust the employee's shifts to not require an employee to work: Within 8 hours of his or her appearing for jury duty; and; If the jury duty lasts 4 hours or more (including travel), between 5:00 p. Stewart St. gov State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Administration Division of Human Resource Management Blasdel Building 209 E. All employee organizations are required to annually file a copy of their Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Additionally, as of July 2021, the State of Nevada has officially bargained with a number of state employee units and those are also posted separately in the category named State of Nevada. This handbook was created for users to be able to quickly access basic user information. Nevada EMPLOYER HANDBOOK NEVADA UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM DETR Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation STATE OF NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT, TRAINING & REHABILITATION EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DIVISION CONTRIBUTIONS SECTION Revised October 2017 . State Retention Schedules. Procedures for handling classified grievances are set forth in the State of Nevada Employee Handbook located on pages 38 and 39. NRS 608. Nevada Law recent updates include: 2025 Minimum Wage Updates; This template formatted specifically for Nevada. Benefits include medical, dental, life and disability 2000 Nevada State Library Archives 2400 Division of Internal Audits August 8, 2017 2500 Budgeting March 12,2024; October 2, 2024 2600 Claims October 10, 2023; October 2, 2024 A State employee shall not enter into a contract with the State in any capacity that may be Therefore, all of your employee handbooks should contain these federal policies (if your organization meets the 50-employee requirement for the FMLA Policy). The Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (DETR) is the state’s lead workforce development agency. Department of Administration Human Resource Management . Contractors and other non-employees who serve the judiciary are not covered by this Code, but appointing authorities may An employee who has 90 days of employment with the State is entitled to not more than 160 hours of leave (potentially including sick leave, leave without pay, and/or compensatory time) in one 12-month period beginning on the date of the act of domestic violence if an employee is a victim of an act of domestic violence or his or her family or household member is a victim of J. Handbook Introduction Section 1. Agency HR Services 515 E Musser St. 0748 “Pay class designation” defined. 7. Please contact Michelle Garton at mgarton@admin. The Official State of Nevada Website AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ACCOMMODATION) An accommodation is any change in the work environment or policy and procedure that enables an individual with a disability to have equal employment opportunities. NCFW Commission Staff Contact; Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 233I; NCFW Resource & Research Links; Employee-Management Committee; NEATS Handbook. ” 209 East Musser Street, Room 101 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 Grant Sawyer Building 555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 1400 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101-1046 There are three main exceptions to Nevada being an "employment-at-will" state. It is important to keep your As employees in State government and public servants, we are deserving of a workplace that fosters these values. O L. 2 Handbook Introduction The ommunity Health Worker’s Handbook serves four purposes: 1. Website: https://detr. After reading the handbook it seems that a significant portion won't be take-home pay but state-paid health benefits. 088 Nevada employment laws impact the daily lives of employees and employers in Nevada. 2 5 3 5 5 Children’s Mental Health Policies and Procedures Manual. Documents, Forms and Resources; News & Upcoming Events and . July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025 Nevada Revised Statutes. Bindrup, F. Policies and regulations related to state and local Employee Discounts; Employee Handbook (pdf) Forms; Frequently Asked Questions; HR Reference Guide; Phone, FAX, Hours and Location Carson City Location Las Vegas Employee Handbook; NRS 284; Rules NAC & NRS 284; State Manuals & Publications; State Personnel Forms; Please see the below for current and prior regulation Find various policies, forms and resources for working with NSHE, including the State of Nevada Employee Handbook for Classified Employees. 340. on the day of jury duty and 3:00 a. State of Nevada 2018 Salary & Benefits Survey; State of Nevada 2016 Salary & Benefits Survey; State of Nevada 2014 Salary & Benefits Survey; State of Nevada 2012 Salary & Benefits Survey; State of Nevada Alcohol and Drug Program. . Musser Street, Rm. To update your phone number and all other information, please contact your agency personnel office. I've read the state employee handbook twice now and I'm still unsure how the salary and take home pay will look. Click on the below headings for more information on this topic Phone, FAX, Hours and Location Carson City Location Las Vegas Location Nevada State Employee Directory. Collective Bargaining Agreement . 1 Effective: 11/06/2020 PURPOSE This policy is intended to establish procedures and provide guidance to all Department of Administration (the "Department") employees regarding appropriate work attire. The Human Resources Shared Services Teammate Handbook has been written to bring these values to life and ensure they are core to our work experience. HRDW Navigational Tutorial. Classes Approved for Pre-employment Controlled Substance Testing; Collection Sites/Testing Contact Information All the hard work has been done for you! The employee handbook template started with an attorney-drafted document which has been reviewed and polished by HR professionals, and elegantly styled by graphic designers. 075 “Pay progression date” defined. The program is designed to supplement your other retirement savings and pensions. Las Vegas, Nevada 89101-1046. Welcome to TALG’s second article covering recent developments in 5. State of Nevada State of NV Home Directory of State Agencies. They should be Dec 12, 2022. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces Federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. If you're a state employee and you have an idea to eliminate or avoid state expenditures or improve the operation of state State of Nevada Employee Handbook Department of Administration Division of Human Resource Management Blasdel Building 209 East Musser Street, Room 101 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4204 Grant Sawyer Building 555 East Washington Commitments made in an employee handbook are viewed as part of the “employment contract” between employers and employees.
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