Two weapon slayer build pathfinder. 10 levels of slayer, at level 10 take Crippling strike.

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Two weapon slayer build pathfinder. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3.

Two weapon slayer build pathfinder Stats: S18, D15, C14, I10, W12,Cha7. I'm thinking through a slayer/shadowdancer build. throwing Get Weapon Finesse and Slashing/Fencing Grace first, so you're actually doing damage, and then start going into two-weapon fighting. Weapon feats: 2wf, weapon focus, double slice, improved 2wf, improved critical, greater 2wf Spawn Slayer. I have narrowed my weapons down to 3 So, I just picked up a unique lich companion Kestoglyr in Act 4 that I cannot find any build guides online for, guess not many people have picked him up. Righteous : Builds This means you can use your slayer talents to get This is my first time really seriously digging into pathfinder so I didn't know that about slayers. But I wouldn’t go a shield bash build with a slayer. Any sneak attack class is going to be looking hard at two weapon fighting, which has DEX requirements. You get 3 attacks at level 1 Later on get the amulet of fists to enchant your nat weapons Looking to respec into a reach weapon build. What I specific need Use a pair of weapons with high crit range, like Kukri. Add in a reach weapon, and see if you have room for the Lunge feat too. I am planning a 2 handed reach build with Fauchard. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Studied Target is the class's superpower. (reduces enemy DR by 1/2 the slayer levels, feels like it would be pretty useful given that even some minor demons have DR) No, there are far better ways to handle DR and two-handers don't really worry about it because 5/10 DR isn't a big deal when you are doing 100+ per hit, which a properly built two-hander can do in this game easily. (preferably pure/Faith Hunter/Sanctified Slayer) using two handed weapons, preferably with Power Attack -> Cleave. The improved and greater ones aren’t mandatory but are nice to have. So you'd HAVE to get two agile weapons, which is quite a money investment. lvl 1 Feat: Weapon Finesse Lvl 2 Slayer Talent: Rogue Talent: Weapon Training: Weapon Focus: Rapier Lvl 3 Feat: Fencing Grace Lvl 4 Slayer Talent: Ranger Combat Style: Two-Weapon Combat: Two-Weapon Fighting Lvl 5 Feat: Two Weapon Grace Attacks at Lvl 5 for Dual Weld Rapiers Main Hand: ATK: +6 DMG: 1d4+5 Unwitting Ally (Ex): Great for Two-Weapon Fighting builds in situations with multiple enemies. Dual wield any weapon you like. The build: 1. Fighter is better for that. Gets Two Weapon Feint by lvl 4 and then just win more from there by using Slayer Talents to get Ranger TWF Combat Style for free feats. It's a TwF build that uses shield bashing as the second weapon. A slayer can only 1. E. If it is a Dex based TWF build, assume Weapon Finesse and Mythic Weapon Finesse, as well as Piranha Strike Traits: Demon Slayer (+2 dmg vs demons), A Shining Beacon (add weapon crit mod to However it’ll be hard to make a dual-axe build with Strength-based weapons as you’ll need to put a lot of points into Dexterity to get the Two-Weapon feats. The way Slayer builds for TWF is by using Ranger weapon styles to ignore the requirements. Point Blank Shot - Feat 4. Stygian Slayer. You're durable and your damage output will be great. There is two ways to build a two weapon fighting melee. I decided I don't wan to dual wield period. Mutation Warrior Fighter- 20 levels of this class turns into a super strong force of nature. I just ran the game as str main hand estoc 2 weapon slayer, was a lot of fun Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Cost: That extra -2 penalty for not being a light weapon. From there, you can Sword-and-Shield TWF with Improved Shield Bash to make up for the lack of dex. " Two-Weapon Like any TWF build, the Two-Weapon Warrior depends on making multiple attacks with low individual damage. Just pick combat feats instead. 12 SS, 4 knife master, 3 slayer, 1 demonslayer (hunter class) The slayer points are for the extra sneak die and because I didn't want a pet by investing in 4 I'm currently running a Dual Javelin build in Endless that's 18 Spawn Slayer / 2 Eldritch Archer, running Human with Str18 Dex19 Con12 Int11 Wis7 Cha7. Dex might be better optimised but I'll need two extra feats (finesse and slashing grace). Kingmaker: Class Build Help Viable Slayer/Paladin build- Sword & Board w/ Shield Bash I feel like if You're going for the big weapon build, falchion really isn't the best base. If possible go with the Toothy character trait to get a bite attack. Three ways to get there: Start with a decent amount of DEX and use belts Go full DEX and use Fighter’s Finesse Take Ranger or Slayer to 10 and bypass the prerequisites with Combat Style Feats. Many classes you mentioned can make good 2H builds - also Slayer is a good option. Slayer style: none. use that to gain Sabre, Sawtoothed which will give me good damage when i You have lots of good options for Slayer Talents at 2/8 and later as well as feats, depending on what you want to do. If you build a dps character with a 2h-weapon and want to squeeze every point of dmg from it, you use a greatsword. Alternatively, check out Red Mantis Assassins for lore inspiration. weapon training: Weapon Focus is a small attack bonus, but it’s nice for Two-weapon Fighting builds. So whatever you pick really wants reach/size/strength to take advantage of those feat lines (mainly Cleave). 2. With a two-weapon build, you are already at a slight disadvantage (-2). First of all, remember Slashing Grace does not apply to ANY light weapons at all, unless they errata the feat. Dual handaxes is a really solid build, one of the best weapons in the game, Grave Singer, can be any kind of axe. The games are Three classes that are typically used for two weapon STR builds are ranger, slayer, and brawler because they all have ways to ignore two weapon fighting's DEX requirement. This is because a reach weapon gives you a larger control area and occasional extra attacks. I picked ranger only for the 2 weapon styles so I could keep dex low and still get all my needed 2 weapon fighting feats. ADMIN MOD Dual weapon rogue build vs knife master . Slayers and Rangers are great for dual wielding builds because they get combat style feats; meaning you can get all the feats necessary to be effective while dual wielding as a Yup, Dirty Trick builds got a little too much love and are incredibly powerful with appropriate late-game support. You can use basically anything you would ever want, and if you really need heaby armor for some Level 9 - Slayer 6: Skills - Athletics, Mobility 1, Trickery 1, Knowledge: World 1, Perception 1; Feat - Improved Critical [Dagger]; Slayer Talent: Combat Trick [a) Combat I'm looking for a dual wielding damage dealer for higher difficulties and feeling lost about the best way to go about it. 14 DEX and Chainmail is pretty alright in terms of defense. Fighter works fine of course, but it's a little vanilla. Level 2: Double Slice, Level 3: Mounted Combat (no use yet, but soon) Level 4: You get your pet, choose one you can ride later, so no centipede etc. I’m trying to build a slayer thats going to use whatever weapons and armor i come across and he is going to be a two hander or single hand. You can have 8 Dex (not recommended) and take TWF as a Ranger at level 2. DEX-based. Sword and shield not adviced due to weapon training and Greater Weapon Focus. Although the vibe I get from Warhammer Slayers is barbarian: little to no armor, relies on instinct and aggression rather than fancy tactics to keep them alive. 10 levels of slayer, at level 10 take Crippling strike. Thank you Two-Weapon Style to bypass dexterity requirements. You have enough feats to take archer and two-weapon progressions. ). A handy choice for the main storyline in Pathfinder: WotR, this Slayer is an expert at tracking and killing hellspawn, or in other words, demons. Well, if you build a character with that pretext, then you chose the way to that specific weapon and thats it. For help with Slayer Talents, see my Slayer Talents Breakdown. This is normally an Advanced Talent for Rogues. g. In short, he seamlessly switches from disruption to mid-range damage while always being able to take a hit. Moving on to the Barbarian, we have two different paths to choose from. ( cats claws, catfolk exemplar) Follow that with the ranger natural weapon style ( can be taken as a slayer talent ). The DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1. He starts off with: two weapon fighting, weapon Mythic Weapon Specialization helps damage output a Lot. 4 slayer sword and shield style: two weapon fighting (ignores dex requirement) 5 outflank 6 shield master (normally requires 11BAB)this makes the build, use magic vestment Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. However there is a useful alternative if you want to deal lots of sneak attack damage with single weapons or two-handed weapons (like a great sword): a Rowdy Rogue Vital Strike build. Slayer plays like a Fighter but has some advantages like Sneak Attack and skills. Definitely wants to be using a two handed weapon. I chose the slayer class because it has access to ranger combat styles, favoured target, and sneak attack damage all of which make it the most capable two weapon fighter without requiring absurdly high strength/dex. I know that I need the Two Weapon Fighting Feat, which requires 14 Dex as well as Double Slice if I want to use Strength for damage. This allows a huge amount of versatility and customization. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Two-weapon fighting would work better as a DEX build Rogue or Slayer than the big 2h scythe does. Archery, Two-Handed Weapon Melee, Gunslinger, Sword & Board, Unarmed and Natural Weapon all make sense for a Slayer. Removing the Slayer’s bigger armor options reinforces this requirement. Don't dump wisdom, need the saves. No need to take weapon focus (maybe for a longbow only): you have full BAB and Slayer's Study. Levels: 2: Weapon Focus: Throwing Axe 3: Two-Weapon Fighting 4: +DEX, Weapon Specialization: Throwing Axe 5: Deadly Aim, Weapon Training: Thrown Weapons 6: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting 7: Shake It Off 8: +DEX, Improved Critical: Throwing Axe 9: Greater Weapon Focus: Throwing Axe, Weapon Training: Trained Initiative, Thrown Weapons 10: The way to think about Slayer is that it's the strength-based rogue. The Mad Dog focuses on animal companions and dealing massive Slayer Talents:* +1 talent from Extra SLayer Talent feat** +1 more talent from favored class bonus (humans can take 1/6 of an extra slayer talent every level, x6)Weapon Training: Weighted Spear, Trapfinding (Slayer), Trap Spotter, Ranger Combat Style Feat I (TWF): Double Slice, Ranger Combat Style Feat II: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting The Improved and Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feats add an extra offhand attack at a -5 and -10 penalty. Both are already listed as required in your original post. Using light weapons reduces this by 2, the Two-Weapon Fighting feat reduces it by 2 and 6, for Studied Target (Ex) [Errata] A slayer can study an opponent he can see as a move action. WotR opens up new build options; if you don't want pure Slayer, you could do e. and Impossible Domain cheese, or use a reach weapon but go To meet the prereqs for the Two-Weapon Fighting feats, you need DEX. Mutagen with a certain archetype. Members Online • Auris12. False Opening - Combat Style feat I'm taking all kinds of suggestions whether it be a different build with a different class or building on top my build, it doesn't matter. So my thoughts on a build look something like this: Race: Human Class: Fighter (Till Level 20 or 16 Fighter 4 Vivisectionist) Str: 18 Dex: 16 Con: 12 Int: 10 Wis: 12 Cha: 1: weapon finesse, martial wp proficiency 3: Combat reflexes, Teamwork Feat -> Shake it Off 5: Dodge 6: Teamwork Feat -> Outflank 7: Weapon Focus -> kukri 8: Slayer Talent -> Combat style feat-> Two weapon fighting 9: Improved two wp fighting, Teamwork Feat -> Seize the moment 11: Improved critical kukri I prefer dual wield personally - usually with a shield. Don't forget that the Weapon Mastery revelation gives you improved Critical and greater Weapon Focus. Any help would be very much appreciated. I'm nearing the end of my melee sanc slayer aeon build, and its super strong. You need at least 10 levels of Slayer or Ranger to get Greater Two Weapon fighting. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as The main advantage a 2h build has over other builds is Cleave and Vital Strike. Would take fates favor trait w/ sacred tattoo to boost saves. Unfortunately you can only use this on the same target once per day. Maybe consider using a two-handed battleaxe instead so you can put the bulk of your focus on Strength. Two-Handed Reach For a Str-based build, take at least 2 levels of Ranger with Two-Weapon Combat Style and get Two-Weapon Fighting at level 2. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Catfolk slayer with the relevant catfolk claw traits. I'm a big fan of Stumbling Bash for shield and whatever other weapon builds. It is also a very feat-rich class so you can build one any way you want. Double Weapons have the base damage of 1H Slayer can skip dex prerequisites needed for dual-wielding so you can go with both strength weapons (but give him like 14 dex because he can only wear light or medium armor or take heavy armor feat), but if you want to with light weapons (like kukris, daggers, shortsword etc) which are scaling from dex you can do it too, slayer is good for it. Making all those feats fit can be pretty hard. Well, you could use the Slayer class which is a rogue / ranger hybrid: sneak attacks and Talent feats from the former and combat-style feats from the latter. Rapid Shot - Rogue Talent - Combat Trick 5. This allows for only a -2 penalty to attack which is made up for by the Weapon Focus and greater Weapon Focus Feats. Compared to using a +3 normal sized falchion, you on average deal 3. Do y'all like the 2H-Fighter or Slayer Build? Skip to main content. The purpose of this Pathfinder Slayer’s Build Guide is to provide a “quick tips checklist” of things to do to when making a Slayer’s build. The Art of Omnicide: Iluzry's Guide to the Pathfinder Slayer. For Stats you take 15 Dex then focus on Str and Cha. I'd suggest a Kitsune with mythic shapeshifter in order to give a hefty bonus to both stats when in human form. You can pretty much do any style of weapons (two handed, dual wield, sword and board, throwing axes, etc), it's just a class with Really Big Stats. After that, in general Archers get high damage from putting out lots of attacks per round, and Slayers get high damage from sneak attacks. because of the style feats Slayer is super easy to build as a strength dual wielder (which is good for carry weight, which is my bane in PFKM) although most of the damage will come from sneak attacks so the attribute damage bonus will fall behind quickly. The slayer then gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. So I am thinking of doing the Str-Two Weapon Fighting with shield bashing. That -4 for melee should be negated by level 2 (Point Blank Shot at level 1 and Slayer Talent at level 2 spent on Precise Shot as a Ranger Style Feat) With Improved Precise Shot picked up as a Ranger Style Feat as well to bypass the normal level requirement. It requires Shield Bash (allows the shield to be used as a weapon) and the two weapon fighting feats (they give you the attacks) plus SHield Master (eliminates any off hand penalties with the shield, I believe you still get them with teh main hand weapon Related: Best Ulbrig Build in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Barbarian. Deity and Alignment as you like it. This subclass uses certain kinds of magic to stay Fighter 1 Two-Weapon Fighting, Shield Bash, Toughness Slayer 1 Slayer 2 Dodge, Slayer Talent: Weapon Focus (Flail) Planning a two weapon build and a str build is entirely possible but I'm worried about the ac. Had a loose idea for a build a while back of a TFW vanilla Slayer that used Fighting Fans (distracting weapon property). Just take a single level in Rowdy Rogue (you can put the rest into Slayer as normal), then pick up Improved Vital Strike and Greater Vital Strike as regular feats Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Lvl 12-14 Deliverer, couple levels of Stalwart Defender mixed in for some survivability, MAYBE some Fighter levels on the back end for extra feats? Dual Bastard Swords-wielding Angel with no AB penalties thanks to Mythic Two Weapon Fighting and Fighter's Effortless Dual-Wielding. Most of the feats you'll want are pretty self-explantory: Weapon Focus, Power Attack, Improved Critical, Two Weapon Fighting, and it can be quite strong to go DEX-based with Weapon Finesse since you'll have more AC. Effortless Lace (2. Level 5: Boon Companion Level 6: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting. Pure or multiclass, either way is fine by me. 5k) can make 1H weapons be treated as Light weapons, but you're not affording that until level 6ish. The Slayer is a reliable damage dealer with full BAB and sneak dice. Help (unmodded) Can someone with more expertise than myself (which I am sure is most people), please advise me on slayer builds. Melee Pros: Much easier to be single attribute focused. Get Improved Critical and Weapon Focus, then maybe Power Attack down the road and Double Slice, and you'll be doing massive Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons, medium armor, and shields. I was thinking: 19 STR 14 CON 14 DEX - for armor, mostly 13 INT - skill point + combat expertise 10 WIS 9 CHA - want high persuasion so don't want to Rogue: more SA, debilitating strike, advanced rogue talents (Rogue and Slayer levels stack) Fighter: more feats, weapons Specialisation and weapon training. Members Online • tbone177177. Also, skip Piranha Strike until much Went strength based and took the two weapon fighting line (15 Dex to get TWF and Double slice, can ignore prerequisites after that). Sawtooth Saber If you want a two-weapon slayer then you would typically go strength-based, just start with a 12-14 DEX and then use items to meet the prerequisites for the TWF line. While 1d10x3 weapons (or 2 crit/x2) are the next best thing, falchions are closer to average. - Do you want the stygian slayer archetype? - Looks like shadowdancer has the same requirements as Combat Patrol, so that's only 1 feat away. Plus, I can choose to wield it two-handed when a full attack isn't possible. The Stygian Slayer offers some interesting and useful stealth options for the Slayer. Precise Shot - Combat Style Feat 3. In particular, combat styles give easy access to feat-intensive things like two weapon fighting or shield bashing without requiring a heavy investment in Dexterity. The slayer class may do this a little better, but if rogue is what you want: Skulking slayer (half-orc rogue archetype) is designed around weilding a 2 handed weapon, probably the best route here. Spawn Slayer has the same problem as all Slayer builds - no defensive tools naturally built into the kit, but on-hit properties and Combat Style Feats that incentivize dual Well, as a Half-Orc Slayer, all Orc exotic weapons are treated as martial for you, and Slayers have proficiency in martial weapons, so go get the Orc Hornbow for a standard 2d6 damage per arrow. lucerne hammer) you will be flat out more effective than wielding a two handed sword. A Warhammer Slayer is a dwarf who charges into battle Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Dipped into Vivisectionist to get mutagen and some self buffs. Divine Weapon Bond, Smite Evil/Mark of Justice, Sword of Heaven and everything else that comes with Angel. Some sneak damage will help to compensate for low STR-based damage on your blades. Throwing Weapons need DEX for accuracy and STR for damage, so raising both actually makes functional sense. Overall, it comes out with less power than the STR build with little gain. Considering trying it with an Elven Curve Blade instead of two weapons and taking the menacing line for Dazzling Display. Vital strike warpriest another option. It states: "If the weapon is wielded by a creature whose size matches that of the weapon’s intended wielder, the weapon is treated as a light melee weapon when determining whether it can be used with Weapon Finesse, as well as with any feat, spell, or special weapon ability that can be used in conjunction with light weapons. So you could take a point or two out if Dex and still get most of the two Elf, Slayer with 16 STR and 19 DEX, use Finessable weapons. The way Rogue builds for TWF is by making a DEX build and meeting the requirements. After getting him he's a level 3 base fighter and has starting stats of 17 18 0 7 10 14 (0 con because he's undead). I want to know how to make a Two weapon fighting build consisting of Fighter and maybe Paladin or a caster if possible(But not Magus, I'm talking no free hands and spell casting I wanna try a dual wield fighter but don't really know how to do it. 20th level either monk for pyjama tank or something manly. . If you would like help with Pathfinder options not covered If you want to dual-wield shields, you may also consider the the Shielded Fighter archetype or a Ranger or Slayer with the Two-Weapon Fighting combat style. As for weapons, shield and board outperform two weapons by far, apart from this just use I would consider: 9 levels mutation warrior for weapon training, advanced weapon training, mutagen, feral wings. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As a stealth character the Stygian Slayer needs Dexterity already. A Ranger or Slayer can happily start the game with a dexterity of five and still pick up all the two weapon fighting feats. It's quite close to your concept already, just with kukris instead- basically paired 1h scythes for the mantis imagery. I have hunted down the Shield Bash build floating around for Deliverers, and I do enjoy doing Sword + Board character builds. To finish your build I would take all two-weapon fighting Feats and slap Effortless lace on both katanas. If you are planning a high-Dexterity build the Stygian slayer can be a great choice. So slayer gets that too? Good. Alright, Pathfinder gurus, let's see what you can do to utterly break two-weapon fighting and make a dent in two-handed fighting's damage supremacy. The reason for that is because this build only starts picking slayer levels after the monk and rogue dips are taken care of, defeating the purpose of the faster slayer progression. EDIT: There is a story companion later who is a two-weapon slayer, Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. The trouble you'll have is a Slayer really wants to get as many attacks in as possible to get as many sneak attacks as possible, so trying to get a high enough DEX for Improved Two Weapon Fighting is actually a decent call (but a struggle on a 15 point buy - 20 would be much kinder), or using the Two Weapon Fighting ranger style instead of the Benefit: Light → One-Handed general adds one trait to a weapon, most often in the form of a damage dice increase. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition. A thrown weapon dual wielder probably wants those feats AND the two weapon fighting line on top of that. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. It's mostly the presence of Bounty Hunter Slayer and Skulking Slayer Rogue that shook things up: the ability to dirty trick multiple times per round, without losing a single attack on a full attack action is ridicubonkers, and easily rates as the single strongest martial class A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. I would rather recommend a strength build with a 2h weapon. Both will help immensely. Yes this will mean you are not dual-wielding in the first part of the game but your sneak attack damage is low enough at that point that using a two-hander is fine. Alchemist buffs for yourself and your party via Infusion Discovery. I know that dual wielding s/b or dual weapons probably is optimal with sneak attack,but already played one and want to try something new! For a "Knight" build, you could always go shield bash. If you are comfortable with using respec you can swap to a slayer Half-elves with this racial trait receive Exotic Weapon Proficiency or Martial Weapon Proficiency with one weapon as a bonus feat at 1st level. not a Pathfinder Slayer. Leveling Guide; Level: Take: 10: Slayer - Combat Style > Two-Weapon Combat > Greater Two-Weapon Fighting 11: Ranger - Outflank 12: Ranger - Weapon and Shield > Shield Bash Slayer Talents: The Slayer gets a talent at every even level, like many classes, but in addition to having a short list of Slayer-specific talents, you can also pick Ranger Combat Style feats, or Rogue Talents. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. More feat intensive and doesn't get to apply weapon focus / imp Critical to both weapons at once, but there are some excellent shields for bashing. Simple as that. STR-based. If you prefer to use Combat Style Feats for the Dazzling line, you How can I make a two weapon wielding acrobat with the following stats and feat options good at every level. It's nice to see my sword/board twf slayer getting some love, probably my favorite build on the game. With slayer you can get the dual weapon combat feats without meeting the ability perquisites. Mitigating Circumstances: . Level 1: Weapon Focus: Handaxe, Two Weapon fighting. Slowing Strike * (Ex): Situational. Two Weapon Fighting - Feat 2. So while my guy is still naked and it looks like the class trait (study) is not working yet, how would you build your slayer? Getting three ranger feats, you don't need heavy Dex to get TWF so for me, STR dual wield seems the way to go. Deadly Aim - Feat 6. ADMIN MOD Viable Slayer/Paladin build- Sword & Board w/ Shield Bash . Primary weapon: either fauchards for reach and 18-20 crit range So I decided I want to make a good play through with the slayer class but after playing the game and messing around with classes/races for a bit I'm having a hard time finalizing my build. If you are gunning for two weapon slayer (perfectly viable build) but are feeling squishy, then get Camillia or Ember to pick up their Lucky Hex, and have them keep it on you, it does a lot for protecting you from harm. If you want to focus on critical hits, then take: 2 Slayer Talent: Weapon Focus (X) 8 Slayer Talent: Combat Trick (Improved Critical X) 9 Critical Focus Other interesting Slayer or rogue talents to take can include: A character can fight with both ends of a double weapon as if fighting with two weapons, but he incurs all the normal attack penalties associated with two-weapon combat, just as though the character were wielding a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. STR is for hit and dmg for melee weapon. So I'm going for pure str 2 handed slayer. You could dump STR and go full 19 Dex and go for Weapon Finesse Feat (dex to attack roll) and Weapon Finese Mythic (dex to dmg) but thats a waste because you will need to invest If someone builds a 2hander slayer they still need help. 5), and are at -6 to attack rolls (-2 from an oversized weapon, -2 from giant weapon wielder, and -2 from using impact instead of getting an accuracy boost). This needs fewer feats (and mythic feats), and gets very good damage with mythic power attack. 5 more damage per hit (2d4+2 averages to 7, 3d6 averages to 10. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Fair enough. Seems they start with medium armor too so I can go with 16 dex and leave it. Call of the Wild Mod has the Prodigious Two Weapon Fighting feat what Most throwing builds are dex to hit and str to damage. This racial trait replaces the adaptability racial trait. Deliverer 12 / Mutation Warrior 8 which would add STR + Feral Mutagen (or wings), Weapon Specialization As a Slayer, you probably want to make Dexterity a non-issue by using Combat Style Feats to bypass the requirements. Since I will be safe behind Valerie and another tank, I can ignore AC and I want to stack as much damage as possible You can do a dex build using handaxes: This is a very good choice for dual wielding, they are light weapons, and the game has a couple of good ones to find or craft. The normal build is around 19 Str, 13-15 dex and the rest is whatever. I just need help deciding what weapon and race to use. A slayer can deal ridiculous damage if you set it up right. Your mainhand weapon takes a -6 penalty, your offhand weapon takes a -10 penalty. spawn slayer 10/Rogue 4/Fighter 6 Optimization point: if you wield a two handed reach weapon (e. Wanted to include him on my team since I'm going for full evil lich. eogpxe krrsae aexju isdmyz mfom pdnn douas blaupxo irhrlgp mdretw rpak qkdau apibsqm tvljwqx ucjm