Ecc88 vs 12ax7
Ecc88 vs 12ax7. The JJ ECC83 is a very popular 12AX7 among guitar players and musicians. The 12Ax7A is compatible with both the parallel and series circuits, while the 12Ax7 only supports parallel circuits. Voltage gain is also known as amplification factor (mu) and is typically stated in the ECC83 tube datasheet as having a value of 100. Outer casing : Copper. This NOS Tesla ECC88 / 6DJ8 preamp tube was produced during the 1960's and 1970's. Ta šema je linearna preko 1MHz, zavisi od lampe. I've owned the 834P (all versions), 88PB and MC4. 2. Amazon Price Today. I ECC88 page sheet date 1 1 1958. 0mA is normal too. E – characterizing the increased durability of Jan 19, 2013 · The 6BQ7 isn't an easy VT to use in audio work, but when you need more gain than a 6FQ7 can provide, but not so much as a 12AX7 or 12AT7, then it definitely meets the design criterion. The biggest difference between these power tubes is the amount of gain they will provide. 5. My recommendation is to run it a at a bit higher current, as the output impedance will go down. A 12AU7 would likewise be 2200 on each side. The tonal characteristics were easier to hear. The cascode LTP splitter/gain stage is pretty much my universal, "go to" front end design. bakelite, Copper plated tin, Bottom:Copper plated gold. 01 4 A 1957. Compared to the JJ ECC83-S this tube sounds a little more eager to hit the midrange. RCA engineers developed it around 1946 and released it for sale as the 12AX7 shortly after. High gain. X10-D instead ECC85. As they make durable tubes with good longevity. 1. 12AX7: Insights. [1] There are many equivalent tubes with different names, some Mar 4, 1999 · Mullard CV4004 box plate - very extended at the extremes, great frequency response overall in fact, but maybe even more fuzzy than the usual 12AX7. These are also called E88CC in Europe. Versions of the tube are named ECC88, E88CC, 6922, E188CC, CV4108, 7308, 6N1P and 6N23P. I'd like to know some opinions before i try this. . s. 09-05-2006, 09:33 AM. o. E88CC - 6922, 6DJ8. 6Ф4П (6F4P) 6DQ8, 6DX8, ECL84. This tells me that JJ's E88CC is NOT a real E88CC, but a relabelled ECC88 instead. Oct 18, 2004 · Michael, Otis, Getafix are correct. Preamp Tube Descriptions. The right number signifies the month of stamping. Although both are 9 pin double triodes, the ECC88/6DJ8/6922 has twice the mu (gain) of an ECC82/12AU7. Type #3 - Same as type #1, but ribbed plates. More information about power supply Jun 1, 2021 · The 6n1p was developed as a miniature replacement for the 6n8s in new designs, and is fairly similar to the western 6BQ7. Jul 19, 2010 · Which Telefunken 12ax7 I'd like to hear from members who are familiar with NOS Telefunken 12ax7s from the 1950&60s. The high end was down 0. ) sound nice. 365. By simple extrapolation you can now derive stamping dates for any other year/month combination on The 7025 valve is a low hum and low noise version of the ECC83, but will you hear the difference? 99% of valve amplifier manufacturers use the ECC83 (12AX7) as the first preamplifier valve but purists and professionals love to use the 7025 instead. The quality of Philips ECC83 (developed in 1954) has always been very good. Gain. Of these three, the 12AU7 provides the least amount of gain. Apr 23, 2020 · Musical and accurate breathes more life in the music and nearly equal detail to the Ray Samuels Apache XLR vs XLR. The amplification factor is radically different with the 12ax7 's being 100 and the 12au7 only 19. Gain can be adjusted using the Rgain resistor. 12AU7 is also known in Europe under its Mullard–Philips tube designation ECC82. After plugging in the adapter, you can use 12AX7 or 12AU7 12AT7 ECC81 ECC82 ECC83 vacuum tubes. Item number 368286. 3V. Mar 19, 2016 · I'm not sure any one 12AX7 is going to be "The Tube". Long life > 5000 hrs!!! Mar 28, 2010 · A 12ax7 will only dissipate 1 watt max vs 2. Outer casing : Bakelite. It is used in 99% of all guitar amplifiers. The 6922 has a max voltage of 220 volts. The high gain factor and the dual-triode configuration allow Feb 13, 2021 · Sonotone 12AX7/7025 cleartop side getter is an excellent choice. For example I have a pair of fairly rare matched Mullard "10M" 12AX7's that don't sound as good as Raytheon Black plates in my phono preamp. The audio produced has a lower gain, but it’s still crisp enough to show the texture and details. These are very low noise and sound clear and full. and Thursday, 6. Except for heater wiring (voltage is 6. Mar 28, 2019 · Original machine use E88CC ECC88 6922 6DJ8 6N2 6N6 6N11 vacuum tubes. The 12AX7 has a gain factor of 100, while the 12AT7 has 60. Both are stunning and I use the gold pin 6922 from Upscale Audio in my Conrad Johnson ET250S amplifier with excellent results for its great bass, dynamics and warmer sound through the mid treble in that amplifier. The average is always around 1. Because of this it is rarely used in guitar preamps and is much more commonly found in the reverb section of the amplifier. Mar 10, 2016 · Microphonics. The ECC88 is a substitute for the 6DJ8. E88CC = 6922. Black bakelite gold-plated socket. The Electro-Harmonix 12AU7A / ECC82 Gold vacuum tubes are a gold-plated pin version of their very popular preamp tube. Mar 10, 2021 · Four tubes all alike: - Halo getter. 6N2P's filament will take only 6. 07. And don't ask me why that is, but it is so with NOS and NEW tubes. I doubt any commercially available unit would do this, though. It retains all of the definition and detail that the Sep 17, 2020 · 4. The E88CC will work in any circuit in place of the ECC88. Detail and Dynamics. The dictionary definition of "normal" is: "occurring most often". Even the standard types made in Heerlen (shown in the first two pictures on the left side and labelled Amperex, Valvo, Philips a. Still, the differences prove insignificant in most of the cases so it’s possible to use the tubes interchangeably. This long plate Russian tube is smooth and tight. Hi. #2. You can still actually afford the Telefunken, Dutch Amperex, and 12AX7 tube is a small signal dual-triode vacuum tube found in just about every tube gear today. Sep 15, 2020 · 12AX7 vs 12AT7 vs 12AU7: Differences Explained. 3V (pin 9 and pins 4 and 5 connected together) operation. 12AX7 pin 9 goes to 6n2p pin 5. Measurements were made of an original Mullard ECC83, two of the ‘reissue’ 12AX7 tubes and a JJ 12AX7 for reference. Diameter: 25mm (0. It has relatively high Miller capacitance, making it unsuitable for radio-frequency use. 6Ф5П (6F5P) 6GV8, ECL85. The Tesla ECC88 vacuum tube was closely modeled after the Siemens and Telefunken E88CC tube's plate construction. Also known as the CV4108 in Europe. BTW: It will sub for the 6BQ7, as a plug-in. It utilizes a medium length ribbed plate design that is much like the old Amperex and Brimar European designs. The JJ ECC83-MG is a fine sounding tube. #3. The next part of the review was performed over several weeks. 12AU7 (mu: 17): Released – October, 1946. Material: A. 12AU7 vs ECC82 listings show a similar issue (BIAS 24 vs 17), but the differences are smaller. See also Soviet Tube suffixes. Jun 28, 2019 · The 12AU7 (Fig 1) is a preamp tube that’s part of the same class that includes the 12AX7 and the 12AT7. The ECC88 has outwardly VERY similar pinout to the ECC81/82/83 family, but there is a critical difference in the heater pins. In this role it is widely used for the preamplifier (input and mid-level) stages of audio amplifiers. 1 dB. This is one of the best 12AX7 for any guitar amp. The CV4004 designation is simply what that British called their short plate, low noise 12AX7 in the 1950’s. It has a 9-pin miniature base and is commonly used in audio amplifiers, preamplifiers, and headphone amplifiers. Aug 19, 2017 · My EAR 834P Chinese clone Phono preamp works great with Ei's ECC83/12AX7 and ECC82/12AU7 (as a V3 that is used as a "buffer tube" on a cathode follower configuration), it also likes some Hitachi 12AX7 and 12AU7, and Matsushita 12AX7 and 12AU7. These were manufactured by Sonotone in the 50’s, and have a smaller glass envelope than any other 12AX7 I’ve seen. The listed number is the minimum number a new tube should test. Probably not an ECC81/82/83. 7. Distortion at 1 volt output was at the limits of my test gear (under 0. 3) in the documentation it says the Phonobox is equipped with 13D16's and if I wanted to change I should Mar 29, 2019 · 6N2 or 6N1 6N6 6N11 6922 ECC88 E88CC vacuum tubes were originally used on the machine. So, for my example here (Stock No D335)- a yellow print ECC83, Blackburn January 1965 we have the stamping codes MB which equate to 1965, February. Summary: This tube delivers a real punch with lots of gain, however, due to some background noise some high gain amps you may want to avoid using it in the 1st position. I use them in a cocktail with their 6 volt brethren all the time for top results. But even this tube will not work in all 12ax7 applications. Mullard spot) 12au7 - RCA cleartop EF86 - Amperex amp 12ax7- Telefunken 12au7 Sylvania (really nice ones by the way) then there's some crazy back end that isn't made anymore but seems to work fine which is good because you can't really replace it, then output=KT-88 JJ Tesla LONG PLATES VS. Apr 19, 2023 · JJ E88CC draws 0. This JJ ECC803-S / 12AX7 vacuum tube offering has huge plates in its triode sections giving it a real punch with lots of gain. - 2 mica. Dec 23, 2020 · Ako odabereš ECC84 i ACF2 onda je recimo radna tačka Ua=100V Ia= 10mA Ug=-2,2V Rk=220oma. 1) Factory code, 2) Year of Manufacturing, 3) Month, 4) Week (this is usually on tubes manufactured after 1960) The first 2 characters are the most important ones since the factory code would show where a tube was made and year, well, this one is super important since sound changes quite a bit for Nov 23, 2019 · So 2 standerd 12ax7/ecc83 gain stages that are capacitor coupled followed by a direct coupled cathode follower using the ECC88. It’s really got nothing to do with tone, and merely serves to keep stray gas molecules out of the way of the operating vacuum tube. these are all "New Old Stock" tubes from the 5 Sep 4, 2006 · Tweet. 07 7 FP 1999. It has two identical triodes both of which have a high voltage gain. Very low distortion, at low signal levels (less than 1 volt signal output). I bought 4 for 60 that were Fisher labeled. It belongs to a large family of dual-triode vacuum tubes which share the same pinout ( RETMA 9A). 3V heater voltage and would need a different wiring than stock 12AX7’s. It is important to know the differences between these tubes, since sound and performance can differ greatly between the two types. It is often used for Hi-Fi applications. Top: Ceramic, copper plated gold. Feb 21, 2021 · 1) from those of you who have experience with both, is there indeed a significant difference or is my imagination going a bit wild. 12AU7 TO E88CC. The output is the coupled back to the kathode of the first stage. Depends on the use. Re: Tonights Match: ECC83 vs 12AX7, 6L6 vs EL34. The USPS is Experiencing Serious Delays - Domestically and Worldwide. On the other hand, the 12AX7 is used in audio and video applications. Jan 30, 2013 · To fix it you have to add another 'saver' on top of this one. In stock. 2) does the device need to burn in and should i give it some time before making final judgement so to speak. Black bakelite shell. Apr 10, 2005 · Apr 10, 2005. Amperex 12AX7 - now this one is a bit more interesting. May 6, 2019 · The left number signifies the year of stamping. 98in) Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours. Testing and/or Matching. Amplifier Design using ECC81 ECC82 and ECC83. The getter is the part that makes the silver getter flash on the tube. Diameter It offers easy access to break-up and crisp highs making it brighter than the Mullard 12AX7. The 6N1P ( Russian: 6Н1П) is a Russian -made miniature 9-pin medium gain double triode vacuum tube intended for use as a line audio amplifier and cathode driver. Note: The vacuum tube originally used on the machine must be 6. The power supply uses a 5U4G tube rectifier and a C-L-C filter. Sep 22, 2014 · Sep 22, 2014. 01 3 3 1958. #13. JJ Electronic ECC83MG - 12AX7 Factory Data Sheet: ECC83MG Our observations: Another 12AX7 variant from JJ. " Rock and Roll IS a contact sport!" The E83CC was able to handle a lot more noise when compared to a standard 12AX7. This multi-page document contains a typical valve circuit, recommended by Mullard Engineers, for making a Class A Push-Pull amplifier using two ECL80 triode We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 5751 CV4004 CV492 B339. Top socket: Bakelite, copper plated gold. (I tried this amp several times as it Dec 27, 2008 · ECC88 = 6DJ8. You can mix them in an amplifier any way you like to find the right sound. SHORT PLATES The 12AX7/ECC83 comes in two main types (with some exceptions): 17mm Long Plates and 14mm Short Plates. The reverse is possible only within the maximum ratings. #1. With a number of different KT88 tube amplifiers we have had good results using new production JJ KT88 Blue Glass and Genalex - Gold Lion KT88 tubes. 6V (pins 4 and 5) or 6. I placed the E83CC tube in the following amps, playing through a Strat Deluxe with Vaughn Skow custom wound single coil pickups. The latter valves have an extra heater pin for the heater element, which is The 12AX7 Valve (or 12AX7 vacuum Tube) is a small preamplifier valve which is identical to the ECC83 – same valve, just a different name. Gain is a higher than the 6BQ7, but the loading (bias, etc) is close enough ヨーロッパ版の名称はecc88、通信用や軍用等に用いられる上位バージョンには6922(欧州名e88cc)や7308(欧州名e188cc)がある。 過去に Philips やAmperexといった著名な欧米の真空管メーカによって製造されたNOS品(新古在庫品)の 6DJ8 や ECC88 は、 オーディオ 6DJ8. The ECC88 is known for its low noise and high gain characteristics, making it suitable for audio applications where low May 1, 2010 · I use a Hickok 533 mutual conductance tester. This long plate Russian made Mullard is powerful and thick, offering easy access to break-up with lots of top-end harmonic texture. Some will sound brighter or darker than others. We have the ECC81 ECC82 ECC83 was introduced specifically for audio applications way back in 1954 to replace the earlier 6SL7 octal based valves. 6922: The 6922 is the up-rated version of the 6DJ8 which was made for audio tubes. DOWNLOAD PDF. You can put a 6922 in a 6dj8 circuit but not the other way around. This is the real deal, made in Russia. The 6CG7 is used in audio applications, such as guitar amplifiers. JJ has become a very popular and well-known brand over the last few decades. between Wednesday, 5. Some have more inherent value than others, but rarity may not necessarily translate to "best sounding in your application". The 6N2P-EV tube are a replacement for 12AX7 in any typical amp application, but they have 6. #12. The 6DJ8 is a miniature nine-pin medium-gain dual- triode vacuum tube. Jul 20, 2023 · ECC83S Vs. 1%) at any frequency. Compatibility: 12Ax7A Vs. No problems using E88CC whenever a ECC88 is used. The 12AU7 has the smallest, at just 20. Finally the second stage is bootstrapped to maximize gain/ output swing and PSRR. The larger plates combined with crimped Substitutes: ECC88, 6ES8#, 6ES8, ECC189, ECC189#, 6FW8, 6KN8, 6922, E88CC, CV2492. IME, the 12AX7 has favorable distortion characteristics for a phono stage. With the exception of the box-plate Mullards, all the western European ECC83s were either long-plate or short-plate designs, that I am aware of. 06. Will work in place of: CV4004 ,7025, 12AX7, 12AX7A, ECC83, 12AX7WB. 1mA. You may find the ECC83 lending a slightly warmer sound or the 12AX7 offering a bit more bite to your guitar’s voice. S. Designed to amplify low frequency voltage. So that gives us options of 6dj8, ecc88, 6922, e88cc, cv2492, cv2493, e188cc, 7308, CCa, 6n23p, and 6n11 which are all very nearly identical, as well as the 7dj8, and pcc88 that differ in heater voltage but are otherwise the same. I own the 864B and Acute. See reviews. The 5751 thats often substituted for the 12ax7 has an amplification factor of 70 thats much closer to the 12ax7. Mar 29, 2019 · 6N2 or 6N1 6N6 6N11 6922 ECC88 E88CC vacuum tubes were originally used on the machine. See also: American/European Tube Equivalents. Sep 29, 2022 · In this video I tone compare a Matsushita 12AX7 up against a RCA 12AX7A tube. R. Sep 24, 2009 · There is absolutely no reason whatsoever not to get quality vintage 12AX7s. 6v), it looks to be very similar to the 12AT7. The 12AX7 tube is one of the pin-compatible tubes ( 5751, 12AT7, 12AY7, 12AV7, 12AU7) with differing gains. Type #2 - Same as type #1, but almost clear top. All in all, ECC83S differs from 12AX7 in two aspects: resistance (6 Ohms vs. Overall the sound is well balanced but clearly leans to more warmth, but not dark. 12AX7 pins 1,2,3,4,6,7 and 8 go to 6n2p pins 1,2,3,4,6,7 and 8. Basic data: The 6N1P has similar ratings to the 6DJ8 and in the past was sometimes rebranded as such, however differences between the two types (the 6N1P requires almost twice Item has been added to your cart. JJ Electronic - Vacuum tubes, Capacitors, Amplifiers. The 12AU7 and its variants are miniature nine-pin (B9A base) medium-gain dual- triode vacuum tubes. A “Tube Imp” tube tester was used to make a spot measurement voltage gain. 3. It is worth noting that quite a few modified versions of tubes exist The ECC83 and 12AX7, while similar, have subtle variances in gain levels and frequency responses affecting the harmonics and overall tone of the amplifier. ECC88, 6922, 6DJ8 and 6N23P. Bass seems neutral and mids and highs seems more detailed than any Nov 3, 2013 · Subscriber. Liquid epoxy sealing. 12AX7 and ECC83 tubes are identical and are directly interchangeable. Custom built Tweed Champ 5F1 Clone. On many amplifiers, particularly Fender, the 7025 is the specified valve to ensure best performance. Extremely low microphonic and excellent linearity. And, the distortion is primarily lower-order. The 6SL7 type of valve has the same base as output valves such as the 6V6, 6L6, EL34 etc and were bulky, so the ECC8X family made a lower power, much smaller pre-amp valve. Amongst all these tubes, 12AX7 has the highest voltage gain factor (mu) of 100. 5751 tubes are interchangeable with most amplifier tubes. Sales Unit 1 piece (s) £ 33. Direct Replacement or Higher Quality. Oct 30, 2020 · NOS TFK’s (<>), whether 6DJ8 variants, 12AT7 or 12AX7 have been my favorite input/driver tubes for as long as I can remember. Black Phase Inverter tubes can wear pretty quickly and if not replaced when they're ready to be it can affect your tone more than you think. Delivery approx. Experimentation is key. 70年代上使用的军工管. Mar 29, 2019 · Original machine use 12AU7 12AX7 12AT7 ECC83 ECC82 ECC81 B739 B749 B759 6. 12AX7 is an American designator, while ECC83 is British. It is very rich with great harmonics. Gold Aero measures 1650|1600 or 1900|1850 (of 2200 new) 12AT7 vs ECC81 reverses the trend (BIAS 10 vs 13), but also changes the target value from 4400 to 3250. Mar 17, 2023 · The 6CG7 is a medium-gain tube while the 12AX7 is a high-gain tube. Ever since I test NOS ECC83 and 12AX7, I find that the average of new production is not at 1. After plugging in the 12AU7 TO E88CC adapter, you can use 12AU7 12AX7 12AT7 ECC81 ECC82 ECC83 B739 B749 B759 vacuum tubes. I'd expect most circuit designs that work well with the 12AT7, would also work well with the ECC85/6AQ8. E88CC JJ. If the Power tubes of Jan 3, 2021 · Philips Miniwatt measures 550|600 or 750|850. The 12AX7 is a high-gain (typical amplification factor 100), low-plate-current triode best suited for low-level audio voltage amplification. Cheers. IN MY GEAR they have always sounded the most naturally textured, extended, dynamic, you name it as compared to NOS German Siemens, Amperex (USA, Holland) and other highly regarded tubes; not to mention modern tubes. 它们有着更高的真空率,杂音也比12AX7稍微小一点点. Hi everyone would just to say a few words about these valves ( tubes), was experimenting with reasonably priced ECC83 ( 12AX7) and came across the JJ Electronic models and had great success with their ECC83 models and with Gold pin variants- also with their Gold Pin 5751, also l tried The Gold Lion ECC83 Gold pin and a NOS Mullard 12AX7EH是指以EH为首的俄罗斯或东欧国家的电子管音色. Available since August 2015. 4. Differences ECC88 vs E88CC is that E88CC allows a little more plate voltage. Sep 27, 2016 · Speakerfixer. Han-dmade. E88CC is the European Name of 6922/6DJ8. Title: ECC88 Author: Philips Created The Genalex Gold Lion E88CC/6922 preamp tube is a premium grade selected small signal twin-triode that is a suitable replacement for all 6DJ8, ECC88, 6922, E88CC, and 7308 types. It is a premium quality 12AU7 tube built to match the performance of the military-industrial original GE 6189 tube. Here we go on a small journey of tube rolling which just means changing the Vacuum tubes for different brands. Frequency response of the SRPP Preamplifier circuit with JJ ECC802S tubes was from 10 Hz to 50 kHz within 0. 3V vacuum tubes. Size introduction. Aug 26, 2020 · 6BM8, ECL82. 6N1P. The first tubes that came with this device were ECC88,but when i changed to ECC85 from Siemens the sound become much better with more detail and the bass more tight and firm. Also for new tubes, and 1. Oct 16, 2003 · The E88CC is a substitute for the 6922. OTOH, the 6DJ8/6922 does better, at higher signal levels. The comparison here is for flat-out accuracy of the reissue. The bargain priced PCC88, the 7 volt version of this tube, works nicely in the vast majority of 6 volt applications. Top: Korean Belton tube socket . They provide the right balance of lows, mids, and highs. Summary: This should be on your short list. JJ 12AX7/ECC83S (Best Value) JJ 12AX7. Oct 4, 2016 · The ECC83 family. 3v instead of 12. 15. Feb 21, 2021 · This means you can't roll his selected tube types to other tube types. Long plates. Near equivalent: 12AX7, ECC83. Although the Ecc83 is the european designation for the 12Ax7, there are subtile sound differences between a true 83 and the 12ax7, plus The Ecc83's are capable of handling more current that most 12ax7. The biggest factor wil be the lower gain of the 12AU7, the impact of this will vary greatly from one amp circuit to another. 8 dB at 100 kHz. Related Post: Soviet/Russian Tubes Equivalents. This vacuum tube features gold plated pins and is manufactured to extremely tight specifications, making it the highest quality current production E88CC/6922 available. These tubes usually have gold pins and a longer life rating than the 6DJ8. 3V (pins 4 and 5). Due to the lower gain, you’re less likely to deal with noise, especially at lower notes. Bottom pins:copper plated gold. Arguably, all of these are the same tube with variance in tolerances between triodes and variances between tubes Apr 11, 2007 · perhaps I should set out the whole chain, in case anyone has suggestions preamp 12ax7 (this is the Tele vs. though a drop in replacement is theoretically possible, I would not recommend it, 12AU7s Sep 9, 2007 · Philips (and hence Amperex and the other Philips companies such as Mullard and Valvo) adopted a short-plate design for the ECC83 around the same time as the American 12AX7A came out. The typically vibrant yet rich and transparent Amperex sound with less of the typical 12AX7 softness and lack of focus. Designing a Class A push-pull audio amplifier using the ECC81, ECC82, and ECC83 valves is very simple if you read this wonderful article. 3V adapter, you can use E88CC ECC88 6N2 6N6 6N11 6922 vacuum tubes. They all are the same except for the maximum ratings and filament currents. Material introduction. America). Then subbing in a PCC88 might not produce enough emissions from the tube to really run it properly. ★★★★ 1950's RCA Blackplate 12AU7 (CONN) - Incredible detail and micro dynamics, musical but a bit analytical nearly clinical- tempo and speed very tight. Long plate 12AX7s were the first tubes of this type ever produced. Subscriber. For example, a 12AX7 minimum new conductance reading is 1250 on each side, given that it's an identical twin triode. Including VAT; Excluding £10 shipping. The ECC88, also known as 6DJ8, is a dual triode tube originally manufactured by Philips. A: 12AX7's filaments can be connected for either 12. ECC88 VS 6N23P. Copper and gold-plated pins. Using my Peavey XXX amp and Ibanez RGD61ALET Fishman Fluence equipped guitar. DOUBLE TRIODE. Right now I have a GE long grey plate D getter, a GE 12AX7A short grey plate halo getter, a CBS Hytron 12AX7A long grey plate halo getter, a GE 7025 short grey plate halo getter, a Matsushita 12AX7 short grey plate halo getter, and an RCA long black plate square getter all from the 50s or early 60s in my Fisher X101C Apr 1, 2021 · England. The higher gain of a 12AX7 enables it to be used as an audio preamp for microphones or instruments, such as electric guitars and basses. 5. 5751这个适合BLUES,增益度很低,声音平滑,杂音小,力度大而 Sep 10, 2014 · Measured Performance - ECC802S Tube SRPP Preamplifier. I've spoken with three different tube vendors who are frequently recommended on this forum and received three different assessments of the ribbed vs smooth plate versions. 7025一般是FENDER早期如60。. 16 Ohms) and country of origin (British vs. The lower gain of the 12AT7 and 12AU7 also allows them to have a higher headroom, which can provide a warmer 플레이트등 내부 구조가 텔레푼켄 일반관인 ecc83/12ax7 과는 완전히 다르고 6dj8 / ecc88 과 유사하며 진공관 핀에는 금도금이 돼 있습니다 텔레푼켄 ecc803s (ecc83 / 12ax7) 는 미국 인터넷 진공관 판매점에선 페어당 $2천불에서 조금 빠지는 가격에 Mar 12, 2024 · 12Ax7A Vs. Feb 27, 2014 · The code is broken down into 3 or 4 characters. 07 6 C 1957. Highly durable, low-microphonics double triodes, close by characteristics to the 12AX7/ECC83. They can be had for cheap. I was unable to notice a loudness reduction compared to the standard JJ ECC83S tube. To ti je dobro napajanje i za ECC88/E88CC/6922 samo mislim da ECC84 nisu pin kompatibilne sa ECC88, pa bi ti trebao adapter ako posle hoćeš da probaš neke druge lampe. ecc88 (6922) 的局面。 另外,就是新近崛起的 6h30 了。 外表雖相似,卻有不同的特性與優缺點, 管迷在買前級時,就應該先有認知,才能選對符合個人口味的機種。 Aug 20, 2008 · Plate resistors are easily replaced in the worst case scenario (harp players do these kind subs often and rarely have problems). It provides very smooth mids and high end with a lot of detail. It is used in pre-amplification cascades on resistances. Someone told me that i should tried PCC88 in the M. The 6DJ8 has a max voltage of 120-130 volts. It is distinguished by its very high transconductance, mostly the result of its frame grid construction. 12Ax7. 01 2 2 1958. E88CC TO 12AU7 6. Sep 21, 2014 · The ECC88 is the most natural sounding tube in the 6922 position I have ever heard. ECC83是指早期如MA RS HALL的那样的欧洲管。. After plugging in the E88CC TO 12AU7 6. An excellent tube in all Marshall amps the 3 preamp positions. Type #4 - An oddball short plates & elaborate structure above the plates. Nov 3, 2013. The ECC83 MG is a “Mid Gain” 12AX7 type tube. Click Here to Learn More. 3V . The major difference between the 12Ax7A and 12Ax7 is the compatibility of both tubes. Mar 29, 2023 · Benefits. The only case I would worry about is a unit that runs the ECC88 heaters at lower than spec voltage to begin with. Sep 27, 2016. - Smooth plates. - Diamond with one or two numbers stamped into the bottom. Now in this one you can cut off pin 9 and link pins 8 and 9 together Far better to use a plug and socket solution, where 12AX7 = plug and 6n2p = socket. Noise. 75 watts max for the 12au7. Original Mullard ECC83 getter shown on the left and the reissue on the right. ECC82, ECC802, E80CC 其實,訊號管雖然有百百種,但用在前級的訊號放大上,幾乎只剩 ecc83 (12ax7) vs. The Russian 6n23p is a very close true 6DJ8/ECC88 equivalent, however. Share this post: This is a list of Soviet and Russian tubes and their American/European Equivalents. That doesn't mean you can't roll tubes, it just means your limited to rolling the one tube; in this case the 12AX7, the most ubiquitous tube used in the audio world. F. 2mA as by the text book. The ECC83 Gallery 12AX7 E83CC 7025 ECC803S. Znači napajanje 2x100VDC. 7308: This is the most sought after and highest tier tube in terms of quality. Size introduction Tube Classics - Philips Audio Tubes. 07 5 B 1957. 01. This is the same tube as a 12AX7, 12AX7A, ECC83 etc and will work in any amplifier that calls for them. Sep 6, 2014 · Jean Hiraga's single-ended KT88 tube amplifier schematic with 12AX7 (ECC83) tube input stage. Bottom:Copper plated gold. Here is a list of the main differences between the 12Ax7A and 12Ax7 tube amps: 1. This tube is well-balanced and is relatively low in noise. zo vx vp le uz rv se pf ms fw