Does level lock use thread. Model #4: Calls into the Python C API require the GIL. Facebook. However, Matter does not support Bluetooth, so it was assumed Level Locks would not adopt the standard. Level Lock comes with strike plates, adapters, a CR 2 The Level Lock is an invisible smart lock, designed to fit easily into a deadbolt opening and blend naturally with the style of a home. See It Read Our Wyze Lock Review. This is called class lock, and can be used with static fields or Nov 3, 2010 · 29. They replace traditional mechanical washers and fasteners. @jayendrabhatt, Read locks and write locks come in pairs: If thread R holds a read lock, it blocks thread W from obtaining the corresponding write lock, but it does not block thread S from getting the same read lock. How to use the Level Lock+ to allow temporary access to your home. Same behaviour is there for class level lock. If you have 10 instances of class, only one thread will be able to access only one method or block of any one instance at a time. By default, Julia starts up with a single thread of execution. However, my program itself is invoked from another, higher-order module It should be possible to keep the current lock (like with Level Bolt), or it should at least look like a normal lock if not (like the Level Lock+ Touch). Thread pitches are important because it has to do with the materials being used. About Us. Re-entrant locking. Virtual lock switch. To use threadlocker with fasteners, a small amount of the adhesive should be placed on the threading of a bolt where the nut is going to rest prior to installation. Unbeknownst to buyers, Level included a secret Thread radio in all of its well-reviewed smart locks that will soon be updated to A. Jul 5, 2022 · The Level Lock Touch Edition supports HomeKit and several unlock options, including key cards, but it lacks Wi-Fi and doesn't work with many other third-party services. I have recently switched from threading to multiprocessing in my python3 program. readWriteLock () ReadWriteLock readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); readWriteLock. It is important to ensure that the unlock () method is called in a finally block to guarantee that the lock is released, even if an exception occurs. Sale. The number of execution threads is controlled either by using the -t / --threads command line argument or by using the JULIA_NUM_THREADS environment variable. lwadbe. acquire() and . For a ConcurrentHashMap, the locks may be at a hashmap bucket level. This will help prevent confusion between investors. The syntax of the posting must be consistent and follow the order [user name] [GB name] {P-lowest to P-highest}. A lot of thieves are opportunists and are trying to get in and out as quickly as possible, and without getting caught. The Level Bolt has been nothing but a pain. 0 inches thick and has three holes: one is for the tailpiece and adapter and Jun 16, 2010 · 3. Aluminum and plastics are weaker than steel. First, you can set up two types of guest access: verified or unverified. Home Key support allows your Dec 26, 2023 · Lock Timeout: Use a timeout when acquiring locks to avoid indefinite blocking. The logging module is intended to be thread-safe without any special work needing to be done by its clients. On the other hand in wait-free algorithms, a subset of lock-free ones, any thread can complete its work in a finite number or steps, regardless of the execution speed or the workload level of others. I tested the Satin Nickel version Jan 11, 2021 · Class level locking means you want to synchronize static method or block so that it can be accessed by only one thread for whole class. The number (ie 1. or. Lock typically includes Jan 8, 2024 · When only one thread writes to the volatile variable and other threads read its value. It is very flexible and provides more options in comparison to the Synchronized block. Class level lock: Every class in Java has a unique lock which is nothing but a class level lock. 16. Jan 25, 2022 · 3. Timer. Aug 20, 2020 · Threadlockers are adhesives designed to lock, seal, and hold threaded fasteners in place after tightening. In this example, the critical section performs a minimal amount of work, which makes it a good candidate for a SpinLock. So this number is what you use for your Lock Math. synchronized keyword can be used only with methods and code blocks. Contact Us. A key card. This item includes: FREE Expedited Shipping & FREE Returns. Dec 17, 2021 · How to: use SpinLock for low-level synchronization. Sep 22, 2020 · Threadlocker - Thread-locking Fluid - An Expert Guide. The purpose of locks, alarms, deadbolts, etc. 2. Apply threadlock to the thread. Any threaded assembly expected to encounter vibration will need a threadlocker to meet best-practice Oct 6, 2023 · An object-level lock, also known as an instance lock, is associated with an instance (object) of a class. Increasing the work a small amount increases the performance of the SpinLock compared to a standard lock. This can be verified by using the command Threads. 0 / 5. 00. A reentrant lock is a synchronization primitive that may be acquired multiple times by the same thread. If a lock is non re-entrant you could grab the lock, then block when you go to grab it again, effectively deadlocking your Nov 3, 2022 · The Level Lock Plus was just released and touts Home Key support as its distinguishing feature. $129. Monday through Friday 7am to 6pm PST; Saturday through Sunday from 7am to 3:30pm PST. //will lock on specified obj1 object. When the function returns, the thread MongoDB uses multi-granularity locking [ 1] that allows operations to lock at the global, database or collection level, and allows for individual storage engines to implement their own concurrency control below the collection level (e. Dec 8, 2023 · 2. Otherwise, it really depends on the specific ISynchronizeInvoke instance that was used. Attach the nut to the bolt. The following example demonstrates how to use a SpinLock. Blocking: delay a thread until some desired event occurs; Locks. release(). Whenever you want to use the resource, you agree to call mutex_lock first (put your hand inside the chalk line). start_new_thread(function, args[, kwargs]) ¶. The Lock+ essentially replaces both Sep 12, 2022 · What is a Mutex Lock. Once dry, the adhesive forms a bond that will They will typically only be labeled as “1. HomeKit native (no extra hubs necessary, no cloud roundups for locking/unlocking). public synchronized void print() {} private static Object staticLock = new Object(); public static void buffer() {. So far we’ve said the C code is able to release the GIL under some circumstances, but we haven’t said when. Let’s talk. If you’re installing a new bolt, apply it to the threads that will be in contact with the nut or threaded portion of the component. Essentially it is a specialized glue for nuts and bolts. When the transaction commits the row represented by entityA will be locked by the DB. 9 Guild Thread is a guild thread that enables members who have The Arc at level 80 or higher to fast level their Great Buildings. Case 1: On objects we create using new or factory methods etc. Class level lock prevents multiple threads to enter a synchronized block in any of all available instances of the class on runtime. I just updated today! : r/HomeKit. I just updated today! No mention of Thread yet, I also checked my Eve app to see if it showed up in the Thread Network section and it was not there. in: Guides. The optional kwargs argument specifies a dictionary of keyword arguments. The Level Lock + is part of the Door Locks test program at Consumer Reports. Since every lock in my house is Kwikset, I personally have no issue with Level. Inside sits a small motor with a Bluetooth chip, which can turn to shoot the bolt itself. 8 Lock GB” or “GB Locks 1. They have a wide range of applications including for industrial equipment, engine, pumps, generators, electronic devices, and many others. , is to make your home less appealing to criminals than someone else's. com. /* need lock */. The lock is compatible with iOS and Android devices and can be opened via the Level app, key fobs, or voice commands to a compatible digital assistant. Clean the thread on the bolt. Most LOCTITE threadlockers take 24 hours to fully cure, undergoing an anaerobic Aug 4, 2012 · Row level lock; Then you have four lock modes: IX; IS; X; S; IX and IS locks are "intention" locks. If it does, give it a quick clean and make sure it’s dry before continuing. Blog. Note that classA may still have its own internal lock in this case Jul 3, 2020 · Level Lock is a deadbolt replacement kit, but don't let that intimidate you. ConcurrentHashMap was introduced in JDK 5. The Level app. Lock() call seems to indeed successfully work as it's supposed to within multiple threads of execution that I spawn from within my program. Mar 17, 2010 · Class level lock and instance level lock both are different, mutually exclusive. 99. //will lock on the instance used to call this method. ) They did tell me earlier in the thread (heh) that this feature is not currently in the works or on the roadmap. $249 $180. lang. This will be able to alert you when someone opens the door and also warn you if you leave the house, but only latch the door. nthreads() 1. 9 times the base reward. I will mention that the new architecture Apr 28, 2022 · Python extensions written in C (or other low-level languages) can however explicitly release the GIL, allowing one or more threads to run in parallel to the GIL-holding thread. The investors must take each slot in order highest to lowest. The final crucial stage of using threadlockers is curing. 3. Object level lock vs class level lock – Important notes. If the bolt originally had threadlocker, it must be removed using a wire brush. Level Bolt fits invisibly inside your door and works with iOS and Android mobile devices. If a thread wants to execute a static synchronized method, then the thread requires a class level lock. In this tutorial, we’ll explore different May 3, 2011 · The Theory. A mutual exclusion lock or mutex lock is a synchronization primitive intended to prevent a race condition. Start a new thread and return its identifier. Nov 3, 2022 · Andrew O'Hara | Nov 03, 2022. thread_id; } thread 1 will exceute main() function: Initial share data. concurrent. 5. So, the DB will exercise locks according to the transaction isolation level. 4 days ago · This is the type of lock objects. Find answers to your questions about Level locks, including keyless entry features, troubleshooting, battery life, smart home integration, and more. acquire() to get the lock. Before starting, ensure the bolt or screw is clean and doesn’t have any residual grease or oil as this will prevent the threadlock from curing. Android users will not have the same luxury though, as the lock does not support Amazon's Alexa or the Google Assistant at this time, which is definitely strange. If the lock is already held, the calling thread will wait until it is released. A better approach is to make a private object for locking, and synchronize on it, like this: class MyClass. Featuring unparalleled craftsmanship & a discreet, reliable, & secure solution for your…. I just updated and it still works within the app and with HK! Let’s talk. We’ve created a lock that’s not only about who you keep out, but more importantly, it’s about the people you’re able to let in. These methods or blocks can be static or non-static both. when should I use 'lock' in multi-thread programing? Just lock the area which each thread will modify or lock the area which each thread can access even it will not be modified ? struct share_data {. Jan 29, 2024 · Enter the Level Lock+, an upgraded version of Level’s flagship smart lock which, in addition to Bluetooth, has added NFC, enabling support for Apple’s home key standard. x. Whenever you're done with the resource, you agree to call mutex_unlock Mar 14, 2024 · Every class in Java has a unique lock which is nothing but class level lock. So the other threads with same object cannot execute addB(). Aug 15, 2023 · How It Works: Any thread attempting to call bookRoom must acquire the lock on the ConferenceRoom class itself, not on an instance. These locks are held before acquiring other types of locks. Both don’t interfere each other lock status. public void MethodB() lock (b) // Do anything you want with b here. With Level Bolt Connect, simply use the Level App to share access with friends, family, or visitors at a moment’s notice. Generally, choose: Small threads (up to M12): LOCTITE 222. A thread will call my_lock. 8) is how much the player taking the lock request will put on your GB May 13, 2010 · A non-blocking algorithm is lock-free if there is guaranteed system-wide progress; wait-free if there is also guaranteed per-thread progress. Case 2: On java. locks package, you can release the lock explicitly using the unlock () method. Feb 19, 2022 · Threads_lock protects a list of JVM managed threads from concurrent modification. It is used to synchronize access to instance-specific data to prevent multiple threads from interfering with each other. Only one thread at a time can have the Lock. A solution would be to lock, but you could also use volatile in this situation. There’s an Starting Julia with multiple threads. data variables, stream, etc. The Level Lock+ offers several options for granting temporary access to your home. nthreads(): julia> Threads. So, the thread pitch in those types of alloys are typically coarser. Internally, it uses the concepts of “owning thread” and “recursion level” in addition to the locked/unlocked state used by primitive locks. Unlocking and locking a door in Reply reply. 5. News. They’re threads where you can request a lock on your GB at a certain rate. 9” for amounts, and then some other nomenclature (such as “Lock”) after them to specify what the thread does. 8”, “1. With a screwdriver and a few minutes, you can easily install it. lock package, and it provides extensive operations for locking. Whenever a thread tries to access a synchronized block or method, it acquires the intrinsic lock or the monitor on that object or Object level Lock. in block t2 end. The first snippet in this article based on the fetch-and-add operation is an example of a wait-free algorithm: no loops, no retries, just Level Lock. Not only does threadlocker hold the fastener together, it seals the threads, so air, water, and chemicals cannot get inside the joint to cause rust, corrosion, or leaks. 3. Then apply fresh fluid to the threads and install it to the specified torque. g. Forge of Empires Wiki. This is what a lot of people misunderstand when it comes to home security. It is used if you want to protect static data. The use of locks and semaphores helps manage shared resources efficiently and prevents potential issues arising from concurrent access. A traditional key. As a result, multiple clients can modify different documents of a collection at the same time. 1-833-453-8354. A smart trilock with Thread and Matter support would be able to provide status, open/closed and unlocked/locked/deadbolt. Make your existing deadbolt smart. It will continue to sleep until being woken up, which will be the case once the mutex is being unlocked by whatever thread was holding the lock before. This means that the new value written does not depend on the previous value. 27. If method1 wins it will block method2 from accessing the underlying row and vice The Level Bolt Smart Lock is THE WORST Homekit device I've ever used. Home access with just a touch Aug 18, 2009 · Locking the entire collection is a performance overhead. When a thread acquires an object-level lock, it prevents other threads from acquiring the lock for the same object Feb 24, 2022 · Instead, it fits inside your door, basically sandwiched in between the exterior keyway and the interior thumb turn. 2. Step 2. Level Lock - Touch Edition. Using Lock Interface: If you are using the Lock interface from the java. Consider thread size when choosing your ideal LOCTITE threadlocker to ease servicing or disassembly. X locks are exclusive (write) locks and S locks are shared (read) locks. Mar 3, 2023 · While Level sells multiple locks, before deciding on which one you want, you need to think through if Home Key is a worthy upgrade because it does add to the cost. For that reason, it is often the case that developers need to check the state of the application after entering the lock statement's block. There are no explicit locks in the code. It's useful to remember that to the Linux kernel, processes and threads are essentially the same thing, and they're generally treated the same by kernel-level APIs. May 7, 2018 · Threadlocker is a solution used to seal (lock) fastener assemblies together to prevent accidental loosening of fasteners over time. While one thread holds on to the lock, no other thread can use the collection. After some time, a new locking mechanism was introduced. util. Contact Us Call Us. This means if in runtime there are 10 Dec 3, 2018 · If thread B has a lock when thread A encounters the lock statement, it could be seconds or even minutes before thread B releases the lock and allows thread A to acquire the same. A reentrant lock is one where a process can claim the lock multiple times without blocking on itself. {. The lock should not look like a smart lock. Apr 3, 2024 · in block t2. They are anaerobically curing chemicals that form a strong film in the gaps between the thread of May 11, 2024 · Simply put, a lock is a more flexible and sophisticated thread synchronization mechanism than the standard synchronized block. Mar 9, 2021 · Last, the pitch. 10. Keep your home design & keys with Level's invisible smart locks. locks package. 1. Keeping you and your loved ones safe is paramount. There is no locking at the object level,The locking is at a much finer granularity. Use the app, your voice, or auto-lock/unlock to access your home. They are all mediocre, but the Schlage branded stuff is just a bit better than what they foist off on the rest of their brands. Oct 21, 2022 · 5. The Lock interface has been around since Java 1. The thread executes the function function with the argument list args (which must be a tuple). Cure in place. Works with Ring features: Apr 15, 2023 · From both the front and back, the Level Lock+ has a clean design that looks like a standard lock, with a normal-looking keyway and a standard-sized thumb turn. If you have trouble keeping it straight, here’s a helpful rhyme to jog your memory: “Blue, easy to make new. $65. Mar 22, 2021 · How to use threadlocker. — Thread Safety, logging — Logging facility for Python. Synchronized Blocks on Class Literal Dec 5, 2013 · An attempt to lock the file using one of these file descriptors may be denied by a lock that the calling process has already placed via another descriptor. . Level Lock lets family, friends or service providers share access via the Ring app and allows for automation such as automatically locking* the door when someone leaves or receiving entry and exit notifications. In Java synchronization,if a thread want to enter into synchronized method/block, it will acquire the lock on: So the thread which will call the synchronized method addA() for example, will acquire a lock on addA() and addB() as both are synchronized. In theory, when a thread tries to lock a mutex and it does not succeed, because the mutex is already locked, it will go to sleep, immediately allowing another thread to run. This is because there is a greater difference between the root diameter and the major diameter. Invisible innovation. , at the document-level in WiredTiger). Sep 17, 2009 · So in that case the Elapsed event is invoked on the UI thread and it behaves similar to the System. Dec 30, 2023 · Lock Timeout: Use a timeout when acquiring locks to avoid indefinite blocking. The puck-shaped motor casing is 1. When multiple threads are writing to a shared variable such that the operation is atomic. 99 at Apr 29, 2024 · The Level Lock Plus Connect is powered by a CR2 battery hidden inside the deadbolt, and the brand says it will last for around six months with typical use. They will be denoted as “1. A race condition is a concurrency failure case when two threads run the same code and access or update the same resource (e. The electronics for communicating with your phone (a Bluetooth radio) and the Thus, instead of a map wide lock, ConcurrentHashMap maintains a list of 16 locks by default ( number of locks equal to the initial capacity , which is by default 16) each of which is used to lock on a single bucket of the Map. In our lab tests, Smart Locks models like the Lock + are rated on multiple criteria, such as those listed below. In JDK 8, Threads_lock was also acquired for iterating over a list of existing threads, and this Feb 2, 2021 · tryLock (long time, TimeUnit unit) – It is often almost like tryLock (), except it waits up the given timeout before abandoning trying to accumulate the Lock. (wikipedia) Informal: One of the most advantageous feature of non-blocking vs. Step 1. MSRP $329. Nov 20, 2021 · Using the wait() method temporarily unlocks the bottom-level lock and adds a high-level lock, and only when it receives a notfiy() from another thread does it unlock the high-level lock and re-lock the low-level lock, which means that the condition lock is implemented based on the constant switching between synchronous and recursive locks. Usually you won’t see these until you start having Arcs that have hit level 60+ in your guild. 98 at Amazon. This is achieved using locks. Using high-strength threadlockers in small threads may hinder removal, while low-strength threadlockers on larger threads may reduce effectiveness. Touch of a finger. lock(); Mar 20, 2014 · The perpetrator synchronizes on the class, preventing all your static synchronized methods from running. Level Lock: The Bottom Line Jul 12, 2012 · 6. From the outside, the Bolt is completely invisible. 9 Guild Thread. For a hold that can be easily removed, Loctite Threadlocker Blue 242 is the hero. Created in partnership with Apple, the new Level Lock+ is a shining example of a near-perfect smart lock with support for Apple Home Key and an entirely hidden design. You can even set an expiration time and date. Review. 4. Every method for locking and unlocking the door also comes with a record of who came in and out — and at what time. Nov 3, 2022 · The Level Bolt can be controlled and managed using the Level Home app, but the purpose of getting a HomeKit compatible smart lock is to use it with Apple’s Home app, so I’m only going to review using that. Let’s see how can we implement some locks in Java: 1. Java lock acts as thread synchronization mechanisms that are similar to the synchronized blocks. Level has long held a commitment to good design. Level Bolt. Prequalify now. //will lock on current object. Thus, the reading threads see the latest value of the variable. The locks (IX,IS,X or S) locks can be taken at any context level. The reason is because the logging module is thread-safe. Seriously, I was SO excited to get my hands on one last Summer when I "upgraded" from my August Smart Lock Pro. A 1. WiredTiger uses document-level concurrency control for write operations. Apple Home Key, touch, key cards, and mobile app activation Lock Threads. Medium threads (up to M18): LOCTITE 243. This would ensure that thread B will always see the most up-to-date thing that thread A has written. The thread is named for the 90% reward bonus from a level 80 arc; ranking donors receive 1. If queueLength is not volatile, thread A may write five times, but thread B may see those writes as being delayed (or even potentially in the wrong order). _thread. ) leaving the resource in an unknown and inconsistent state. The basic functions to do this are . Loctite threadlocker blue is designed to easily be replaceable with common tools, whereas red is a more permanent fix. Kick Jun 1, 2020 · The good thing is that users can completely bypass the Level app and use just Apple's Home app and Siri for controls if desired. Take up to 12 months to pay with no interest and no late fees. 9 Thread to work smoothly, a few key rules must be followed. Threading . Operations on a lock: lock: mark the lock as owned by the current thread; if some other thread already owns the lock then first wait until the lock is free. This seems to work fine, and the multiprocessing. Any other thread that wants the Lock must wait until the owner of the Lock gives it up. Once you have applied your threadlocker, slowly turn the nut to allow the adhesive to spread evenly across the two threads until everything is locked in place. /* share data */. If one instance of a class has already got locked by a thread then another thread can’t get lock for that instance until unless lock is freed by first thread. Reddit. Optional: If it’s possible to install in a wired setup in Mar 26, 2012 · A mutex is a way to protect a shared resource (the pen) for a short period of time called the critical section (the time to write one sentence of a document). Threads_lock does not block running threads from doing their regular work. The Level Bolt virtual switches are available on the main screen in the Home app. Wyze Lock. Jun 29, 2020 · The Level Lock works by essentially replacing the inner workings of your existing deadbolt, including the bolt itself. 7 inches wide and 1. •. Oct 31, 2014 · When you use "Synchronized" keyword, it uses intrinsic locks or monitors. Once a thread got the class level lock, then it is allowed to execute any static synchronized method of that class. Jul 29, 2020 · What Is Threadlocker? Threadlocker is an anaerobic sealant (does not need air) that bonds fasteners together. As mentioned, the Level Bolt allowed you to essentially use whatever external design you wanted — but even once Level started Apr 16, 2021 · Below are with respect to Hibernate as the JPA provider. Multifamily. A reader/writer lock pair allows any number of readers to "own" the read lock at the same time, OR it allows one writer to own Aug 8, 2023 · The Level Keypad works with any Level lock and is especially great for Airbnb-type vacation rentals. The engineering and design of this device is extremely clever. 85”, etc. ) Thread is a huge benefit for range and responsiveness for locks B. New Level Lock firmware was released!!!! 2. Windows. Red, full strength ahead!”. Dec 17, 2013 · Starting in MongoDB 3. Let in whomever you want. private ClassB b = new ClassB(); public void MethodA() lock (b) // Do anything you want with b here. Forms. *. An X lock at the database level will block all In Java, Lock is an interface available in the Java. That felt like a good enough reason for me to check it out, and Level kindly provided me with a review unit to put through its paces. Class objects. In my knowledge, locking is done on objects only. 0, the WiredTiger storage engine (which uses document-level concurrency) is available in the 64-bit builds. Thread locker. $199. You can lock and unlock Level Lock+ in a variety of ways: Apple home key. Ensure that the bolt is unlocked and thread the tailpiece on the keyhole side through the motor’s center hole. Lock: an object that can only be owned by a single thread at any given time (C++ class std::mutex). Matter is an IP-based standard, meaning it works over Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or Thread. With a Level Lock, that’s just the beginning. Every object in Java has an intrinsic lock associated with it. blocking is that, threads does not have to be suspended/waken up by the OS. If SynchronizingObject is null then the Elapsed event is invoked on a ThreadPool thread and it behaves similar to the System. Level are using Schlage cylinders, these are basically the same as most Kwikset locks. MongoDB uses reader-writer locks that allow concurrent readers shared 3. A threadlocker is an adhesive for nuts, bolts, and screws to lock them in place and avoid loosening caused by stress and vibration. Auto-lock and auto-unlock. Edit: Also, small company? Apple sells this Lock directly, they better keep up with features if they wanna continue being sold by Apple lol May 12, 2023 · Step 5: Assemble your lock using the Level Lock housing. Guide:1. RLock Objects¶. It's useful in situations where it's not easy to keep track of whether you've already grabbed a lock. Understanding and implementing thread synchronization is crucial for writing robust and reliable multithreaded programs in Python. Jan 4, 2022 · The Schlage Encode Plus Smart WiFi Deadbolt is an updated version of the popular Schlage Encode WiFi smart lock, adding an NFC chip for the Home Key function, as well as a Thread radio to support Sep 12, 2022 · The logging module can be used directly from multiple threads. I’m not going to review Lock Math here (since I have a dedicated article), just a summary. 85”, and “1. This indicates that 16 threads (number of threads equal to the concurrency level , which is by default 16) can modify Sep 30, 2010 · The application level lock should be used when the caller is the one using the shared resources and is composing something larger that uses classA, funcX and file W. Implementation of locks. In order for the 1. Use the lock keyword to guard code that can be executed simultaneously by more than one thread. Peace of mind is a great reason to get a Level Lock. Along with Level Keypad, you can also create and share key codes with trusted service providers like the dog walker, cleaning service, or contractor. It’s defined inside the java. It's response time for locking, unlocking, and automatons is SLOOOOW. readLock(). It is also difficult to determine which state the lock currently is. Clearance. Let's test it out Nov 4, 2022 · Level Lock+ design. The lock is acquired when a new thread starts, when a thread exits, and at safepoints. Synchronization in Java guarantees that no two threads can execute a synchronized method, which requires same lock, simultaneously or concurrently. os fg dv hw et dh wb ez wp nq