Shadow okumura hard. In execution, it's very annoying. " for absolutely no reason. The game is somewhat consistent with keeping you up to pace, up until the Okumura fight. Each palace has a specific theme and set of mechanics. It can hit you hard if you’re not careful. Okumura throws in a defense boost to one of his allies, making killing them all at once a bit harder (although still very doable). I understand that killing one and not all of them is very likely to cause the rest to flee and Okumura to summon more. That makes it that much harder to create the things you need to counter his strategy. The original P5 version of this fight was a joke while Futaba's mother was annoying. With Okumura, you have had all the tools you need for quite awhile before-hand. You will get hit harder. However, they also REALLY seem to like to just run away seemingly unprompted and at random. I guess they didn't really fix it much. So Mar 26, 2023 · Comment vaincre Shadow Okumura dans Persona 5 Royal. Joker and Morgana should baton pass to Haru using psy skills, and to maximize damage, Haru should be able to make three attacks. Easy deals the same damage and takes halved damage as normal. BatCom 3 years ago #12. Like all shadows, he has gold glowing eyes. Pull the orange lever, then exit the corridor through the white airlock. Hello everyone and welcome to my English walkthrough/ let's play of Persona 5 for the PlayStation 4 and today, we send the calling card and battle Shadow Oku Nov 4, 2022 · The Okumura boss fight can be considered the hardest boss in the game. Cannot be negated. Yellow:ice. I'd suggest Magatsu-Izanagi as something around the level you probably should be by the time you go against Shadow Okumura. Potentially softlocked at Shadow Okumura, need help [P5R version] QUESTION. playstation. com/#!/tid=CUSA17419_00 Oct 30, 2018 · Shadow IT President (Weak: Nuke) Scandalous Queen x2 (Weak: Psy) Bring Makoto, Haru, and Morgana. In order to have a much easier battle against this boss, we recommend having the following skills in your arsenal: Death Parade – Boosts user’s attack but drops defense for 3 turns. First things first, search to the east to find a chest containing [_RAGE VIAL S x3_], then hit a SWITCH to the north and ride another elevator down. com/turvimaniahttps://store. Ryujinx version 1. The video of me fighting Shadow Okumura in Persona 5 Royal is up! Now watch how this boss broke me from the first 2 hours and till the real battle P5R Shadow Okumura boss (Hard Mode) | The video of me fighting Shadow Okumura in Persona 5 Royal is up! Nov 26, 2022 · The First Phase. The challenge in Okumura is to deal a certain amount of damage in a short period of time. Psy amp accessory for Joker will make his psy skills deal 50% more damage. Red: nuke. Jun 8, 2019 · 1) Invest in certain skills. It's not incredibly hard, but it's a clear difficulty spike for this game. All DLC Personas are pretty strong but that's probably the best one given where you are currently. Most of the Okumura boss fight occurs through fighting his minions, while Okumura only issues status buffs, attack orders, or deploys debuffs to your team; that goes for both versions of the game. (Mabufula, magarula, Mafriela/mazionga, Mapsio) Important tactic : Abuse Baton Pass. Besides, the robots running away only after one of them dies fits lore-wise in the sense that Okumura overworks his workers so much that one of them dies and only then do the rest decide to run away and leave their boss. Grandpa-Okumura certainly didn't believe in anything like that. Recommended Party level: 52-54. kollie89 posted Yeah it’s a classic Atlus troll move, they always make a random boss in each game unkillable on a random difficulty. At the end of the day it's just because they didn't fuse a good persona or Severely undervalue buff, debuff and baton pass. Wave 1,2,3 : Spamming aoe weakness is enough. I can't beat Shadow Okumura on Easy or Merciless. Persona 5 Royal took the relatively easy Okumura boss and made it one of the most challenging tests in the entire game. When you fight Akechi in Shido's Palace there should just be a scene where Haru asks him if he had anything to do with her father's death. Dumbest ♥♥♥♥ ive ever seen. The barracks section was made much smaller, and a change of mechanics meant that you didn't have to constantly fight respawning patrolling enemies. " Its description is as follows: "Memoir of Kunikazu Jan 1, 2024 · The boss fight against Shadow Okumura in Persona 5 Royal is divisive among fans, with some finding it too difficult and others finding it manageable with the use of the Baton Pass mechanic. You should note that these robots will appear in different batches and you must defeat all of them. tv/omegaev Discord Channel: https://discord. 6. I only died a single time from just being to much of a stupid nervous wreck, the whole fight is about knowing each of the weakness of the bots. Playlist: https://www. Apr 10, 2020 · As the boss fight begins, Okumura will summon some robot allies to fight alongside him. If you can't clear the wave quick enough, the wave resets. However, Takuto Maruki from Royal and Akira Konoe from Persona 5 Strikers do not change in appearance save for their outfits. It's suggested to use Marakunda /Cleaning Sprays and Matarukaja /Rasetsu Ofudas to drop their DEF by 40% and raise your ATK by 40%. That fight is the worst boss Aug 26, 2020 · Okumura's boss fight in Persona 5 Royal is notorious for its difficulty, but with a little bit of strategizing, you can absolutely decimate the boss in no ti This is the only Palace in the game where Shadows don't act as mid-bosses. Because the game hadn’t shown any signs of resisting phys spam until now, and SP seems tight, my compendium is basically void of magic other than debuffs and some buffs. Okumura Boss fight is annoying the hell out of me. com/TrueXTricksterTwitch: https://twitch. The fight itself, though, is completely optional. Le problème avec le combat de boss de Shadow Okumura dans P5R est que vous devez gagner le combat en 30 minutes ou vous battre depuis le début. Take the exit to the north to reach Path to the Holy Grail 2. survivors will run away and Shadow Okumura will summon 4 new robots to May 21, 2020 · Patreon: https://patreon. Mar 5, 2020 · Path to the Holy Grail 1. Or, the previous palace would just become a smaller region of a much larger palace, and the keywords would change. You can lift enemy buffs by switching Ann in and using her Dekaja. Pastebin of Rules: https://pastebin. com/jdxXDayxHere it is, the long awaited, controversial battle of the century. After the death of President Okumura, Haru is left with a gaping hole in her heart even when the relationship with her father was not heathy. Backstory: It was too good to be true, up until this boss Persona 5: Royal was the perfect RPG for me, then this shit-boss came along. I love Nyx for story reasons and the ideas in the fight on paper are really cool. Unless you're ignoring Baton Pass, fusing Personas, getting them from battles or making items there shouldn't be an issue for the fight. Begins roulette spin that forces the Thieves to bet either HP, SP, or money. In the Metaverse, Shadow Okumura has bluish skin. May 1, 2017 · Okumura’s Spaceport Palace is the first palace after you gain Haru is an ally in Persona 5. The main thing you have to worry about Jun 4, 2020 · Like and Subscribe!Become a Member: https://tinyurl. From the robots targeting one party member at a time, to them leaving underpressure, thus, having Okumura spawn in a new set, which makes me unable to advance in the battle. Mar 30, 2023 · Ignore the blue lever again and use the orange airlock to reach the north corridor. Below is a list of dungeon guides for the each cognitive palace in Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal. This dungeon as a whole has been rough but survivable, as someone who typically goes phys heavy in Persona, but this boss fight is kicking my ass. Second Stage - Sae Leviathan Niijima. Oct 25, 2022 · 1) Red Vanity Seed. It's not even hard or actually challenging, it just feels straight tedious like Futaba's boss. It's still easier than normal. Go north and east to find Vest of Life. Jul 21, 2020 · Playlist: https://www. 8. _Val_ 4 years ago #5. When she is invited by Akira to Café Leblanc for an apology, she finds a far more supportive father figure in an unexpected place. Link to twit What I imagine is that a new palace is formed (Or maybe it was already formed) and Okumura’s shadow would stay there, leaving the previous palace empty without a ruler. there are guides on how to beat him and who to take with you as party members to help get through it though. 1. Having sent the Calling Card, the doors to the room with the treasure are open, so head on in and grab the crown. Because of this spread, Haru and Morgana are your best choices to take along, with pretty much anyone else as your final teammate. This boss fight is a culmination of everything we've seen inside Okumura's Palace and Persona 5 boss battle against Shadow Sae (Mammon) of Okumura Palace in Hard Mode, New Game+. The only appropriate comparison I can make is that of hearing the music composer fart into the loudspeaker during a quiet moment of some otherwise sublime rendition of Handel's Messiah. Eh, it’s alright as a gimmick fight. Sae - Her damage output during the 3rd phase of the boss fight is absurdly high and brutal dance and brutal impact can easily one-shot any member of your party (but can easily be trivialised by setting up tetrakarn causing her to one Feb 6, 2020 · ├ Shadow Okumura (Mammon) ├ Shadow Niijima (Leviathan) ├ Black Mask ├ Shadow Shido (Samael) ├ Holy Grail └ Yaldabaoth (God of Secrets) Secret and DLC Boss Guides ├ Reaper ├ Justine and Caroline ├ Full Moon (Makoto) └ Foggy Day (Yu) Mini-Boss Boss Guides ├ Nue ├ Shiki-Ouji ├ Cognitive Sugimura ├ Thor ├ Cognitive List of Palace Guides and Metaverse Dungeons. It's a two-way street, so you can go in and out. Oct 12, 2023 · The main gimmick of Shadow Okumura is that each wave of robots have to be killed generally all on the same turn, and they have different weaknesses depending on each wave. Okumura. He’s not that hard, so keep whittling him down to finish the palace. gg/pV6Y2V9PERSONA GAMES MOVIE LISTPERSONA 4 DANCING ALL NIGHTTHE MOVIE: https://www. Hard deals less damage and takes 160% damage as normal. You can beat it on hard! Party comp : Haru : Psio dmg + gun dmg (wave 5) Morgana : Wind dmg (wave 4) Makoto/Ryuji : Nuke dmg/ Elec dmg (wave 3) Joker : Ensure joker has AOE weakness skills. C’est un peu difficile, mais avec une bonne stratégie, les attaquer sur leur point faible est plus que suffisant. Reply. Have her target one robot to knock it down, then do a nulti-target psy attack to knock down the other, while damaging the other three. Makoto needs to have kept Makajama for the big robot after the 5th wave, and is also valuable due to her Dekunda skill. Been on that fight for hours, only to get to the final wave and get 1 shot with no prior warning. In most rounds, what you want to do is hit one of the four Okumura is the fourth boss fight in the game, and the first *actual* boss fight: Kamoshida is a thinly veiled tutorial on special actions, Madarame is a thinly veiled tutorial on elemental affinities/interactions, Kaneshiro is a thinly veiled tutorial on status aliments/technical damage, and Futaba's mom is a gimmick fight (you mostly just sit Merciless increases your attack damage a lot and will let you beat Okumura’s minions quickly. Honestly I don't think it was hard it's just a up in difficulty compared to the other fights we faced. Put the game on Merciless difficulty, sounds insane but it actually makes the fight significantly easier because your weakness damage is buffed so much. Dekaja – Negate all buff effects of all foes. I remember sleeping table in p3 bodied me for a while until i actually grinded a bit and fused some personas. Once you defeat the large black shadow, you finally get to put down Kunikazu Okumura. com/TrueTricksterTwitter: https://twitter. Okumura was a cakewalk on Merciless. Joker will need a persona who can deal PSI damage (Psio and Mapsio, no or). Click on a link to go to its respective dungeon guide page. -- This is why I don't like the gameplay design of the fight. The workers Okumura sends out for each wave must all be defeated at the same time. The picture frames can be annoying to You need to increase your damage and wipe them within 2 turns so they do get replaced by a fresh batch. When the elevator stops, head forward and you'll get a short scene. #5. twitch. Izanagi-no-okami. Sae. Recommended Party level: 63-65 (This boss battle has a difficult 1v1 at the end Wellit is what it is. P5R changed a lot about Okumura's palace, and there were also some broader mechanical changes that made some things a non-issue. Her life controlled by her father, Haru would look away from the truth of both her own desires and her father's intentions, substituting for vague notions and superficial Getting through here isn't hard, there's only one functional airlock. In-Game Location. Have Akechi taunt her, then cut to him killing Shadow Okumura as soon as they left his Palace. Apr 9, 2020 · Thanks for watching :)WEAKNESSES1st Wave: Blue Robots- Wind- Fire2nd Wave: Yellow Robots-Psy3rd Wave: Red Lanky Robots- Nuke- Electricity4th Wave: Blue Lanky . Walk south to find a chest containing Amazing Axe. You can go to stoneon in kichigoji, besides Penguin Sniper, and buy Amp accessories. This member attacks the weakness of 1 enemy that is not Downed. She is a wealthy girl who attends Shujin Academy, and lives a double life as a Phantom Thief. Head north and prepare to battle Uriel. How did we do? Let's find out. Unused files in Persona 5 indicate the existence of a book called "The Okumura Way. Persona 5 Royal. Those stupid green robots have way too much HP, and the game just decides "lol nah, f*** your All Out Attacks. 306Emulation suffers from some visual glitches at times,Le Blanc being very dark at times, When bosses shift phases they stand there idli TLDR: Shadow Okumura is hard Just got to the Shadow Okumura boss fight in Persona 5 Royal, and he's proving to be quite the challenge. This would make Okumura's RNG feel more appropriate as well. youtube. The problem begins at the fourth wave. Prince_Bloke posted To add to this, the Okumura palace gives you the accessory that lets you cast Concentrate on any party member. The main boss will resummon the queens, but they are far too dangerous to be left alone so kill them anyway. But you will also hit harder in return. This fight can be really hard or really easy depending on if you know what your doing or not. Mar 31, 2020 · For the first five waves, the robots all have two weaknesses: 1st is Fire/Wind, 2nd is Ice/Psy, 3rd is Elec/Nuke, 4th is Wind/Bless, 5th is Psy/Curse. If you're having trouble with the single enemy with no weakness, keep the difficulty on Normal or Easy to lower their HP. Instead, the mid-boss obstacles are Shadow Kunikazu's own Corporobo army, composed exclusively of cognitive beings. Hidden Left Area, 2nd Exhibition Room. If the turns are over, the robots will run Persona 5 Royal - Boss Shadow Okumura [HARD]: https://www. Easy = nightmare mode, Merciless = standard mode, normal/hard = somewhere in between but also very luck based. After disabling the electric barriers in the art gallery, move to the unlocked staircase leading to the second floor. For Joker's move, do a move that hits everyone's weakness. Apr 25, 2023 · Recommended Party level: 35-36. Honestly I found the Heirophant or sleeping table to be the most annoying. " Apr 18, 2020 · NOT on Merciless (that shit is a crutch for this fight, like c'mon)This fight is not badly designed; people just need to learn how to properly buff and de I finished the fight with Okumura WITHOUT any cheats yesterday. streamlabs. BobbyBlabby 1 year ago #1. When fighting their bosses, make sure you come in prepared and have proper items Here’s the thing tho, I’m an idiot and accidentally fused izanagi picaro right before the boss battle without realizing and I saw a guide that said to turn the game to the hardest difficulty little did I know that makes it impossible to start at a previous safe room after you die meaning I have no good personas and I don’t remember if I saved after finding the route to the treasure so I I find really strange how Okumura is considered hard when Madarame is exactly the same fight, minus the time limit. Join Oziach in a lengthy analysis as he breaks down Shadow Okumura is a coward who exploits his employees for his own gain. Recommended Party level: 42-44. Especially on the last phase with Much more annoying and time consuming than Okumura. com/OmegaevolutionLive Stream: http://www. The game made sure you werent just using one option or persona in other things, but not to the level of the "test" of the okumura fight. com/playlist?list=PL3j7IrRNg1Woxu6Hqcx7HvhHQf4J0YUCu Honestly it might just be "Victory at any cost", with just the betrayal bit being the shadow's addition. The boss is encountered at the end of their mission at Madarame Palace. BipBapBam 3 years ago #1. You can fix hunger with Haru’s amrita drop, items, or just playing support until it passes. Go west and jump over the gap. com/TrueXTricksterIntro: "Take Over" (Persona 5 R if you die are you stuck forever or can you go back b4 you send the calling card. If a healer is needed, swap in. Mar 26, 2020 · Shadow Madarame is the second boss the Phantom Thieves will face both in Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal. Undodgeable attack that reduces HP to 1 for anyone who attacks Shadow Niijima while the wheel is spinning. So I went into Shadow Okamura pretty unknowingly unprepared. beDiscord Channel: https://discord. Then go to used clothing store in kichigoji. Also, having Hunger will save you from its Big Bang Challenge attack. My main problem is having to fight multiple waves of the same type of robot. Nov 26, 2020 · Persona 5 Royal upped the difficulty of the Okumura Boss fight, and here are a few things you should know before diving into it. Haru should be at least level 42, as that is the level where she gains Psi Boost, which is essential to getting the damage output required for defeating the 5th wave in two rounds. Otherwise, use an elemental bomb to hit weaknesses. SuperSpaceCreatures 1 year ago #11. Shadow Madarame has two forms. gg/pV6Y2V9PERSONA How to fight and defeat Shadow Okumura in Okumura's Casino Palace in Persona 5 Royal 2nd Turn: Member 2 uses the other from Member 1. Roulette Time. Location Details. First Stage - Shadow Sae Niijima. He has middle length black hair and wears a black business suit with a red checkered tie and a white dress shirt. (Hard, no items, no DLC, no special treatment) The first three waves are easy, I can kill all enemies at the same time in one turn. Walk south and east to drop down to the precious path. com/playlist?list=PLJQZtsZNm8a6Uj3oyn0Pko0xKl1ApZUZiIn this part we send the calling card to Okumura and then head into the Pal Jun 21, 2022 · As a remaster of Persona 5, Persona 5 Royal has upgraded Palaces and added new phases to the original boss fights. Also, remember that in this case "family motto" likely just means "Haru's Dad's motto". In Royal they made Futaba's mother a joke and Okurmura freaking stupid. Plus Okumura gets like 10 turns to buff and debuff the s*** out of you. In the original game, Okumura is a bit of a weird boss, but not unkillable. Whoever designed this boss fight is an idiot. Jun 8, 2019 · However, do watch out for its Charge spell. Okumura is a tall, middle-aged man. Not sure if you need to upgrade it at Jose first or not, but you need to get to the treasure room before you Why was Shadow Okumura made so difficult? I was able to beat it, but I was on Hard and had to use a Level 89 Izanagi No Okami Picaro, because it wasn't happening otherwise. Jul 14, 2021 · But there's a simple, yet completely counterintuitive, way to make Persona 5 Royal 's Okumura battle much easier: change the difficulty to Merciless. Cheap arse op dlc persona won't help you just need to hit their weaknesses. Aug 26, 2021 · The Shadow you'll want to fight is the south-most one near the only door you cannot open yet. Maybe you could even trick the player into thinking that Okumura's death was actually their fault. Like and Subscribe!Become a Member: https://tinyurl. Kumbhandas are Nov 14, 2022 · Okumura boss fight just made me uninstall the game. "My faith protects me. Notably, Kunikazu Okumura of the fifth Palace has gained a difficulty spike that Apr 9, 2020 · If you’re really having a hard time with this fight against Okumura in Persona 5 Royal, though, the accepted strategy seems to be to bump the difficulty up to Merciless, as you’ll deal Oct 31, 2022 · That coupled with items that do elemental damage made this an easy fight. Okumura isn't a hard fight. I had to. If you struggle to kill on easy/normal, it will be nightmare on hard. Merciless makes it much easier as you get massive damage for hitting weaknesses. Apr 22, 2024 · i know nothing about professional-grade coffee. The first form consists of four picture frames and while the second one is the boss’s main body. Dekaja is a skill that nullifies buffs for all enemies. Shadow Okumura Ruined an Otherwise Great Game. com/y6srbdgjDonate: https://twitch. tv/omegaev Nov 2, 2022 · Effect. Okumura sends out wave after wave of robot cronies - some of which he orders to self-destruct - before players can reach him. Okumura himself is purely a puzzle boss, so if you aren't prepared correctly, your first attempt might be doomed from the start, if only because of the time limit. After ensuring your team is ready to go, leave the safe room and head directly for the treasure. SPOILERS. Which is weird to have in an otherwise forgettable palace. MAKE SURE TO ONLY TARGET 1 ENEMY. Start the palace by following the path back to the bio-metrics door that we left behind last time. Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter. She is the only daughter of Kunikazu Okumura, the Thieves' fifth major target. My Party: Ryuji, Makato, Haru. Shoutou Apr 7, 2024 · Russoortho Home Search Home Search Search Okumura - Absolute nightmare of a boss fight and quite an absurd difficulty spike at that point in the game. My characters were in the mid 40s in level, and I had Magatsu Izanagi (as I try to not use overleveled personas) but his Baton Passed Megidola was not enough to take out the In this video I give a rundown on the Okumura boss fight, provide tips to make it easier, and showcase my Persona setup to trivialize the Okumura boss fight 2nd Turn: Member 2 uses the other from Member 1. It has happened to me, even though I cleared vanilla before. Wow, f*** the new Okumura boss fight. It's not that hard. Then use elemental items (craft at Leblanc) to get full baton passes. The reason Okumura and the royal boss are seen as hard is because there a dps Race so The main strategy people have been using don't work. Apr 18, 2020 · I remember Okumura being the hardest, s***tiest boss in hard mode of Persona 5 original. Proceed to the balcony located in the middle and hover screen upward to the trigger the grappling hook. 4th Turn: Member 3 Baton Passes to a member that isn't Joker. To begin the fight with Shadow Kamoshida, head to the Throne Room Safe Room when you arrive in the Metaverse. My kevlar helps. com/watch?v=m_XRj8lbhcgALL FREE Persona 5 Royal. Make sure you have plenty of SP. You cannot progress to the next phase of the boss fight until you defeat all of the robots in a particular phase. The harder difficulties in Persona 5 don't give the enemies more health, but instead make everyone deal more damage. You can seemingly say whatever you want to it, but it goes most smoothly if you tell it, "Let's talk Jan 2, 2023 · We thrashed Noir's rape-bot fiance, now it's time to hunt down that discount-bin Darth Vader, Shadow Okumura. Au début, Okumura vous Okumura lowers your defense/buffs enemy defense as well as starts inflicting hunger. And if 30 minutes for a story boss isn't enough, the problem is with the player. Lets just say I just got to Okumura, and I was just a casual How to Beat Okumura in Persona 5. Yeah, he's much harder to beat on Hard because you're in that inconvenient place where enemies are tougher but you don't get the damage bonus for hitting weaknesses, and the whole fight is about that. So which version you played affects a lot about the difficulty. Lift status debuffs with Mokoto’s Dekunda. Killance Oct 31, 2022 @ 8:12pm. I can't tell you how often I've gotten close to clearing that wave of those giant green -suited Waluigi-mustached f***faces that are way too f***ing tanky Sep 2, 2022 · Acquire the Skills Dekaja, Dekunda, and Amrita Drop. The boss fight against Shadow Okumura in Persona 5 Royal is divisive among fans, with some finding it too difficult and others finding it manageable with the use of the Baton Pass mechanic. Morgana, as he has the best healing magic in the game. (Blue:wind. It becomes one of the most frustrating experiences since the boss isn't exactly trying to take Haru Okumura is a playable character from Persona 5. This is crucial because Okumura will increase the defense of one member of each wave of his minions. Shido. Persona 5 Royal released and left players satisfied, with the exception of a familiarly divisive palace. Penalty. Jan 31, 2021 · Kumbhandas are evil spirits in Buddhism, being essentially lesser deities under the command of the Great King Virudhaka, the guardian of the South, and one of the directional kings. My party consists of Akira/Ren, Yusuke, Makoto, and Haru. 3rd Turn: Member 3 attacks the weakness of 1 enemy. search up a guide myself, but here's what I learned: Your party will need Ryuji, Makoto and Haru. In Royal, a Melchizedek mid-boss is found guarding one of Okumura's Will Seeds. Imagine people doing sleeping table in 2022. He also has black suit pants and black business shoes. I can sweep through the first few waves of robots easily using Haru, Morgana, and Makoto (All level 42) but once I get to the 5th wave I can’t defeat them before they flee and get replaced. com/watch?v=yXiAVCGGUu8&feature=youtu. Pick up the Balm of Life in the chest Shadow Okumura is the only target in Persona 5 that does not transform when fought. nj ex fv zs se nk sx wl ss nt