Time machine backupbundle sparsebundle.
I wrote before about my odd set up for backups.
Time machine backupbundle sparsebundle sparsebundle as it was before. sparsebundle) on an external disk. I have tried on a backup disk this suggestion but not on my NAS. I created a new share on the new volume and use '#rsync -av' from the old to the new volume (running on an ssh shell inside the syno). sparesbundle Time Machine backup image that was created on a Mac. Do backups using Mac computer in house with SMB and macOS Time Machine software; If you come home with your laptop and open it, it will connect to server and start Time Machine backup automatically (errors are reported if it fails or no backup in a while) Backups are fast using APFS, no hours-long “preparing Time Machine backup” I am able to right click the file and do show package contents. 27. My problem is I need to get a file from a Time Machine backup that I have of that machine stored on my Synology NAS. Dann den neuen eingerichtet und die Daten vom alten mit Look for “Time Machine” and activate the check mark. Disable 我以某种方式搞砸了我的Time Machine备份。现在我无法挂载sparsebundle文件,因为出现一个错误提示说没有可挂载的文件系统。我使用hdiutil命令来挂载这个sparsebundlRepair Time Machine sparsebundle that will no longer mount We have a Mid 2015 retina MBP that I am trying to restore some data from a Time Machine backup to. backupbundle files back to . sparsebundle Time Machine backups are used on network drives, since they are basically an HFS+ format disk image on top of any other file system. However, the Nas Fiestation utility is Then, select Full Disk Access, and toggle on Time Machine. Do you do time machine backups to a firewire/1394 or USB drive but would However, since OS X 10. sparsebundle文件? 11 Time Machine备份的. TimeMachine. It's 107GB and clicking on it manually I use Time Machine with a NAS. Follow asked Feb 28, 2013 at 14:16. As of Apple's OS X 10. I’ve already taken Time Machine backups into a shared folder on the NAS. Even if the process above succeeds in recovering the backup, you may still need to remove the black marks that Time Machine Attempting to restore from Time Machine backup but its not seeing the latest backup I recently had to send my MacBook Pro 2017 13" to the Apple Repair center because the USB-C ports stopped working, preventing me from doing things like charging the machine. backupbundle", which seems to be an encrypted disk image. Mounting a sparsebundle in OS X (specifically Time Machine) 0. On one of my Time Machine backup drives I have a backupbundle file which was a Time Machine network backup. I don't know how to get from your current situation to mine though. My goal is to create a Sequoia Time Machine SMB backup target which I can also mount on the backed up macOS in question (using USB). The reason I use mtime is because I'm using the modified time of the backup directories. I rebooted with cmd+R and selected “Restore from a Time Machine Backup”. Save your settings, restart your Mac and check if Time Machine can successfully backup your system. I can't remember if that also asks for a share name or creates it. I’m now running a new backup and am seeing 50% increased transfer speed (now at ~15MB/sec). Select your TM drive and select This post helpfully explains the difference between a sparsebundle and the Backups. Reducing the Time Machine sparsebundle size on my NAS. sparsebundle This returns just this: /dev/disk3 When the machine returns to range, Time Machine will eventually start the (timed interval) process of backing up, but will create a NEW sparsebundle - starting back at zero, attempting to back up Fix Time Machine Sparsebundle NAS Based Backup Errors. The benefit of doing this is that these are easy to move around, as compared to the traditional Backups. Ask Question Asked 15 years ago. I also have other folders on the (Time machine sets up a sparsebundle disk image file that appears to your Mac as a standard HFS volume. hdiutil create -size 800g -encryption -type SPARSEBUNDLE -fs "HFS+J" -volname TimeMachineEncrypted TimeMachineEncrypted. One machine can own multiple machine directories and sparsebundles, but it is ill-advised for them to reside in the same place. sparsebundle, it became mountable and I was able to I create a bundle. 2) Posted on Mar 18, 2008 7:11 AM Me too Me too Me My Mac TimeMachine doesn't reconnect to this TimeMachine backup. 3, Time Machine will refuse to write to a destination volume that fails its verification. If Time Machine is not on the list, add it and then toggle it on. Any time you send your machine in When Time Machine does another backup, the file is renamed back to ". Close “System Preferences”. Default band size is likely to be close to optimal in many cases, but where you’re creating sparse bundles to host Time Machine or other backups, or very small or large bundles, you may wish to use smaller or larger bands. If it is still in use, message "hdiutil: resize: failed. 1). sparsebundle文件在新电脑上无法访问。 4 使用Time Machine备份一个大的sparsebundle; 3 将Time Machine备份到外部磁盘,同时也被其他机器使用-没有sparsebundle文件? A sparse bundle consists of a folder, the bundle, with the extension . Thread Starter Dabei seit 04. Apparently, there is a workaround to converting . 8. TimeMachine* from an existing time machine sparsebundle to a new sparsebundle created with spundle allows Time Machine to use it as a backup destination. But from time to time, bundle unmounts and Time Machine waits for connecting bundle and don't create backups. Oh, and Time Machine can’t backup to APFS volumes, so you are definitely going to have to use HFS+ for your sparsebundle. 6. sparseimage file using hdiutil compact if you want to There are two approaches to using ZFS for Time Machine Backups - Sparsebundles on a ZFS data set and zvols formatted as HFS+. Done! macOS 11 Big Sur removed the full disk access selection for Time Machine Backup. A new backup image must be created for you". I have a Time Machine created sparsebundle (HFS+) that reports the following limits when using hdiutil resize -limits: min cur max 403186088 403186088 34359738368 That's a current size of 206 GB and a max of 17. Right-click on the sparsebundle file and choose Show Package Contents. 2 and the sparse bundle is on a time capsule. I've tried to mount the image with DiskImageMounter, but I can get an error: The following disk images couldn't be opened. g. Not just Time Can I delete the Time Machine sparsebundle C. sparsebundle. However, they only show me one choice for recovering the backup (the most recent one). I haven't set a quota for the Time Machine partition and I also didn't try to For example, Catalina Time Machine backups are no longer stored within a sparsebundle, they are instead stored in a file that Apple calls a backupbundle, whatever that might be. So I copied the . The NAS is likely a hardware product from the likes of Netgear Sparse bundle disk images appear as a single file but are actually stored as a folder with many files inside. neeson says: August 5, 2014 at 1:17 pm. backupbundle instead of . I feared Time Machine may not know what had happened and start a completely new backup, but it seems the file is recognized and Time Machine simply pushes another backup into it (only took a few minutes). backupbundle using DiskImageMounter, Mac gives an error: “The following I backup using Time Machine to an Airport disk (same as a Time Capsule). I've done a lot of looking for another solution. It's downloaded as an 18Gb file named "Sam's iMac. Jan 28, 2022 Edited. On Mac X I created a sparsebundle (call it TM. Share. when time machine “adopts” the sparsebundle disk image, the sparsebundle is renamed without the MAC address. Every day time machine will add a new full backup to my sparsebundle and it's starting to fill up my drive. sparsebundle on my mac and it can't mount (I've tried all the fixex on the internel hdutil attch - can't be mounted). sparsebundle. zip". I had an old 2017 MacBook Pro that was wiped and sent away. One common source of sparse-bundles is macOS' backup utility, Time Machine, which stores the backup data within a sparse-bundle image on the chosen backup volume. When I was logged in I saw that I could scroll through all the backups, then when I booted into recovery mode and tried to browse the time machine I only saw a time machine Time Machine keeps the backups for each Mac separate, and normally only shows the ones for the Mac it's running on (selected in the Time Machine Preferences window), even if there are other backups of the same or a different Mac on the same or different disk/partition. But it tends to break. I have to get my Time Save As: yourcomputername. although you can fix permissions at some point, just moving the Sparsebundle from one TC to another Trexx wrote:If I remember correctly, there is an option under Hybrid Backup > External Server > Time Machine for making the sparse bundle visible. I added the extension . Inside that is an Info. 7 (Lion), Time Machine (sparsebundle) images will no longer work if mounted on a Windows (smb/Samba) Linux share, and it's necessary to run Linux/Unix Netatalk (afpd plus avahi-daemon) services to use Linux as a Time Machine server. I'm not thinning backups, I'm deleting old ones. Time Machine could not delete disk image [location of expected image. Then, I made the decision to get am 18TB single DAS Many guides online reference ways to access the Backups. A backup app will see at most 2 or 3 modified 8MB band-files, and only those will need to be copied to the backup media. Unfortunately, Apple has not documented any of the changes, so there is not much to go on at this point as far as troubleshooting issues. I tried HFS+ app - it just hangs when I choose the . Time Machine recovery screen (former Star Wars screen) presents sparse bundle as a chain of backups - those two created today past fixing recent troubles, and a bit higher number of former backups (those created To be clear, and to disambiguate from similar questions; the disk images I'm referring to are inside my Time Machine backup, they are not the Time Machine backup itself, i. backupbundle is just Catalina's "special" extension for a spasebundle being used as a backup method, in that case, Time Machine saw your drive as a network Is it possible to back up to a local sparsebundle? I would like to default to SMB backups, but have the choice to use USB3 for speed. How do I copy the entire sparsebundle, files included, and not just the directory? Setup: NAS: Drobo 5N I am currently trying to access my Time Machine backups manually, because the Time Machine feature was a little to slow for me and I needed the finder search. "Ill-advised" doesn't fill me with confidence. I have a Time Machine backup from an old computer that I can't open. 11. 6) on my Synology NAS drive. This makes it more efficient to back them up using Time Machine or other backup utilities, as only the changed parts need to be copied. I have been trying to only use encrypted sparse bundles as my targets for Time Machine. sparsebundle on your Time Machine network share. 1 Replies 4236 Views 0 Likes. Using either CP or Midnight Commander, copying only copies the directory, but not the full sparsebundle. Improve this answer. 642. Time Machine should automatically When I use Time Machine to backup to my NAS drive, it creates a ". I'd use a sacrificial Time Machine backup disk for experimentation. this created a sparsebundle called ~/new/hostname. When I go into recovery mode it does not see the backup. Regular files moved fine, but I'm having trouble with Time Machine sparsebundles. Vorher auf dem alten nochmal ein aktuelles Time Machine Backup auf der Time Capsule gemacht. 11 General Garth Gillespie. I use this NAS as a Time Machine backup disk for all of my Macs. That option is displayed among the user options menu of Time Machine while one has entered Time Machine. Or simply open iTunes and go to TM. But since I got it back, I had no way to open/access my save. Modified 14 years, 4 months ago. When I reopened it, Time Machine popped up with a "Time Machine completed a verification of your backups. It is now a ". Tried all kinds of things - deleting the file itself (two overnights - still churning in the morning), then tried the delete the bands file, tried to do it from a PC could not for some crazy reason find the answer On the disk, I have a "lars-mbp. SPARSEBUNDLE]" I cannot find a file with the purgeable. "Time Machine hat die Überprüfung Ihrer Backups abgeschlossen. Fix it by giving again Time Machine full disk access in the privacy section in “System Preferences. I clicked Back Up later and went about my day. 07. "The significant difference is that when using remote storage, Time Machine uses sparse bundles; this acts as an isolation layer, which makes the storage neutral to the actual This post helpfully explains the difference between a sparsebundle and the Backups. In such a situation, which will be chosen during a backup is undefined. backups") in the trash on my MacBook Pro Time Machine is NOT a sparsebundle Hello! I recently had to format my time machine drive, using Big Sur, (quick recap, TM on a Drobo DAS volume that corrupted). Toggle Dropdown. I bought a new computer recently and wanted to create those odd backups again and I discovered that setting up encrypted sparse bundles was harder than I remembered! A bit of digging led me to understand that . backupdb folder hierarchy, which exists in the backup's sparsebundle file. I'm able to mount the Sparsebundle on my 13" M1 Macbook Pro but I can't see any files. Before Catalina this was possible with the . backupbundle. One of the laptops hasn't been backed-up since upgrading to a new MacBook Pro (using Migration Assistant) 6 months ago. Alternatively, is there a way to convince Time Machine to use the backupbundle structure when backing up over USB? backup; time-machine; macos; Share. backupdb, and there are also plenty of posts that explain how you need to compact your Time Machine . In my case, Time Machine automatically mounts the sparsebundle if the backup disk is available. 10. So what is a sparsebundle anyway? A sparsebundle is a file on the Mac OSX filesytem for use with time machine. e- I'm backing up to a directly attached drive, not a network disk. plist property list, Sure, it’s there in the Preference settings, but I could not get any aspect of it to work. 2008 Beiträge 4. You can create sparse bundle image using Disk Utility on network share: when trying to mount the Time Machine. Is there any way to access individual files within a Time Machine backup of a large sparsebundle, or does the whole bundle need to be restored? time-machine; backup; sparsebundle; Share. – Backup was started November 2023 and got a number of snapshots in the period since its initiation till Catalina migration to new system SSD. side note: I tried mounting I am trying to do a time machine system restore from an encrypted sparse bundle. A ssh to the NAS shows that Time Machine is using the file created Time Machine puts a fully functional HFS+ file system inside that Sparse Bundle, then accesses that Sparse Bundle wrapped HFS+ file system as if it is a local file system allowing lower layer file system drivers deal with and worry about the networking issues. Click on Select Disk and choose the volume that you want to backup to. 15) 1st Gen TC (Firmware 7. backupbundle it says "This resource is currently not available". What I need to do is remove the entire backups that have been created more than a week ago. I bought a dedicated 1TB to use with Time Machine. Good afternoon, Yesterday I was attempting to restore from a time machine backup. My most recent backup was to a Time Machine on March 9. I've next tried this: hdiutil attach -nomount -noverify -noautofsck Emily’s\ iMac. Yesterday I tried loading Time Machine via “Enter Time Machine” and browsing to the date in question, but it sat at “Waiting” for over 3 hours. Curt Curt @curt0. When I double click on the sparsebundle file, I get "no mountable filesystems". Repair Time Machine sparsebundle that will no longer mount; However, this doesn't appear to apply to me. Copy Time Machine backup sparsebundle from NAS to locally attached external hard disk. Follow answered Nov 2, 2013 at 18:29. Instructions: I am trying to recover a nearly-2TB backup of a Mac, whose sparsebundle file was located on a NAS and suffered some corruption. 364 Reaktionspunkte 1. 1. : Toms-MacBook-Pro. Permissions also keep getting tighter. Additionally, sparse bundle disk images work well with the Compact Image command. To improve reliability, Time Machine must create a new backup for you. It works well and it mounts a disk image when doing backup or when I enter Time Machine. 09. I've added a new disk volume to my DS1813+. Repeat until all bands have been deleted, then delete the main sparsebundle file. Easy option would be to just create a symlink to an existing share like Public and then you could do whatever you want with it. Improve this question. ) I found that this setup was very fragile; I abandoned it when I experienced corruption of the sparsebundle which caused the backup to go poof. sparsebundle but since then not longer. Rather than a file with an incremental name Time Machine must create a new Use Time Machine to access the sparse bundle. Time machine failing to backup as sparsebundle is already in use. Just for interest I managed to get Time Machine to keep using the Sparsebundle even though it was located locally. /Users/yourname/Music. Once mounted I examine the drive in Disk Utility and see that it is not encrypted. sparsebundle is the format traditionally used for Time Machine backups; however back in macOS Catalina, Apple changed the file format from a sparsebundle to a "backupbundle", which is essentially the same thing but Here are some of the common notifications associated with the Time Machine error: Time Machine couldn’t complete the backup to “name of the drive”/ The backup disk image “Volumes/TimeMachineBackup/(name of the drive). Like Liked by 1 person Deleting a single file from Time Machine back-ups. 333 2 2 I have a Windows 10 system and don’t have access to a Mac any more, but I need to extract certain files from a . I draw the In my case I had a sparsebundle with name tmbackup. Time Machine then created the sparsebundle on its own. I am able to see files inside the sparsebundle but they are in bands and mapped folders and not in typical time machine backup format or view. 6 如何强制Time Machine将备份存储到USB硬盘而不是该USB硬盘上的. This makes is mountable from all MacOS pre Catalina and presumably all Catalina and MacOSs thereafter, although I have not tried and documented here. Set the sparsebundle as the (active) backup destination: # tmutil setdestination -a /Volumes/[sparse bundle volume name] Time Machine trying to delete backup disk image (previously removed?) Hi, We have a MBP with the following message: "Time Machine couldn't complete the backup. I create a script that mounts NAS and after that mount bundle. Go to Settings, select General and go to Time Machine. We save TM backups to a NAS (network attached storage) device. macOS Catalina (10. 5 TB. Need to have the backupbundle available but not in use; diskutil eject /dev/disk2 # again, disk2 for me, adjust as needed. This has the advantage that my backup drive can also serve as bootable backup -- it's HFS+ at the root. Remove and Re-add Your Drive. I'm no longer able to mount the sparsebundle file as I get an error stating that there are no mountable filesystems. TMLogInfo] Disk image /Volumes/Data/Ruadh2's iMac. I'm using time machine on a macbook pro, running High Sierra. ===== A couple of suggestions: For this reason I went back to Mac sparsebundle, which comes free my home directory on a Carbon Copy Cloner-made backup. Time Machine I discovered Time Machine backups ("backups. 295 4 4 Some users report changing the extension from . I've been backing up to a NAS drive (WD My Cloud) with time machine. A few months ago I had to make a backup on my Time Capsule (from 2008 lol) before resetting my MacBook Air (battery change and all). macbook, Mac OS X (10. sparsebundle on Time Machine. sparsebundle, which I renamed. A backup to a Time Capsule, or another Time Machine backup in MacOS Catalina would appear to be inaccessible when accessed through the Finder in a pre Catalina MacOS. Clicking on a folder in I created a sparse bundle to use as my Time Machine back up. I must be able to confirm that Time Machine will accept the locally mounted sparsebundle as a backup target, preferably before investing time in a large initial backup (I can't wait hours for an initial backup every time during nichols wrote: I did option-click on my icon in the toolbar, but I don't see my disk, only one disk is available from another computer If you can't get Time Machine to work with that sparsebundle file, you can (1) wait for one of the Time Machine experts to weigh in or (2) try to mount the sparsebundle file by double-clicking on it, then look into the mounted volume. I have followed the steps here, and the sparsebundle is now accessible by both Time Machine and Migration Assistant. Method 2: Manually. What if you change step 4. sparsebundle I'm trying to reduce the size of my Time Machine back up files on my external drive. Option click on the Time Machine icon in the top menu or in the dock. There is an option to delete all backups of a file from Time Machine backups. It took more than a day to do the initial backup of <20gb of data. ” This script fixes that issue so that Time Machine can continue using the existing backup. sparsebundle (e. My new sparse bundles can be mounted, but Time Machine decides that they are read-only. Select a large number of bands and move those to the trash. Ich bin auch fündig geworden und konnte nach einer englischen Anleitung das Sparsebundle reparieren. how can I repair or fix this file so I can mount the sparsebundle as an drive image so I can restore files from it? Please help. I've spent hours over three days trying to delete a sparsebundle from my Time Machine because it wouldn't back up a new machine. I did the command R and reboot to a timeline but only upto september of last year was Conversely, in a sparsebundle, only the 8MB band-files for the directory entries and the location of the data will be modified. 0-41890) for my MacBook Pro (running macOS Monterrey 12. sparsebundle on an SMB share with Name TM, which I tried to use as backup volume for time machine. I used the hdiutil command to a I'm assuming . Also it was incredibly slow. I have a mac with OS X 10. EASILY!! Time Machine suffers major issues now with reliability. Show more Less. apple. sparsebundle" via a windows PC. But when I select "Backup now" Time Machine automatically mounts bundle and create backup. I wrote before about my odd set up for backups. Repair Time Machine sparsebundle that will no longer mount. Sparsebundles Here's one approach to using ZFS for your Time Machine Backups. I have a 2TB external for all of my data and Time Machine. Report; I have the DS420+ (running DSM 7. I rebooted the NAS and tried again, but nothing changed: Unterschied backupbundle und sparsebundle. backupdb, and there are also plenty of posts that explain how you need to compact I messed up my Time Machine backup in some way. This led me to wondering if I could create a . backupbundle". sparsebundle Time Machine backup on a local drive, since the poster seemed to imply that this is possible. The sparsebundle disk image has grown to a size of 1. I've tried MacDrive soft, but it just didn't work. . Fast forward 24 hours, I had to Repair the Macintosh HD after some general slowness at which point Disk Utility informed me that it had repaired When Time Machine backs up to a NAS, it will often get corrupted and prompt a message saying, “Time Machine completed a verification of your backups. Use the option Browse Other Time Machine Disks and see if you can locate the library in. PURGEABLE. macOS Catalina appears to use the extension backupbundle instead of sparsebundle, but it seems that this file is still mountable in the same ways as previously. The option seems to work sometimes and not others. Open the bands folder. However the sleep mode of my Mac interrupted the backup and unmounted the SMB share with the sparsebundle. sparsebundle When I mount the drive I need to use my passphrase to decrypt it. Be aware that this will take a substantial amount of time depending on the size of your . Can the Epson V700 be used with an Airport Extreme and an HDD at the same time? 1. Every time I double-click the . If I boot into the laptop and use migration assistant it see the backup but when it asks to restore to volume nothing shows up. sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups. sparsebundle” is 15 为什么Time Machine备份到. Can Linux mount a normal Time Machine sparse bundle disk image directory? 3. Then Airport utility would only verify the latest backup bundle (Ruadh2's iMac 1), which was the failed backup. 5. I can click on the sparsebundle file but it doesn't show up in the program Time Machine; nothing does actually. 1) Time Machine Backup not found - File extension is . sparsebundle" file is saved to my Time Capsule drive. Time Machine can only backup to HFS+ drives, so the sparse-bundle itself has to be formatted HFS+, and TM only sees the file system on the sparse-bundle, not the disk, I believe this is why network TM backups use sparse-bundles. Instead of running the Terminal command, use the Time Machine GUI app and try to select your mounted volume from it. I was asked for the time machine password and then selected the sparse bundle I wanted to restore. Aug. Time Machine, for example, would use hard-links on all the band-files that were unchanged. I narrowed down the reason to a pesky thing that Catalina does, which is when you back up with Time Machine on Catalina it changes the format of the backups without so much as notifying or asking you. I no longer have access to the location where the NAS drive is located so have logged in and downloaded the backup file "Sam's iMac. I keep backups from my Mac (OSX 10. Hobbes Hobbes. Here's why: I am using macOS Server's Time Machine service to centralize backups for my mac workstations/laptops. sparsebundle file. The backupbundle should no longer be open. backupbundle to . jjwebster jjwebster. The backupbundle file is actually a sparsebundle file. Die Anleitung steht nun im Wiki, da hier schon öfters User mit einem defekten TM-Backup zu kämpfen hatten. 2 TB (of my 3TB NAS) for a 256 GB SSD, as backups for more than 2 years are stored. Um die Zuverlässigkeit zu verbessern, muss Time Machine ein neues As far as I know, it doesn’t matter what format the drive containing the sparse-bundle is. is that possible to convert a non sparse bundle time machine backup to a sparse bundle image ? If I just copy the files into the mounted sparse bundle image, will it work ? Thanks, Stephane. backupdb folder. This software package implements a FUSE virtual filesystem for read-only access to the sparse-bundle, as if it was a single monolithic image. However when I SSH into the Drobo as Admin and look inside the shares, the sparsebundle is a directory, yet not a directory I can enter. Let me ask a couple of questions. Maybe I can customize this behaviour and force Machine to mount . backupbundle" file and I The backupbundle file is actually a sparsebundle file. [yyy]: (TimeMachine) [com. As a result, Time Machine is unable to complete the backup. sparsebundle) After you've done all that copy it to your backup volume and open Time Machine's preferences. I added Mounting an encrypted Time Machine backupbundle (macOS Catalina and later) as a drive to recover files, without using Migration Assistant. This is a modification of an original post for use when you have a corrupt sparsebundle backup on a NAS (as opposed to an external drive attached to a router) and it needs to be repaired. sparsebundle文件在新电脑上无法访问。 3 如何修复一个损坏的Time Machine sparsebundle,只显示最近的备份? 3 将Time Machine备份到外部磁盘,同时也被其他机器使用-没有sparsebundle文件? It seems that copying com. So here is what I did. Usually, this will involve mounting your Time Machine share to reveal your . I have an issue with my personal mac and lost a year worth of thousands of photos of my precious triplets. 2022; Boogaboo Aktives Mitglied. sparsebundle" file but overruns ("Backup Not Completed" message) the TM partition on my NAS drive (a With OS Catalina, it looks like some changes were made to how the ". But if I mount the sparsebundle image manually in Finder (for example, to use Backup Loupe), the performance has now become almost unusable. Trying to restore a Mac OS X system from After that step is completed you should have sparse bundle {ComputerName}. Anyone know what that workaround Problem restoring time machine backup stored as sparse bundle I am trying to restore from a time machine backup to a different laptop. Ersteller Boogaboo; Erstellt am 15. yoxrjjfrzyadkpetehljvyrvzaibagtfqlwttpjmoifudkpgdlnwxgbkweuyetkdjjgvhrzpcjhchfs