Rm cannot remove device or resource busy linux
Rm cannot remove device or resource busy linux. Now try deleting the folder or let VScode do it for you. File managed by GlusterFS may have a strange inode which have Aug 29, 2021 · I got the following error when trying to remove volume folders :cannot remove '/external_volume/': Device or resource busyThis video will help you how to sol Apr 13, 2017 · mv: cannot move 'console-' to 'console': Device or resource busy. May 23, 2011 · [zdepski@overseer 70nt_68kmer]$ rm -rf velvet/ rm: cannot remove `velvet/. I stopped the (Windows) process, and I was able to rm -R ~/. nfs00000001064d051f000000c2': Device or resource busy Found the answer. Jun 12, 2015 · I have tried the suggestions above but didn't work. 1. this will output the PID and other info related to that file. 在 Use the lsof (list open files) command to see these files. 提示:先检查一下是否自己有正在向文件夹写入文件?. As you use NTFS you should better do this on windows. rm -rf bla. " Thanks, Mar 9, 2022 · 清理目录的时候发现删除文件夹时报错: rm: cannot remove ‘. Display them: lsof +f -- <mountpoint or device> There is an advantage to using /dev/<device> rather than /mountpoint: a mountpoint will disappear after an umount -l, or it may be hidden by an overlaid mount. 比如发现在mobaxterm终端不下到本地 Jan 2, 2019 · Moving my pgsql directory to another volume I encountered an issue with being unable to rename or remove /var/lib/pgsql (in order to replace it with a symlink). [update] 'lsof' is unknown command for this shell - it is BusyBox v1. g. I've a fresh install of docker on a fresh Ubuntu 14. [user1@linux nfsmount] rm . Mar 24, 2019 · This could be due to a variety of reasons, including file ownership or permissions settings. Try to close it or check which program is using it then re-use the command. In order to solve this problem. drwxr Jun 15, 2018 · The system continues operating because Linux, like other Unix-style systems, keeps files and directories as long as any process has them open. Probably that was your issue. d/gnupg, not gnupg itself. If it's giving you errors right now and you just want stuff to install successfully, you can edit /etc/pacman. In the first method I get the "device or resource busy". May 26, 2020 · After sending "ATD" command ( echo -e -n "ATD ;\r" > /dev/ttyUSB2 ), according to lsof /dev/ttyUSB2 process ModemManager opens this very file and if I send another AT command I get message: bash: /dev/ttyUSB2: Device or resource busy. You need to close the program that has them open, and that program could be running on any client that has this directory mounted over NFS. Log out. You xant remove the dirextory, if you are currently in it. gitconfig folder, but it was immediately recreated. Turns out that what was keeping it busy is the Docker integration for WSL2. Delete the folder with its content. The device or resource may be locked by another process. The daemon says the underlying device or resource for the filesystem is busy. I try to rm -r /nfs/server2 but I get. rm: cannot remove directory `/nfs/server2': Device or resource busy. That's why it show device is busy or filesystem is in use. I am tired at 5:16am. and using escape method you will do: rm hw\ yoyo\ ~. Once the process on the client that opened the old file linux下无法删除目录,Device or resource busy报错解决方法. As root, I cannot remove anything under /tmp. d/gnupg: Device or resource busy I don't know if you can even delete that directory in the live system however, gpg is complaining about the missing file /root/. と入力してみます。 普通であればすぐに消せるはずなのですが、 rm: cannot remove ‘. 0K Mar 16 03:20 . Improve this answer. Use lsof to Find Open Files in a Certain Directory in Linux. Dec 30, 2016 · Nothing works. 比如发现在mobaxterm终端不下到本地 Mar 22, 2021 · linux; docker; centos; centos7; docker stop <container-name> and then docker rm <container-name> dockerfile cannot remove Device or resource busy. Apr 27, 2017 · 3. Device or resource busy’的错误。这个错误通常意味着该文件正在被某个进程使用或锁定,因此无法被删除。为了解决这个问题,我们可以采取以下几个步骤。 1. Ctrl+alt+delete - right click 'Windows Subsystem For Linux' - end task. Understanding the Error Message. nfs00000000000318c00000000f': Device or resource busy Sign in to view the entire content of this KB article. The ownership and groups looks fine. sudo nano /etc/fstab reboot. (I had to add MODULE_LICENSE ("GPL v2"); to avoid compile error). 当你尝试通过移动、复制 Jul 10, 2020 · Hi, Just when we upgraded our Linux box to Rhel 8. Solution 1: Move to a directory outside the file system mount point, and retry the umount command. 4 x86-64. With the live CD something else goes wrong. The code says everything: max@serv$ chmod 777 . module_init(func) creates an alias with name init_module for func among other things. CREATE_TUN_DEVICE=false can be set to disable removing/creating the tun device and allows the container to start. Jul 28, 2017 · A Red Hat subscription provides unlimited access to our knowledgebase, tools, and much more. 10. Something was wrong with the linkage, as @JeffSchaller suggested. I need to mount this NFS share in the same exact place on server1 (at /nfs/server2/share) because other software on server1 depend on this. Screenshot: you're looking to kill these tasks. For example, if the hidden file is . rm -rf {mydir}/ 删除不了,可能挂载了盘在这个目录,所以,删除不了,先卸载了目录上的盘,格式化挂载磁盘,然后在删除目录. dockerのvolumeとして作成したわけではないディレクトリやファイルが May 13, 2023 · Krusader will not let you delete. It will show how many processes holding/using the filesystem. As NFS is "stateless", there need to be a way to emulate the UNIX method of opening a file and then remove it keeping an open filehandle. 11. However,deleted it,only one reference was killed,or one or more process reference this file also. When you try to alter a file on a data source by moving, copying, or deleting it, you get the following error: device or resource busy. It can proved by the inode of the file. I try : docker system prune -a, it didn't work the first time I reboot the system; I try again docker system prune -a. I have changed permissions to chmod 777 bla, but I still cannot Apr 15, 2022 · Using TrueNAS Scale 22. makedev console c 5 1 root tty 0600: failed. Your files are on an NFS mount (a "network share" if you prefer). un-mount path. org, a friendly and active Linux Community. You need to unregister the first one before you can register a new one. nfs000000000189806400000085, run this command to get the pid: lsof . Probably there is a chance that you are not aware of a process that is using that folder, so you can find and kill that process or just reboot the server as I did as a quick solution. : rm -rf dirName. x86_64 adds support for overlay2. Run umount command as follows: # cd /. Additionally, we’ll go over… Dec 16, 2022 · I saw a lot of suggestions to delete /tmp/. Look through the output for application and process names that you can then properly close or terminate, freeing up the resource. This issue may be cause by. I've switched over to overlay2 in a non-production cluster and it seems to be working ok most of the time. Once you changed the metadata of files mounted, it will turn to separate file no longer associated with the source file. Mar 15, 2013 · 5. 0. /cannot_remove’: Device or resource busy. Close all your terminal windows (bash, shell, etc) 2. このページに添付されている動画に、その実行結果が表示されているのですが、いくつかのファイル・ディレクトリは、 Cannot remove によって削除できないという旨が帰ってきています To add to BruceCran's comment above, the cause for my manifestation of this problem just now was a stale loopback mount. I have been trying to get this sorted since early afternoon yesterday. – Dmitriy Novichkov. Jun 20, 2017 · rm: cannot remove '<Directory name>': Device or resource busy 0 What is the difference between '/path/to/file/' , '/path/to/file/. 问题原因: 造成该问题的原因是服务器集群(文件服务器的存储分别挂载到各个计算服务器中)中,在计算服务器上删除文件服务器(NFS:网络文件系统)上的内容时提示的错误。. nfs0000000106400b63000000c1': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove `velvet/. You can try to chmod -R 777 982899, or chown -R <your_user> 982899 to get around this. rm -rf 982899 will try to recursively remove anything inside that directory, and then, once it is empty, remove the directory itself. nfs file is attached to a process that is busy or running (like an open file, for example, a vim file). Deleting them manually will remove them, but can potentially break something eventually maybe. dirmngr , so does /root/. nfs00000001064d051f000000c2': Device or resource busy when I try to delete the offending files (from within the directory): [zdepski@overseer velvet]$ rm -rf . X11-unix exit cd ~ start kex kex That resolved the issue for me (without having to actually delete the /tmp/. 0. Then . bluescreen. Hello everyone, I trying to remove a directory, but I am getting the following error: sudo rm -rf /var/www/var rm: cannot remove directory `/var/www/var/cache': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove directory `/var/www/var/session': Device or resource busy I have seen some tips at Sep 29, 2013 · 157. 0K drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4. Log in using the command line. 3. sudo reboot remove directory. drwxrwsr-x 2 me mygroup 4096 Oct 20 17:59 bla. But I have a python script that deletes the files (automated process). Jun 14, 2017 · rm: cannot remove '<Directory name>': Device or resource busy 0 Would it be necessary to wait/sleep the bash script before rebooting the system after executing commands? Mar 3, 2021 · Once you have identified the process that is using the device or resource, the next step is to determine the cause of the issue. So now I'm at a loss. Use sudo -i to become completely root, including the environment variables. 8. el7. The program lsof, which stands for list open files, will be required. Jan 6, 2021 · 事象. It looks empty. Mar 27, 2019 · rm: cannot remove 'webapps': Device or resource busy So I want to know is it possible to remove mounted directory by executing a Linux command from inside the container or not? docker Unless I'm missing something, what that article actually says is that you should delete the bad keys that GPG had in /etc/pacman. 在 Linux 上修复设备或资源繁忙错误的替代方法. /dev/sdb = Old HDD. simply closed unity hub and rewrote the command worked fine. An alternative option is to rename the directory out of the way, and then try deleting it later. 0K Mar 16 03:19 . 原因:文件被其他进程占用。. $ touch sourcefile destfile $ sudo mount --bind sourcefile destfile $ mv destfile anotherfile mv: cannot move 'destfile' to 'anotherfile': Device or resource busy So, similarly, you cannot move /etc/resolv. fuser -m /mount/point: Shows processes using files on that drive. In the terminal, `rm -rf <directory>` returns "Cannot remove device or resource busy". So, using quote method you should do: rm 'hw yoyo ~'. When there are special characters such as space in the file name, the name must be put inside quote characters. Mar 21, 2023 · Unmounting ( umount) fails with a message: device is busy. Siglevel = Optional DatabaseRequired to Siglevel = Never. 「 rm デバイスもしくはリソースがビジー状態です 」で検索すると、" lsof Reboot my Linux server. Resolved this with an environment config. Go to a virtual terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F1. There are several reasons why a device or resource may be busy, including: The process may be hung or stuck. Sep 29, 2019 · 1. 4 with kernel 3. Find out what causes this error and explore different methods to resolve it. Jun 5, 2019 · Device or resource busyで消せなかったファイル rm: cannot remove '/dev/console': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove '/dev/shm': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove '/dev/mqueue': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove '/etc/hostname': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove '/etc/hosts': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove '/etc/resolv. Learn how to handle the “rm cannot remove file device or resource busy” error in Linux and Unix systems. 1. If you were working with NodeJS then the below should resolve it without restarting your PC: cntr + alt + delete -> task manager -> processes -> find all Node. It was 9 years ago, I tried again on ubuntu 20. I'm getting a Device or resource busy message after my mount command. The way to check kernel-used compiler version: cat /proc/version. Oct 20, 2021 · I am trying to delete a directory. I'd already checked the output of fuser -vm <mountpoint>/lsof +D <mountpoint>, mount and cat /proc/mounts, checked whether some old nfs-kernel-server was running, turned off quotas, attempted (but failed) a umount -f <mountpoint> and all but resigned myself to abandoning 924 Hi, I'm trying to do a sharity mount to mount a terastation network drive. 1 I had some issues with permissions in SABNzbD. 本教程将修复 Linux 中的设备或资源繁忙错误。. Reload to refresh your session. 問題原因: 造成該問題的原因是服務器集羣(文件服務器的存儲分別掛載到各個計算服務器中)中,在計算服務器上刪除文件服務器(NFS:網絡文件系統)上的內容時提示的錯誤。. Running ll -a will produce an error, not because Sep 21, 2015 · 1. The file you have been opened,and which process reference the file which you opened. You switched accounts on another tab or window. nfs000000000189806400000085. Something is using one of the files inside the inttegrat directory and NFS is keeping it safe until they have finished with it. 本人的具体事件:. # docker compose version: "3. If you're trying to remove the docker folder, you need to stop all docker containers first. Share. I tried: $ docker exec -it --privileged --user root f105b6bfec00 rm -R Desktop/app $ rm: cannot remove ‘Desktop/app’: Device or resource busy $ docker exec -it --privileged --user root f105b6bfec00 lsof +D Desktop/app $ edit: this is the docker-compose file I used: May 23, 2011 · I already tried moving into the directory, and removing the files individually, but I get the same error: Code: $ rm -rf filename. 3 April 2023 by Amar Singh. Jun 15, 2022 · No snap command will remove them. There are many files, and folders, under the /tmp directory. Problem is, i cant for some reason. Sep 6, 2015 · I faced problem like this because I mount shared folder in VM and I want to remove directory after unmount and I just want to share my solution. nfs00000024d297fc2f00086d4b’: Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove ‘. Before unmounted the filesysem. The solution is to run xfs_check to see that the links were incorrect, then xfs_repair to fix them. Check if no file is still open on /home and only continue if nothing's open: lsof Sep 3, 2018 · linux 文件刪除問題:rm: cannot remove '. 是否有正在查看文件夹下的某个文件?. You signed out in another tab or window. I am also trying to remove /etc/hosts in the dockerfile and symblink it to another file but I get the following error: rm: cannot remove '/etc/hosts': Device or resource busy May 30, 2016 · 動画自体は、ルート ( /) で sudo rm -rf / を実行する、というものです。. Sometimes I get "Device or resource busy error" when the script tries to delete the files. sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) linux-image-extra-virtual. nfsXXX files. 02. Another pretty much simple answer is following: 1. 04 today and it works fine. Okay, it doesn't say everything. Consequently, my script fails. X11-unix directory). 16. Processes with open files are the usual culprits. Open files. mv inttegrat inttegrat. " rm -fr RailsTutorial "で既存の RailsTutorial ディレクトリを削除しようとすると、「 デバイスもしくはリソースがビジー状態です 」というメッセージが出力されて削除できない。. sudo mount /dev/sdb2 or /dev/sdb5 it says. How can I get this command to work? Jun 11, 2022 · dockerがvolumeとして作成したディレクトリを削除しようとすると、 Device or resource busy というエラーが表示されるようだ。. # umount /cdrom. Dec 31, 2007 · A. You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. Think of it this way -- deleting a file doesn't modify that file. Apr 22, 2017 · ~$ sudo docker run -it stackbrew/ubuntu:saucy /bin/bash root@c5da8af3e62e:/# cd /tmp root@c5da8af3e62e:/tmp# ls -hal total 8. Mar 25, 2018 · 0. 2. Jan 4, 2016 · 2. Maybe you should check if you are using a compatible compiler. OK, so for some reason ModemManager is holding this file busy, but when this happens I can still send Dec 24, 2023 · For tricky cases where you're unsure, these commands can help pinpoint the culprit: lsof | grep /mount/point: Lists open files on that drive. sudo rm -rf /your_path Mar 1, 2017 · How to get over "device or resource busy"? The above solution works when you are manually deleting the file. So your problem may be that you do not have permission to delete the items inside 982899. sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -a -q) Then you can remove the folder. you can step by step: before you delete the file you should. – Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'. Apr 17, 2019 · Now the folder is still there (but empty) and refuses to delete. Any NFS file operation causes the chain: open(); seek-last-off(); doit(); close(); to be run and this is the reason why NFS survives a server reboot. nfs00000024d296fc2f00086d4d’: Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove ‘. 04\home\<my_username> and deleting . Ive tried rm -rf for the folder, ive tried stopping all apps and making sure nothing was accessing the folder, ive tried lsof +D /downloads Sep 6, 2021 · $ rm . The reason is that WSL probably put a lock on the file, because it's a server so probably a long running process. 3" services : transmission : image: haugene/transmission-openvpn:4. mount ed file could not be changed before it was umount, it means you can not modify the metadata of the mounted files. Mar 14, 2013 · 1. nfs': Device or resource busy. I have also tried rmdir. Jul 21, 2022 · may need to be logged in a root to do this. # fuser -km /cdrom. Worked for me when I was trying to delete the Unity project and it was used by unity hub. If you are already a root already, you can run this command without sudo umount /run/user/root/gvfs. Nov 19, 2021 · [mullvad_daemon][ERROR] Error: Unable to initialize daemon Caused by: Unable to initialize split tunneling Caused by: Unable to initialize net_cls cgroup instance Caused by: EBUSY: Device or resource busy I want to figure out exactly why the net_cls cgroup could not be initialized. conf': Device or Jun 29, 2022 · 0. Note: Old hdd also had Old OS installed on it as you can see in fdisk -l. Jan 19, 2013 · 3. Such as rm -f sort5BtEdh or rm /tmp/sort5BtEdh it returns rm: cannot remove /tmp/sort5BtEdh : Operation not permitted. 最近删除服务器目录,始终删除不了,总是Device or resource busy,查了资料,总结一下原因. . OR try the following command: . For example: Cause 1: You're attempting to run the umount command from within the mountpoint directory. Device already mounted or resource is busy. 本人的具體事件:. Or more precisely, you can delete them, but they'll come back immediately. Aug 17, 2017 · Linux — Bash Script for Server Management Today we will be going over some bash commands for updating, upgrading, and keeping clean your ubuntu server. Disk /dev/sda: 500. No, you can't delete . Not sure if this is because of upgrade or if there’s other issue behind. It is determined by the access bits of the directory which contains the file. nfs00000000000318c00000000f rm: cannot remove `. I gave you a +1 for a good info. That may get you sorted. working on a server, operating system is SLES 11. /dev/sda = New HDD. conf and change the line. js: Server-side Javascript under Name tab -> right-click and select 'end task' for all of those instances. Open your terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T) and run this: I ran umount /run/user/root/gvfs and it worked thanks. Sep 24, 2018 · I stopped the creation of a container before it gets completed, so it created a folder for that container, but when I try to remove that folder using rm -rf, I get the 'Device or resource busy' error, but when I do 'lsof <container folder>' or 'fuser <container folder>', it returns nothing, even when I do umount <container folder> nothing happens. sudo apt-get update. Files are still open here. 如果设备或资源繁忙,则无法删除某些目录。. nfs00000024d2983c2f00086d4c’: Device or resource busy 原因:文件被其他进程占. You can look at /proc/interrupts to Jul 18, 2012 · 6. Linux无法删除文件夹 Device or resource busy. In the second I get: /home is a readonly fs or similar message. also,this command ,show us the process id. You can try the either one of these options to delete the local folder: Use sudo: If you have administrative privileges on your system, you can use the sudo command to execute the rm command as the root user. というエラーメッセージが出て消せない場合があります。 エラーメッセージをよく見てみましょう。 Nov 30, 2011 · The core kernel interrupt code will look and see that there is already another handler registered for that IRQ, and return -EBUSY from request_irq. Details: There is nothing in the share (confirmed in terminal using ls -alh) The permissions are identical to other shares (confirmed in terminal) There are no processes running (confirmed using lsof | grep) There are no May 27, 2020 · linux下无法删除目录,Device or resource busy报错解决方法. You can also try to find the PID of the program that opens the file using lsof, with the PID, you can kill it with kill -9 [PID] (if you know killing it would not be harmful). 2 cap_add : - NET_ADMIN devices : RedHat Enterprise Linux 7. Try sudo rm -rf [Folder name] If it still displays "Directory not empty" that means that the directory is being used. BackInTime changes permission of all files and folders so you can't accidentally change or remove your backup. Despite postgresql being stopped and even disabled in systemctl I kept getting this error: **#** rm -r pgsql. In fact, the directory was created by a tool I just ran. rm: cannot remove 'pgsql': Device or resource busy. 1 GB, 500107862016 bytes. The file I am trying to remove is only visible via ls -la, and begins with a ". sudo umount /your_path remove mout path in /etc/fstab. Cause 2: An abrupt disconnect from the file system's mount target occurred. ' and '/path/to/file' in Linux specifically RHEL and RHEL like distributions? root@dom:/etc# whoami root root@dom:/etc# pwd /etc root@dom:/etc# rm -f /etc/group- rm: cannot remove ‘/etc/group-’: Device or resource busy root@dom:/etc# fuser -v /etc/group- root@dom:/etc# mount sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) udev on /dev type devtmpfs We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Feb 2, 2024 · Some directories cannot be deleted if the device or resource is busy. gitconfig from windows. ただし、他の原因のせいでこのエラーが表示されることもある。. In UNIX and Linux, the ability to remove a file is not determined by the access bits of that file. root@c5da8af3e62e:/tmp# mkdir realfolder root@c5da8af3e62e:/tmp# ln -s realfolded symlink root@c5da8af3e62e:/tmp# ls -hal total 12K drwxrwxrwt 3 root root 4. Aug 30, 2020 · Have a peek here. First confirm if the space is freed after rebooting, if not then your problem is not deleted open files. However, it seems dead containers cannot be deleted. 查找占用文件的进程 Oct 31, 2020 · 1. run below command to find out the processes using by a filesystem: fuser -cu /local/mnt/. You can delete the directory even if it is mounted. Aug 29, 2019 · 1. 2 , we encountered below errors in %clean section of RPM Spec File during build. Jan 15, 2007 · Welcome to LinuxQuestions. Please use either BackInTimes GUI to remove the whole snapshot or parts of it, or change permissions first: find /path Nov 20, 2019 · rm: cannot remove '/usr/bin/nvidia-smi': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove '/usr/bin/nvidia-persistenced': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove '/usr/bin/nvidia-cuda-mps-server': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove '/usr/bin/nvidia-cuda-mps-control': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove '/usr/bin/nvidia-debugdump Sep 2, 2015 · rm: cannot remove /etc/pacman. I had the same issue: I could delete this folder from Windows, by going to \\wsl$\Ubuntu-20. Next I tried to remove /nfs/server2 so I could just recreate it. gnupd even exist (If I remember correctly, some old ISO didn't have that directory despite it was needed to run dirmngr linux 文件删除问题:rm: cannot remove '. Start a new terminal. 在 Nov 10, 2022 · polaris940 commented on Nov 10, 2022. 0-693. /cannot_remove. DELETE_ME_LATER. By joining our community you will have the ability to post topics, receive our newsletter, use the advanced search, subscribe to threads and access many other special features. rm -rf dir. answered Oct 20, 2021 at 10:19. as root cannot remove file under /tmp operation not permitted. You can find and kill the process that's making the device report as busy. Another way of dealing with this problem is escaping the special characters in the name. The root user has the ability to delete any Jan 19, 2015 · It is showing in fdisk -l but when i try to mount using. You can't override the existing handler by registering another handler for the same IRQ. drwxr-xr-x 32 root root 4. Jan 30, 2023 · 使用 lsof 在 Linux 的某个目录中查找打开的文件. First you need to back out of there. I cannot remember exactly. If so, type: in to Terminal and navigate with terminal to where zigBqC04 is and rm <filename> to remove files or rmdir <dir> to delete folders replace <---> with the file or folder name. sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker. fought that for a little while and decided just to scrap and rebuild my downloads folder. Apr 22, 2019 · You signed in with another tab or window. we need to check is any process holding or using the filesystem. 清理目录的时候发现删除文件夹时报错:. This is what I did to resolve the issue: kill kex sudo su mount -o remount rw /tmp/. Sep 15, 2013 · @Megharaj: IIRC, the module loader looks for a function named init_module in the kernel module. [root Jul 16, 2015 · 1. Execute your command again e. It is possible that the . 04, using these command: sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine. rm: cannot remove ‘bla’: Directory not empty. X11-unix, but when I tried that I found that it was mounted as read-only. sudo reboot. First of all please check if your filesystem is consistent. But probably you backout of the directory to unmount which allowed you to remove it. 在Linux系统中,当我们尝试删除一个文件时,有时会遇到’rm: cannot remove xxx. rm: cannot remove `filename': Device or resource busy. Oct 26, 2016 · 8. 0K Dec 16 18:13 . 但首先,让我们了解什么是设备或资源繁忙。. Apr 3, 2023 · how to fix rm cannot remove file device or resource busy. answered Jun 29, 2022 at 7:22. If you won't be using the firefox snap, most likely it's fine to just manually delete the file, but there is always the potential that it may break something later. Deleting a file which is in use removes it from the directory, so it’s no longer visible, but any process already using it can continue to access it. gnupd/S. nfs00000001064* rm: cannot Yes! Moving your /home while you're logged in is a very bad idea. conf inside the container, for it is a bind-mount, and there is no straight solution. Apr 13, 2018 · So, I try to add /etc/hosts as an emptydir, but it is not allowed since /etc/hosts is already mounted with error: b'linux mounts: Duplicate mount point: /etc/hosts. If problem still continues then forcefully unmount the cdrom: # cd /. bi fg uz tk im zy jx mb ow ic