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Tempest cleric bg3 reddit

Tempest cleric bg3 reddit. Gather your party and venture forth! Storm Sorc 8 / Theft 4, Storm Sorc 9 / Theft 3, Storm Sorc 6 / Theft 4 / Tempest 2, Storm Sorc 7 / Theft 3 / Tempest 2. Pass Without a Trace isn't bad either. Idk if draconic would be any better cause I’m dominating this game on tactician. Just grab a few qol spells from cleric and focus on sorcerer and cha. I stumbled upon the fact that I don't have CON proficiency this way, so I respecced to start Yes, if you want to cast spells as a Sorcerer, a Wizard and a bit of a Cleric at the same time. For the party comp you have i think you could use some aoe and support/healing, light cleric would do well. Ive always thought Healing Word was their best feature. For a full tempest cleric, I would keep all the gear you listed except add the hat I mentioned. This gives you heavy armor proficiency and allows spells casted from items to be used with Charisma. For the 6/6 it depends on whether you value your cleric spells or your sorcerer spells more. Tempest Cleric 7, oathbreaker Pala/eldritch fighter 5 Tempest Cleric for some control/heals and for command so I can get the fire sword from the commander guy in the ship. Optional, rings and helmets and capes that Increased any damage , the picture 1 and 2 did't wear any rings and helmets and cape Nyrulna Throwbarian quick build. You would expect spells related to storms; ice, lightning, thunder, clouds, wind, rain, etc. Sort by: Mooktastical. I'm starting a new playthrough and Tempest Cleric is really set up to be doing melee if not casting a spell for their action, rather than casting damage cantrips. We get heavy armour, shield, damage enemies that hits us and can have a reaction to attacks against us to hit them with additional lightning My first playthrough was Moon Druid, I'm on a 2nd playthrough with Shadowheart as Tempest cleric. Technical_Space_Owl. I’m debating kindve the opposite with a storm sorc10/tempest cleric 2. 9/3 Cloud Peak Mystic (9 Land Druid, 3 Tempest Cleric) Pros: Is still a full caster with access to 6th level spell slots, all spells scale off of WIS Cleric provides Aid to give Druid minions more HP buffer WIS-scaling Command from Cleric is a great tool for a controller Druid, along with Blindness for ranged enemies A Tempest Cleric + Lightning Draconic/Storm Sorc and an Abjuration Wizard with Armor of Agathys + Cold/Lightning spells is extremely good as well. They're tanky, they want to be in the middle of a brawl. I’ve become fully convinced after playing the first two acts as a wizard that light or tempest cleric is better for the party than a wizard 100% of the time. Need 14 Dex + Shield for AC. Evil evil evil. Storm sorceror is a blast to play and call lightning is a very efficient spell which will do most of your damage, so you can get utility spells instead of damage ones to help with support. If your goal is to go for level 5 or 6 of tempest, then Wisdom should be your spellcasting ability. clerics dont seem so good in bg3. Maybe you don't get all the same dialogue options, but like in this example, one of the options could be available to [worshipper of Selune] and the other reserved only for Clerics (who would have both options, naturally). Your spell DC is highest for these. I would prefer the multiclass. Idea here is the Cleric / Sorcerer build with a one-point Wizard dip. Inflict wound (level6) really pairs well with eyebite because you crit when attacking sleeping targets doing 16d10 damage. Markoheshkir for it's bone-shaking ability. Option 2 Tempest Cleric 2 // Draconic Sorcerer 9 // Wizard 1. I have no problem running my tempest cleric storm sorcerer into the Frontlines with the heavy armor. There's also some damage from Spiritual Weapon on top of that. Heart of the Storm. Award. Wearing heavy, so less need for dex to get good AC. I've recently been doing a storm sorcerer cleric with two levels of tempest cleric for the max damage lightning and thunder spells. While wizard gets you: arcane recovery for a replenished 1st level spell slot after a short rest. Most fights end already. Overall I'd say tempest Cleric is generally more useful. I came up with a build that was 2 tempest cleric, 6 sorcerer, and 4 lore bard. E. My cleric mid act 3 right now has 27 AC and has a ton of damage with Inflict Wounds. Action surge is very useful. Remember that wet enemies (via Water Bottles or the Create Water Spell) take double If you're using a sorcerer 10, tempest 2 build, then I think markoheshkir and/or the spellsparkler would be better. In addition to using Markoheshkir for Twinned Chain Lightning with Destructive Wrath, you would also Tempest 11 / Wizard 1 gives you all the cleric spells up to level 6, and you can learn any wizard spells in the game from scrolls. Cleric Tempest 5 is the fastest way to get max damage dice AND call lightning (main damage spell in mid game). Tempest is great, if you can snipe Booming Blade from magic initiate or a multiclass it really helps enforce your melee as you don't have it conflicting with extra attack, it still works with the clerics level 8 bonus damage on attack- and it's even a relevant damage type for Tempest cleric and works great thematically. Githyanki. You will have access to level 4 spells, upcast to level 6. If you go with that, you're mostly a sorcerer so Charisma would be your primary stat. Are there non-evil patrons connected to storms in BG3? Tempest is, beyond the one maximized spell, a path into a melee-capable cleric, while light is all about crowd control - mostly controlling the crowds by burning them to a crisp. CON save proficiency if taken at level 1. Medium armor + really good weapons (greatsword, etc). Wrath of the Storm. You could do Lore Bard and Tempest Cleric or War Cleric and Swords Bard. Tempest cleric is also good since lightningthunder is less often resisted than fire. Also, as Cleric, you can prepare any spell of your Cleric level, plus Tempest Domain spells, which are always prepared. Auril - evil winter goddess. Elemental Adept not necessary. The tempest cleric reaction synergism’s with getting hit often. I think I went Wis 17 (+1 hag hair), Con 15 (+1 Resilient feat - also adds con saving throws), Str 14, Dex 10, Cha/Int 8. 6 levels of Cleric gets a lot of utility spells. Just apply wet status. ThrowRAZod. For my latest playthrough I started out as a Tempest Cleric (2 lvls) and I multiclassed into Storm Sorcerer after, because apparently it's broken and dishes out super high damage and I love the matching theme. Feat: Elemental Adept: Lightning. Base Sorcerer progression: Two level 5 spell slots; three Metamagic options; Font of Magic; option to start as a Sorcerer / choose Sorcerer proficiencies. Pick whichever you want the most. Now I wonder if Draconic Sorc (lightning) is better, same combination. Cleric spells: these are fun spell for specific occasions. Gather your party and venture forth! The most common multiclassing for that build is 2 tempest cleric, followed by 10 storm sorcerer, to ensure that spells granted by items (and illithid powers) scale with charisma and not wisdom. . I'm in act 2 right now and I don't know how to build my tempest cleric. This item will really pull the build together. TheVanderwolf. If you would rather get a more blaster magic combat style, multi class tempest cleric with storm sorcerer for some nice subclass ability synergy. 12. Wis isn't necessary. Good when you crit, as it maximizes the damage of the crit. When I look at the thunderwave that I learned from the sorcerer class, it says CON Save, CHA casting. I plan on mainly using big lightning spells and my character is going to be a dragonborn durge. Love for Tempest Cleric. Everyone has 21 AC, melee and ranged, big heals, it’s nutty. Extra attack for a bonus action feels bad. What this gives: It would be cool to have the option of selecting a deity for your character even if you aren't a Cleric. Even with the barbarian and fighter, you are definitely tankier than the monk, with heavy armor & martial weaponry. You want to give the caster gear to her (Melf's First Staff for instance) so enemies have a harder time saving against her spells. Tempest Domain Cleric Thunderwave Question. Just realised the answer to my own post, use meta magic to be able cast twice but even with this option if you're going to electrify the whole area getting another character to use an item with create water to get the mob wet first then casting two lightning spells still seems more efficient as unlikely the other character can Guides. Without pre-haste, you would cast quicken create water, twinned chain lightening, and a quicken chain lightening turn one. ive not played tabletop, but have years in Solasta. ) Make sure to pick up dual wielder feat. In 5e turning an ally into a brontosaurus or T-Rex is basically a 100+ HP heal. A ton of it in standard 4 man honour mode is just over levelling in act 1 (you don't have to do creche or hag until level 6 or even 7 if you really push it lmao) and preparing the appropriate resistances for fights. Tempest Cleric: Return damage when hit, improved melee damage (level 8), spells are blast / reposition (mainly knockbacks). Character Build. There is no simpler way to get damage vulnerability as there is for lightning damage. Some people value the constitution proficiency from Sorcerer way too high for this particular build. With 1-2 levels of Wizard for Conjure Elemental (upcast), among other In a regular fight (at least in BG3) you can cover most single target healing with healing potions. What you could do is go war cleric 12. Multiclass into Tempest Domain cleric (2 lvls) and go deep nuts into sorc (10 lvls) -First feat, ASI 1 pt into cha (18 cha) 1pt into dex (16 dex) Second feat Spell Sniper. The general idea is to get a free attack on enemies getting into melee range, knocking them away if you need space, then repeating. 1 - Thunderwave/Fog Cloud - Both make perfect sense for tempest. •• Edited. All you need from Barb is 6 levels. I think they're the best. Spirit gaurdians is terrific, but the cleric - not exactly a melee tank- needs to be in the Trickery clerics get Polymorph, which is incredibly strong in 5e but not bg3. g. If the big reason for tempest cleric early is armor, go 1 sorc/1 tempest, then sorc to like 6 to get your level 3 slots open and then back to cleric once you get those big spells for the big crit. War or Tempest cleric? One level dip. We'll end up 9 Sorc, 2 Cleric, 1 Wiz (8/2/2 is also an option). Tempest is my favorite. Zariel Tiefling. *Using Charisma as attack stat (Pact of Blade) + Extra Blade attack (Which still stacks as of Patch 2) *1 use of Destructive wrath per short rest. Spells: Shocking Grasp, Chromatic Orb, Thunderwave (Yes we get it from cleric, but if Sorc is your main class, you'll want it to use cha instead of wisdom) Level 2 - Cleric 1: Tempest Cleric. Gather your party and venture forth! Best Patron for a Tempest Cleric (besides Talos)? Character Build. Bg3 specialization > versatility. She is a Trickery Cleric? There's two ways of using. . My wizard is level 10 now and am planning on dipping one level in cleric at level 11 for martial weapons proficiency (and heavy armor but only for the look lol so not as important). The Wet Slapper! It's nothing groundbreaking: Shocking Grasp oriented Lightning Sorc with a Tempest Cleric and Wizard dip. But seriously, I would rather my cleric be Tempest and have the ability to delete 3-4 enemies from the fight on round 1 every time. I did a 2 tempest cleric/2 divination wizard/8 storm sorcerer run in Tactician and it was a blast in act3. With 2 Level dip into Tempest Cleric. The best thing that trickery gets in bg3 is Mirror Image, which helps keep concentration up for Spirit Guardians. The only weakness I find is that I won't be able to get enough levels into Wis and Con def most important, but high strength is nice as a third stat because tempest cleric does has okay potential for melee damage, especially at lvl 8 when melee damage gets an extra 1-8 damage. Start with a 1 level dip in sorcerer to get Con proficiency then go 6 tempest cleric, and then the last 5 sorc levels (maybe sacrifice a Cleric level for a wizard level). Regarding Shadowheart you are right. Tempest and Light are both great. Ah Almost every cleric subclass can be great if you build to its strengths. Just having a cleric cast protection from poison makes phase spider and hag significantly easier. And the few times you really need more, you have mass healing word as a reaction on the cleric. This build might require investing in WIS to make the cleric spells work. (which synergizes well with tempest reaction; both dealing double damage to wet enemies), draconic resilience for a little more hit points and decent AC without armor. Tempest Cleric/Paladin is a great Multiclass option if you are mostly cleric and you are looking to boost your melee damage with smites. For the 2/10 and 2/1/9 you want to take Cleric first and end with sorcerer. Healing, buffing, and damage. Storm Sorc/ Tempest Cleric isn't that useful (to me) as compared to going pure. Feat: War Caster. Tempest cleric is incredible in act 3. Nyrulna is a legendary +3 trident available at the very beginning of the act 3 ( by winning jackpot from the genie at the circus) It does respectable amount of damage when thrown (1d6 piercing + 3d4 Thunder) and magically returns to character's hands, allowing a Str based character to use it like a ranged weapon The trick here is that Wizard, Bard, and Cleric are all full casters, so you will get full spell slots no matter how you spread your levels in these three classes. It gets a ludicrous amount of spells and skills, and while it misses out on the 6th level spell, you get a ton of lower level utility spells, cantrips, and skill proficiencies. Coruscation ring is good for lowering their attack (up to -6) on spell-hit, as well. I am doing this for multiplayer, for single players i am doing storm sorcerer so tempest cleric might be redundant. I just can't ever think of it as optimal or having a place among the top tier build, personally. That is why they get no fitting spell that can crit and no Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning. Level 1 cleric has bless and with sorc you can get shocking grasp for those bigger moist hits starting at level 2 with create water. I initially opted for a light cleric, with 8 STR, 16 DEX, 15 CON, 8 INT, 17 WIS, 8 CHA (first feat would be a +1 to CON and +1 to WIS), and pump his intelligence with the amulet of that troll (can't remember his name, nor the amulet's My first thought for BG3 was Tempest cleric 6 / Storm sorcerer 6. I am playing a wizard and I've always play RPGs as a caster with a big weapon as secondary. Gather your party and venture forth! 2lvl of tempest cleric to get it's channel divinity power and then the rest in either Storm Sorcery or Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer (lightning dragons obviously) The usual build is more a storm sorcerer than a tempest cleric (2 level of cleric, you just want the channel divinity, 10 of sorcerer). I prefer elemental magic over the light magic but I would rather not be a tempest cleric if doing more weapon based attacks is a focus on the build. In bg3, anybody can throw a healing potion as a bonus action. Max damage call lightning plus the thunder/lightning damage reactions, armor and weapon proficiency, the domain spells, all on top of the base powerful spells clerics get is just fun and really A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. The build is amazing between having heavy armor, a shield, flying as a bonus action and being a super strong caster. If I couldn't play that I guess I'd play a War Cleric, but it always felt a bit clunky. It also stopped working completely for me after a while. Add a Comment. I have STR buid for this class with 16 str and 16 wis and don't know which weapon would fit the best, only that i found in act 1 is lightning charge weapon - trident The Sparky Points, twohanded maul Hammerhaft that provide 1-4 thunder damage during jumping. There are specific dialogues for Draconic Bloodline Sorc and Wild Magic Sorc, not much for Storm Sorcerer. Taking Cleric first allows spells from items to be modified by charisma. The channel divinity damage doesn't scale too well on higher levels and you encounter more enemies with fire resistance. Reaction heal Step 2 have hand crossbows as your ranged weapon, you don't need proficiency because chance to hit objects is always 100%. If not, turn 2 is going to be twinned chain lightening and 2 quicken chain Best. When I look at the cleric version, it says CON Save. to remotely get someone unconscious back up. Tempest Cleric is about spamming lightning spells and swords bard is about using melee or ranged flourishes. As others have noted though, Light doesn't add much as a multiclass or a dip. Hello! I've been making a storm sorcery/tempest domain character and I had a quick question about the thunderwave that comes with cleric. Light shines (pun intended) a bit more in Act 2 but Tempest is fine also (Spirit Guardians). Spellsparkler since you can have magic missile on a sorcerer. These spells rely on Wisdom . Spellsparkler staffto gain lightning charges when casting spells. The "Thunderbolt Strike" class feature (When you deal t hunder or lightning damage to a creature that is Large or smaller, you can also push it) is not a toggle. Less than 6 levels of Wizard probably makes Abjuration pointless because the Ward will Multiclass build will give you 1 max dmg twinned chain lightning per short rest (+ one max dmg spell if using specific amulet). It will always knock back even though the feature says "you can". For gear, the main thing to get is the The downside is that this might not be permanent as in D&D, Extra Attack Sources do not mix together with the exception of the Fighter & Larian can nerf this in the Future. Yep. Light gives you cool fire 6 / 6 gets you 3rd level cleric spells, a 2nd Channel Divinity charge, the push power on thunder / lighting spells, and abjuration's projected ward. It's a good option to play Tempest 5 and respect later if you want your final build to only be Cleric Tempest 2. Level 3 - Cleric 2: In TTRPG 5e, the Tempest Cleric has the Skill to once per short rest, deal MAX Damage to Lightning and Thunder Damage. 2 days ago · Zariel Tiefling is the best race choice for our best Baldur’s Gate 3 Tempest Domain Cleric Build Guide because you gain fire resistance, two smite spells, and Darkvision. Statwise: max STR, 14 DEX, High CON. Take divination over evocation. Tempest cleric 2/storm sorcerer X is a tried and true dnd combo. You can go draconic sorcerer for a little more damage and hp and a cool scale effect on your character, or storm sorcerer for flight and call lightning. Optional, TheDevout_Amulet , add Tempest Cleric power , you can use second THUNDEROUS SMITE uuid: 1acf71e6-6bca-4d9b-9d24-739823e10723 9. Actually tempest cleric gives me sanctuary, inflict wound and command. On level 8 I might try some melee (or throwing, if it works) combat with the Divine Strike, if I find a decent weapon. Alternatively, if you want to be good in dialogue and instead have high Charisma as you mention, the traditional tempest cleric/sorcerer build is 2 tempest cleric, 10 storm sorcerer. I've heard mechanically you can pick any God to be your patron in BG3, but roleplay-wise that doesn't necessarily make sense. 2 tempest cleric maintains my spell slots, but I still miss out on chain lightning (not using the likely to be patched exploit where the wizard scribes things above wizard level) and wizard spell level progression, but in exchange I get heavy armor and I can maximize a critical storm spell 3x per long rest. 3- Again, shatter and gust of wind, perfect sense. So my first DnD character was a Tempest Cleric so I recreated him for my first playthrough and had a blast. You hard-counter Steel Watchers, your fighter will be lvl 11 so they get 3 actions to throw water bottles/barrels and make every enemy vulnerable to lightning damage and you can get gear If it's the tempest cleric that electrified it, it knocks back as long as it's electrified. 6/6 offers more channel divinity, but fewer sorcery points. Storm Sorcerer progression: Tempestuous Magic, Heart of the Storm, Storm Guide. Step 3, use your bonus action to fire your offhand crossbow at the water bottle, it will burst and wet the enemy leaving you with your action unused. Eventually replace gloves with Hill giant ones + respec. If you’re looking to do good AoE damage while also debuffing enemies and being able to protect allies: light cleric. If you take Sorc first, you do get the proficiency, but then all spells cast from items and scrolls will be done off wisdom and not charisma. I don't use tempest cleric for create water. • 4 mo. I'm trying to build a cleric build with a single dip into wizard. If they keep this skill, you can Just give yourself a powerful Lightning and/or Thunder Damage Spell, and if the need arise upcast that spell and activate the channel divinity. true. In my High level clerics benefit from more cleric levels less than any other full caster. As best I can tell, here are the benefits you get for each route: Option 1: 2 Tempest Cleric / 10 Storm Sorcerer. Often people will focus WIS and use the Headband of Intellect to boost INT. Ome of the best blaster/support classes in the game. You'll need 2 Levels of Tempest Cleric to get this I changed Shadowheart to Tempest and the damage on level 5 with Call Lightning is very nice, especially if throw a water flask at enemies. Peraonally, I went tempest Cleric and 2 lvl of fighter. • 6 mo. Light Cleric: Survive getting attacked with warding flare, improved cantrip damage (level 8), spells are pretty much pure blast. Storm sorc gives you metamagic and tons of spell progression, and with things like booming blade and heart of the storm/tempestuous magic you’re an effective zoning tool to keep people away from the squishies. Basically I kind of lean towards Light in the early levels or if you’re maybe playing with a more martial focused team whereas Tempest is better with other team members also doing Wet/Lightning 1. You can make him a Gith Cleric of Tyr, and then you can wield that Sword of Tyr sword. Assumed Spell DC for Chain Lightning cast - 8 (Base) + 6 (CHA) + 4 (Spell Proficiency) + 9-12 (Items) = 27-30 DC. Tempest Clerics generally work well with Polearms. Gather your party and venture forth! My Shadowheart build : Ultimate goddess of Lightning. Gather your party and venture forth! Quite a potent defensive tool. I wouldn’t bother with 1 level of wizard as while the scribing mechanic is neat it will require either that head piece or being mad to make use of the wizard spells. Because of balancing. Building a Tempest Cleric/Storm Sorcerer. However, what I'm wondering about is why not include a 1 level A Tempest cleric; literally just meaning a powerful, violent storm. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. 145. Tempest domain cleric is a mess. -When you reach Lower City, first of all, complete mage tower and get Markoheshkir, it lets you use Chain Lightning and Lightning Bolt as any Tempest is a really cool domain, but the available gods it is associated with are not. Also i remeber the glaive Life of Creation from bernard which add adictional 1-6 damage You're a tempest cleric, not a buff cleric. Hence why they get martial weapon proficiency and heavy armor proficiency, and at level 8, they get an additional 1d8 thunder damage when dealing damage with a melee attack. I am currently running a build this guy suggested in a similar post. Tempest cleric/wizard build. I’m actually running life and tempest cleric with a paladin and Druid as my main A3 party and it slaps. Draconic Sorc is good for draconic resilence and x2 hit points, it's also the go-to for Sorcadin combos due to the x2 hit points. Tempest cleric and Oath breaker paladin/fighter that is a pyromaniac shooting fire at enemies he can't immediately hit and bashes things whenever he gets the chance. The second choice is the Githyanki because you gain mobility spell Misty Step, Enhanced Leap, and Astral Knowledge. Ring of Mental Inhibition is good for guaranteeing your spells hit after your enemies fail their saves. As a tempest cleric you could through down the occasional max damage thunder wave of glyph of warding (lightning) when not raging or save your spells for post fight healing. *Paladin Smites + Extra Attack. Cleric paladin multi class is fun because it's the only way to get a Paladin with in game mechanics for devotion to a particular diety. BG3 needs options for non-evil nature/elemental themed gods for Tempest Clerics. •. Only problem is that it will make it impossible to get +3 wisdom without using a feat, and intend to use my feat to Great Weapon Master. Talos is the classic pick for a tempest cleric, but idk if I want to play w a Chaotic Evil patron. If you want to have cleric be your main class, you'll want high Wisdom. Max damage lightning spells once a short rest are fun too. 1. OP • 8 mo. access to armor of agathys. Multiclassing a high level cleric for Extra Attack is fine, all things considered, because multiclassing a cleric at that point is a good idea regardless of what you pick. Hi there! I like playing casters in video games and wanted to share a powerful caster build that I thoroughly enjoyed throughout my tactician playthrough. In BG3, the fact that you get double damage from lightning if they're wet is just huge. One level dip : r/BaldursGate3. Pure Sorc however can cast up to 3 twinned chain lightnings/encounter (4 if using amulet to recover lost spellslot). 3. I have some difficulty lining up the knock-back direction with area lightning/thunder attacks (like call-lightning), but it always procs when possible. Rogue thief 3 Cleric trickery 4 Fighter Battlemaster 5 (twf) (I'm undecided about early game level distribution on this. This gives you. They mostly get spells, and those spells suck. My build centers around call lightning. But the beauty of this game is that is NOT the only good or fun way to beat the game, life cleric works too. If you’re looking for maximizing nova damage and wanting to nuke fights before they begin: tempest cleric. Portent dices are super strong. I personally went for CHA but in retrospective it might have been better to go for INT. Gather your party and venture forth! Sorcerer 1 > tempest cleric 2 > sorcerer 9 > wizard 1 (unless they patch the way wizard spell books work). Tempestous magic. You could focus WIS or INT for this build, depending on which spells you want to use against enemies. ago. Thinking about multiclassing tempest cleric and paladin, what would a good balance be? (I mainly want to be able to cast strong thunderspells and mix melee, but also be able to use destructive wrath on thunderous smite) I was thinking 5 levels paladin (for extra attack each turn) and 7 cleric? But at level 8 tempest cleric gets the rest as a Storm Sorcerer. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. I_P_L. You do need to dual wield tho. Level 1 - Sorcerer 1: Storm Sorcery. Umberlee - neutral evil shenanigans at sea. Add the Clerics ability to just defeat the damage roll component. Works well with Spirit guardians. Just finished my evil play through, when I get off work I’m starting my good play through with diff companions, gonna be building a 2 tempest cleric/ 10 storm sorcerer. 6th level storm sorcerer gets access to call lightning and the storm sorcerer specific abilities. Any thunder/lightning damage dealt by the Tempest domain cleric should push enemies 3m/10ft. Reply. Spells: Bless, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Create Water. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Sorcerer spells: are those that ask for save. You don't lose much skipping on heavy armor. Your abilities and extra spells are all about being in the thick of it (your CD, Thunderwave, extra buffs to your attacks), not being the bard. Which is pretty gross. Being able to double cast call lightning in one round with tempest wrath added is very useful for wearing down tough opponents. Talos - chaotic evil destruction of everything. Cleric/storm sorc with a dip into wizard for learning spells off scrolls. I also heard they have more melee than light clerics. I love multiclassing in this game. Sanctuary is a really cool get out of jail card. Your Ward will cap out at 12 points. So the order should be 2 tempest cleric/8 storm sorcerer/ 2 divination wizard. Not a big deal, since there are ways to get constitution proficiency from other sources. Tons of Cleric Utility, Proficiency in everything, Amazing Cleric spells plus great domain spells, and You can absolutely nuke an area with channel divinity. But you can always play on Explorer and make whatever RP builds you want BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. il je hb sk je ac qx to ut by