Wife flirting reddit Reply reply more replies More replies More replies More replies More replies. 5 years. Basically meaning they think he is cheating on his wife. Wife: laughed it off with an lol Coworker: I need to turn my work husband into my real husband. (He kept flirting during the night). 22M subscribers in the gifs community. You do not hug and flirt with guys you barely know if you have a fiance so stop the 'poor me' shit. She probably just wanted a little ego boost. Now I tell my wife so basicly you were letting him know you were down to fuck?. The reason he blocked your wife was out of self preservation. Funnily enough, it did come out after he left that he had made some advances and been awkward with a few other of my wife's colleagues. Towards the end of summer I noticed my wife was almost always outside around the time he would bring the People don’t care that much if you say something embarrassing or weird, so you shouldn’t care either. How are you going to react if your wife asks if you might be interested? I just read and responded to a poster whose wife posed that question. She told me that she wants me to flirt with her and make her feel like I My wife (37f) and I (38m) have been married for 12 years, together for 15. It’s usually all women. There’s also another trend I’ve been pondering, so might be some food for thought for you. I (37M) have been married to my wife (33F) for over 3. Just stop flirting with him. There was some flirting involved, but mostly boring chats about nothing. Honestly my ex wife of 17 years did the same exact thing she changed her passcode. I recall early in our marriage she often accused me of flirting with women when we went out. I didn't usually keep tabs on her. She deserves to know, plus you may learn more about what went down from her side of things. Don't tell the wife. Your wife probably was flirting with this guy, but most likely she was not flirting with the intention of taking it anywhere. This sub's mission is to encourage healthy flirting practices and engage in conversation surrounding flirting. We are still very much in a loving relationship. We have been having trouble for a while now, and have been in couples therapy for about 6 months. My friend (22f), we’ll call her Brianna, keeps hitting on my(22f) husband (23m), we’ll call him Alex. I have been friends with Brianna for going on 8 years, when I first introduced her to Alex her actions were a little bit questionable but I just assumed maybe that’s how she is, at the time she was in a 5 year long relationship and engaged, so I didn’t have any concerns. She has never once given me a reason to be jealous or had me think she is cheating or inclined to. My wife (49) and I (51) have been tiptoeing our way towards ENM for a while. We have a baby who is 2 years old. Be willing to have embarrassing moments with your wife that you two can look back on and laugh together on. "Next time you need help mowing them late night lawns let me know. We talked a lot in counseling about it. Contact the SO and tell her what you know. Unless, of course, you were looking for reddit to tell you it's okay to fuck him anyway - which is Throwaway. I fake flirt with my straight female friends, as a straight female. From what I’ve learned most girls actually like it when you’re just talking about whatever you feel like even if it’s kinda goofy or weird because it brings up genuinely good conversation that isn’t the boring stuff they always talk about with guys trying to flirt with them Flirting is harmless however it’s you’re responsibility to set boundaries as someone’s wife. They're still the ones who are supposed to be preserving their own relationships. Throwaway. But my wife suggested this has become lacking of late and I agree with her. And what would you tell his wife that won't make YOU look like a pathetic fool chasing after something you can't and shouldn't have? Just keep your mouth shut, stop flirting, and maybe do some serious soul searching within yourself. If she was my wife, I would be very angry if I found out. From your description, your wife commented that the guy was trying to hook up with another woman, his friend was preventing this from happening, and she decided to "play Cupid," which sounds to me like she was trying to help the guy hook up. My wife saw a guy on an excursion and flirted a bit. I was raped by someone else while with my current partner. Her sister got a new boyfriend. 1 year later I caught her again, when asked if she still talked to him she said no so now it turned into what I'd LOVE that, get hard just thinking about other men staring at my wife. when she says or does something she is proud of i always up sell it. She has since deleted the entire conversation. She is entertaining another man making g sexual comments to her. She's got a big chest, and REALLY love when she flaunts em. I want to understand from a woman’s standpoint why my wife thinks that way. Don't know the husband too well but I figured it's a shitty thing to go and fuck somebody wife lmao. Basically she is already cheating. How painful. I can’t even help myself from giving small smiles anytime I pass someone in public, it’s engrained into my social training. There was a post here in reddit, created by a married woman. Tldr: is my wife is flirting with her coworker and being inappropriate? Am I being weird by feeling upset by it? My wife and I have been together 10 years, married for nearly 5 and we have a 3 year old son. 5 kids who all go to church is a relic. As we sat and talked over some drinks I noticed my wife flirting with him and he was flirting back. She does things like rubbing my arm, touching my knee. " Or soemthign along those lines. My initial response was to blame myself and apologize to him because I felt I had cheated on him, that I did not try hard enough to stop it, that I shouldn't have had anything to View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Nothing about dates or taking it further. She told him he should come back to her room and she would fuck his brains out. I’ve been working in this field for 8 years and it’s always like this when there’s a man around. I knew she had quite the colorful past so I knew it she was adapting to a serious relationship so I told her that was unacceptable and to stop. We are fairly happy though have been having couples counseling for 6 months as we found being parents very difficult. Anything related to healthy flirting practices between adults. But I still see them flirting a bit. I’ve read that sex therapy is starting to get more mainstream. My wife and I have been together for eight and a half years, and we were just married three months ago. Honestly if you can't laugh at yourself with your wife nothing will ever come of this flirting. I 46m thought it would be fun to pretend like we didn’t know each other and assume different names/identities and try to pick each other up. Wife and I have been together 5 years, married for 2. Although it was difficult to Honestly if you can't laugh at yourself with your wife nothing will ever come of this flirting. With her, it was easier to tell because, while she's very friendly, she's not really too much of a flirt or a touchy type with many people. " i did As the night progressed I’m talking to old friends and she’s playing drinking games - no problem. You need to have a vet open and honest conversation with your wife. This is a new account because my wife is also on reddit and knows my username (although a part of me wants her to read this). Around midnight I see a guy flirting with her but she’s attractive; it won’t be the last time it happens and it’s not the first. You are an emotional cheater. Later that day in the cruise ship around closing time for the bar he was hanging out. Coworker: aw he's your work husband. She always reminds me how lonely she feels. Flirting does not need Still, if your wife is actively flirting with another man, it’s a cause for concern. Just don't do it. She recently made a new male friend which she met through some other friends. He looked at me and I told him to go for it. Just real pictures&gifs of wives naked doing slutty stuff. That one is a tough one, but can be worked on. ) Both he and his wife readily admit he is an enormous flirt. Each time I tried to explain myself and apologize for the misunderstanding that she felt that way. Wife asked how old he was and he said he was 29. When I first met my wife, it was pretty evident that she was attracted to me in the way she looked at me, and then it became more obvious when she started becoming more touchy with me. Sounds more like passive flirting to me. I’d call it flirting if I didn’t know them. Honestly, my wife and I have an open flirting policy. We have always gotten along very well, and I know she loves me, but she's had an ongoing problem with flirting with other men. For me though, I'd love for her to flirt with the guys who come up to her, even mention that they are staring and giggle Me and my friends wife have become close friends over the last couple of years, we talk more with each other than we do with anyone else, it's been nice, but lately she's been saying that there's nothing wrong with flirting or looking at each other, so we've exchanged pics (nothing hardcore) but things we wouldn't want anyone else to know about. I don't try and stop her from doing it, but i don't touch back. Keep it amateur, no pro-shot porn or anything fake looking. Flirting is how we show someone we are attracted to them. Until now I've always brushed it off, but I happen to find her very attractive. Or my non-hetro male friends. I’m still not sure how what you’re describing would mean your wife is “acting like a couple” with the guy(s?) at her job. The romance is still there but the bedroom is more or less dead (we have sex maybe once in 3 to 4 months, After a couple weeks of this, i came over again. * No, he made a choice to make a pass at her. Last summer we got a new mailman who is objectively attractive. As a bonus your wife will see first hand the repercussions of her actions. Pure obliviousness is my flirting M. But, I know a couple who’ve been married for 50 years. WifeWantstoPlay is a place for pictures and videos of hot slutty wives doing hot stuff. We’ve gone so far as to play next to others at a club, but we haven’t yet played with others. Now, if my wife was flirting with other males consistently, Women on Reddit are sharing flirting techniques that actually worked on them and some of the stories ended up with a wedding. Or tell you it is just flirting. Take to the internet for help (like Reddit users do!) 5. (The guy’s my uncle, has no filter. At 40 years old, kissing another guy, flirting with another guy, and telling him stuff you don't tell your husband just happened. You need to see your fiance face to face and beg for forgiveness. In this conversation, when he said he was looking forward to seeing my wife, she would reply with things like “I’m looking forward to much more than just seeing you”, etc. If this flirting lead to something more than I would just divorce/dump her. Again reddit has decided that a singular mistake means the end of a relationship. View Transcript. The guys were obviously working some magic, but she mostly ignored them. . After deleting it, she showed me her phone to prove it didn Please be careful. nuclear man & woman with 2. Goes on for a while. I did not go to college with them and met my wife several years after graduation. Unless, of course, you were looking for reddit to tell you it's okay to fuck him anyway - which is laughable. As I (36M) came downstairs I find my wife (30F) blatantly flirting with one of her friend’s boyfriends. This includes flirting advice, techniques, flirting failure/success stories, flirting questions, and trying to differentiate between flirting and banter. Towards the end of summer I noticed my wife was almost always outside around the time he would bring the when we hear any song that has to do with love or affection i always tell her "i wrote this for you" so much so she says it to me now. Your heart will tell you that your wife loves you as much as you love her. Jane is married to John, who also went to college with them. My wife and I are in our 30s. Here's my advice, get into contact with the other guys SO. My wife has a friend, Jane, who was/is her best friend since college. My wife and I are in our early 30’s and we have been together 12 years. My wife and I have been together 10 years, married for nearly 5 and we have a 3 year old son. Married for 10 years no kids. It can 38K votes, 760 comments. Shady. He hangs around a lot and is a heavy drinker. You are beyond controlling if you think your wife isn’t allowed to fucking smile. Don’t be that insecure husband, please. O. Meanwhile, flirting can be harmless, but not necessarily when married . Since she became pregnant, our sex life dried up. 37M caught wife 33F flirting with a work colleague . I was sitting in a small corner cafe. With 2 kids demanding jobs and life. I have let my wife go on trips with male friends, with complete trust. Not going into detail, but he looks good. Just find another woman to sleep with. He then told me he thought it would be super hot if I would flirt with guys while we were out the next night and he Recently met his wife and she is always flirting with me, often right in front of them. Wife: I hope you do! I felt like my girlfriend was flirting with my friend I just started dating her officially recently and introduced her to some of my friends. if we are watching a movie and i see a flirting scene i will repeat what was said to my wife and kiss her somewhere on the face. Why would that change after you start dating. I can help. People noticed at work that my wife had stopped being friendly with him and was asked 'was it because he was being awkward with you as well?' kinda thing. Honestly, this may not have been as much of a thing for him as it was for you-- you say "emotional cheater", but it doesn't sound like you had a particularly emptionally intense relationship. I (39M) saw some flirty received texts on my wife's (40f) phone. Is my wife flirting with her coworker? Originally posted to r/Marriage. My wife is attractive, and back in the day before we were married, during our boyfriend girlfriend phase, for 6 years, i have notice that she had dozens of guys on her social media accounts, some of them are old friends, and some others are people who sent her friend requests. TRIGGER WARNING: Emotional infidelity. She came home a little bit drunk and she was remorseful as she told me that a very attractive young guy I know guys who would flip out if another man gave their woman a friendly hug! It's well documented on this forum that I enjoy seeing my wife being flirtatious (among other things) with other men. Weird" to and pushed it over to my wife. At first I only saw her occasionally and never really interacted much outside of friendly hello whenever running into her while outside. After our last Two nights ago she went out with her girlfriend and they went to a bar. We're flirty people and get hit on a lot, as long as there's no foreplay or fucking then we ignore it. She had been somewhat flirting with me. So my wife and I have been married for 20 years we are in our early 40’s. I would also never flirt with a non-hetro female friend because I wouldn't want to give the wrong The pics you have on your profile of your hotwife in action are awesome! My wife and I have been together for 8 years. For some, even the mention of ENM is a dealbreaker. Ideas for role play My gf 46f and I are going on a trip and will be staying at a nicer downtown hotel that has a bar. He ruined his relationship. Sounds like you totally led the bartender to think it would be OK to contact you in future. Get a look at yourself in the mirror. Sipping a cup of bitter black coffee. Your heart will tell you that you love your wife unconditionally and no matter what she does, you will forgive her and make it work. Cheating starts with flirting. No kids. She's been doing this for a few days now. My wife of 4 years (we've been together almost 6 years now) recently told me that lately she hasn't felt attractive. Around October My fiance and I broke up so she moved out. TLDR; Accused of flirting with women. You get the idea. It can also signify attraction, especially if other signs accompany it. I would never flirt with a straight male friends unless that is what the friendship already was and of course the single part. I do interrupt, talk to them, play the drinking games. When I confronted my wife, she denied the conversation existed. Tell you that it is really no big deal and that everything is OK. I’m sure your wife is the same. Recently she posed the idea of going to a bar and pretending not to know each other so that she could flirt with another guy and see how far it goes. I'm told I get checked out whenever we go out and about. If she isn’t replying then that’s better but actually accepting the attention from the men instead of putting them in their place is odd. Last week I found out they had been flirting a bit, like sending hugs and kisses. Notices wife “only” likes & loves this man’s post or stories, not a single other post. Drunk, partying, flirting, getting fucked, clothed, bikini, you name it, its welcome here. Towards the end of summer I noticed my wife was almost always outside around the time he would bring the At the café, I heard my wife FLIRTING Reddit Story #reddit #redditstorytimes #redditreadings #askreddit #cheating #cheater #cheatingstory. When we got married we moved into a nice small house in the suburbs. Write a Note. It was supposed to be a simple evening. They view it as the partner not feeling they are enough. How much you love your wife does not mean a damn Says my wife. It doesn't sound like that man, who misinterpreted your wife's friendliness as flirting, responded by telling your wife that he's happily married and not interested in her *that way. They always get in these types of situations at work where they are flirting with other men. married 2. You want to keep her, then I would just let her flirt. Asks her how she would feel if you were entertaining another woman flirting with you and you flirting back. However, he would do anything for his wife, he adores here, and has never cheated, and never will. He lives in another country and was just visiting, but they have been messaging and becoming friends. I suspect they may be going through a separation but I have no way to be sure. Well later on my wife sent him a message saying. We have been married for two years. Anyway the defacto leader of the large friend group in question is a very charming, Hans Landa type dude and he started talking to my girl. Always hid her phone got up at 3am to chat and send pics she did this to me for 10 years now we have been divorced for 3 years. It ruins things. This is a big mistake About 3 years into our relationship I discovered that she was flirting with an ex via text. Original Post Feb 24, 2023. Advice Needed Wife (42) returned from a business trip today, went straight to the bedroom, locked Anyways, he asks me if I’d ever consider just flirting with guys at a bar or something and I blushed and said maybe. Grow up and leave your wife alone I (27M) believe my neighbor (mid 30sF) is flirting with me. I never seemed to realize it happens, and after getting married I'm told it's borderline offensive as to how little I notice other women. Some people really do flirt for the sake of it and would never act on it. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS Bar flirting for a beginner . He seemed shocked but in a good way smiled at my wife and waved. She's married and the problem is that women can't control their impulses. Laughing obnoxiously at every non-funny thing he says, turning her body and gazing deep in his eyes, touching his arm every 15 seconds, it was so egregious. My wife never drank but since he’s been around she downs liquor every day and is always drunk. She waved back and I invited J to come have some drinks with us. If all they are doing is flirting, I would not care because at the end of the day she was with me. This is no low level flirting you knew what you were doing and you got busted. Had one in a restaurant send me a drink to my table, which I went "huh. Open ended responses like “ I dunno” doesn’t alert someone to fuck off. It was such a great sight and feeling witnessing this happen. Her husband, just like you, picked the signs that she was doing such things. Overly flirty and sexual. He did not react well and it’s highly likely that his marriage may be over. That all being said, you have every right to be upset, and I think you should talk with her about drinking and harmlessly flirting a little more responsibly. For basically a year this guy has been hurt & on edge to finally see a message randomly from this guy with wife flirting & begging him to go to conference again this year. "GIFs" is officially pronounced with a hard "J" Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. She mentions that there was a guy at work she was flirting with and she started loving the attention she was getting from other men in general. I first moved into this neighborhood in the summer with my then fiance. Don't feel like you are too awkward or too cool for school. Before we moved in together we would flirt, sext, and send dirty pictures back and forth. Waiting for Megan to finish up her work dinner. I'm definitely not going to absolutely flirting is important in a relationship. Your heart is an idiot. The night before I left on a week long business trip, I heard my wife's phone go off while she was in the bathroom. these actions have fallen by the wayside. Flirting strengthens connection, boosts confidence and brings excitement into a relationship. It also make your gf act on her lust instincts because she sees no lost. I'm not the kind of guy My wife: I need to control my impulsive flirting with Garrett. qeu rkovz zeihgk odtwv haeourc magae orvxh tfnjda pwikxj linp rhfbnth jcbq ggu rqvm wwy