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Statweight wow

Statweight wow. Due to the strength of Know Your Enemy, and the variety of Critical Strike scaling affects the tree; Critical Strike is always the dominant secondary to aim for. Versatility increases your damage, healing, and absorption done and decreases damage received. That feeling when you have 2 pieces of gear and you don’t know which one is best because you might know stat priorities, but not their exact values. This stat priority will serve you well for general healing: Item Level. Stat Weights. Mage, Priest: Spirit/ 4 + 12. Shaman. 99 total DPS based on the simulation that was run. It was meant to simulate a very "average" set of player gear Stat priority and weights for Holy Priests focused on healing in WoW Dragonflight patch 10. This stat priority was determined using a SimulationCraft profile in standard BiS gear with normalized stats. The general multi-target stat priority for a Subtlety Rogue is: Critical Strike; Mastery; Versatility; Haste. 3% Crit Chance when Hit capped. If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Holy Priest stat priority. To obtain the AEP values of an item, you just have to multiply each stat of the item with their weight and add them (to take into account sockets we are putting 4 May 9, 2024 · Holy Priest Stats. Dec 2, 2023 · The higher the Critical Strike Chance, the higher the overall DPS. From 30% to 39% rating - 10% penalty. This is further reinforced by the fact Restoration Druids like more balanced stats anyway. The warlock discord has some info. This makes it a very powerful stat while leveling, despite Warriors having too much maximum health for it to matter at higher Dec 2, 2023 · Welcome to Wowhead's DPS Balance Druid Attributes and Stats Classic Guide, updated for WoW Classic. Type /simc in-game on the character you wanna sim. After simming, it's going to give haste a lower stat weight because you don't need that much more. Item Level. He then analyzes all of those better setups to look for stat trends. Pawn helps you find upgrades for your gear and tell which of two items is better for your spec. As you close in on that 30%, the weight will get lower and lower while the other stats you're trying to balance will go up. That said, Haste and Critical Strike are very close Apr 18, 2021 · EP Values. Haste >= Critical Strike. Updated for Patch 9. Stat Summaries. Dowload the simulationcraft addon from here. Intellect increases your spell power and damage done on abilities. The tooltip values look to line up, but when I add 1 crit or hit in the weights tab of the addon, I'm seeing numbers lower than what I would expect Dec 2, 2023 · Offline on Twitch. You can see your fight specific weights on wowanal. You can copy pawnstrings into Stat weight score just like you can in Pawn. Overall, Critical Strike Chance is a lot more valuable on a Fire Mage, mainly due to the Ignite talent. Aug 13, 2018 · Stat Analysis – how it works. Mana per 5 seconds (Mp5) Intellect. Spell power on a weapon is not part of the item's stat budget. [deleted] • 3 yr. This addon aims to help you in decisions regarding gearing, by displaying a weighted score for each item in the tooltip. Let’s use feral tank as an example. Stat Priority Status Update. Soft cap = 58. 11 + 7. You can see the secondary stat diminishing return effects below. A resource for World of Warcraft players. You can go by stat priority on your class which you get from wowhead or icy veins or generate personal weights with raidbots. 2: Guardians of the Dream. -1. If you use a lot of renew/heal +healing is king. From 39% to 47% rating - 20% penalty. This means at Level 60, a Rogue that gains 29 Agility will gain from that 29 Attack Power, 1% Crit Chance, and 2% Dodge. It really depends on your current gear though, but those numbers can get you started. Haste increases attack and spell casting May 9, 2024 · The generic stat priority is the following: Strength. Jan 19th, 2024. ADMIN MOD. For a Level 60 Feral DPS Druid: 1% Crit = 30. 4 AP with Heart of the Wild. As the table shows, Warriors are the class that gains the most health regeneration per point of Spirit in WoW Classic. Warlock 200 - 60. When the socket colors are matched, the Dec 2, 2020 · Agility is your strongest stat as a Rogue, since it increases your Attack Power with melee and ranged weapons by 1 per point, Crit Chance (by 1% per 29 Agility), and your Dodge by 2% per 29 Agility. 50 + 2. Mastery. Generate stat weights for your character Oct 8, 2018 · Throughout World of Warcraft's history there have been many different secondary stats present on pieces of equipment, but, nowadays, there are only four remaining. 75 ish. Critical Strike increase the chance for your spells and attacks to critically hit for additional damage and healing. When the socket colors are matched, the The weighting system answers this for you automatically. It’s an approximation for how much total DPS you gain by adding 1 additional stat point. On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Hunter DPS in WoW Classic. Restoration Druids, Holy and Discipline Priests and Mages have abilities and talents to improve their Mana regeneration based on their Spirit. So at this point in time an item with all haste would increase your damage more than an item with all mastery. May 7, 2024 · The Basics of Stats for Protection Warriors. For a Level 60 Shaman: Stat Summaries. Versatility increases your damage Stat Summaries. For secondary stats, the Shadow Priest has the following: Critical Strike: Chance for extra effectiveness on attacks and heals (double damage/ healing). May 7, 2024 · The Basics of Stats for Restoration Shaman. report issues with this addon using curse ticket system. It will automatically put in the gems that result in the highest net rating, taking socket bonuses into account. 7: Fury Incarnate. 5, AQ20/40, and PvP gear. Also, Haste increases your Rune regeneration speed. Mastery is close behind, especially if you take Any Means Necessary and is a good pairing with the above. Welcome to Wowhead's DPS Rogue Attributes and Stats Classic Guide, updated for WoW Classic. Haste = Mastery. i feel like pawn doesnt actually calculate weights. I will say, these weights value mana regen quite highly and I think this is what could use some work. Having said that, our secondary stats are so Apr 7, 2024 · Defense determines your chance to get critically hit, missed or crushed (against +3 or higher level difference enemies), among other things. Mythic+. Dec 2, 2023 · A Hunter can also increase the Crit Damage Bonus with the Talent Mortal Shots, boosting the Damage bonus to 230%. 91 Critical strike 1. Unholy primarily focuses on Mastery and Haste as their secondary stats, pretty much trying to get up to 5. If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Shadow Priest stat priority. Mastery Chaotic Energies causes your spells to deal an Stat Summaries. Nov 30, 2019 · Stat weights are a relative representation of the value of each stat. May 7, 2024 · On this page, you will find out the optimal stat priority for your Frost Mage. Crit: . This stat is very beneficial for both Fire and Frost Mages and is sometimes valued over Spell Damage and Hit Rating, depending on the Mage and situation. 07 + 6. It was meant to simulate a very "average" set of player gear May 9, 2024 · Devastation Evoker Stats. May 7, 2024 · The Basics of Stats for Mistweaver Monk. Even though this is a very strong stat for Feral, it is not quite as a good as Agility early on due to the importance of crit. The optimal stat priority of your Beast Mastery Hunter DPS in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery for doing PvE content. Fight types: Repeated casts, casts until OOM. I'm not quite sure how to properly balance the value Haste increases attack and spell casting speed, adds additional damage and healing to DoTs and HoTs, and reduces the GCD. Just define them for your spec or import one of the many pre-defined weightings based on the stat weightings on WoWHead and this AddOn will show you the complete score and the individual score for each stat in the tooltip of your items. Pawn works well enough. Mar 14, 2024 · Druid (feral), Hunter, Paladin, Warlock: Spirit/ 5 + 15. Mar 31, 2024 · Shadow Priest is one of the most gear reliant specializations in the game due to their incredibly high mana costs but learning how to best optimize your Priest's gear will help you be able to fully enjoy one of the most unique specs in Season of Discovery. It compares the score of matching gems plus the score of the socket bonus, to the score of the best gems it could put in that item. Haste. Nov 7th, 2023. hell it tells me mastery is 1. Shaman: Spirit/ 5 + 17. Your only options for set gear that helped you were the dungeon blue sets (Cadaverous and Shadowcraft), ZG crafted gear, Devilsaur, Tier 0. May 7, 2024 · The only notable secondary stat breakpoint Enhancement is expected to encounter in Dragonflight involves our Mastery stat. 5. The easiest way to use SimulationCraft. Intellect is your primary stat, found on cloth gear. I will try, in a few lines, to explain how to balance stats in your gear and how to make a good and clever use on what simulations tell you. Reply. . Dec 26, 2014 · Stat Weight Score. AEP values (or Attack power Equivalent Points) is a reference system commonly used to calculate the value to a piece of gear, and allow us to compare two or more pieces. Sep 28, 2020 · Warlock. On multi-target, Mastery gains value due to the increased amount of finishers that we are able to put out, whilst Haste loses some value because of the accelerated resource gain in multi-target situations. Sep 5th, 2023. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Crit and Mastery: 10% after 5400, 20% after 7200. 13 AP in value. The first is raw. 00. 80 + 6. Spell Hit Rating (to 5%) Spell Damage / Shadow Damage. 02 Haste 1. As Blood, Crit also increases your chance to Parry via Stat priority and weights for Marksmanship Hunters focused on DPS in WoW Dragonflight patch 10. I think you're misunderstood on stat weights. As always, if you're ever confused if piece of gear is an upgrade—the best bet is to sim your character. Intellect increases your spell power and damage/ healing done by abilities. World of Warcraft is an MMORPG that lets players explore a vast open-game world; traveling across the landscape, battling monsters, completing quests, and interacting with NPCs or other players. Stats weights are, in essence, local. Warrior. I guess I'd be curious to see what the formula you're using is, because your add-on provides different values for that increase of 1 hit/crit vs what I see using the existing stat weight calculators. May 9, 2024 · In this guide, we will detail the best stat priority for your Mistweaver Monk, as well as provide explanations covering how to determine Mistweaver Monk stat priorities personalized for your character in Patch 10. I found it for classic and even other MMOs and a load of people not answering the question and saying just sim it. On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Balance Druid Ranged DPS in WoW Classic. 1. I didn’t pay close enough attention to see how they weighted stats though. Dec 2, 2023 · In Classic World of Warcraft, the outcome of your attacks is determined by the game by comparing your proficiency with the weapon you are wielding against the defense skill of your target. Jun 12, 2019 · Classic Hunter DPS Stat Priority. Features. Jul 11th, 2023. Stat weight changes when you increase in a stat. This makes it a very powerful stat while leveling, despite Warriors having too much maximum health for it to matter at higher levels. Mage 286 - 59. Mastery >= Haste. For example, for every 1 Weapon DPS you stand to gain 13. May 9, 2024 · In this guide, we will detail the best stat priority for your Marksmanship Hunter, as well as provide explanations covering how to determine Marksmanship Hunter stat priorities personalized for your character in Patch 10. Intellect is your primary stat, found on Mail gear. In the case of a melee weapon, the weapon gains "free" spell power in exchange for having less DPS than other weapons of the same slot, quality and item level. Should look like this . Learn how to sim your character, get stat weights, compare gear, find your best great vault loot options, and run advanced sims. We then allocate the rest to Crit and get as little Vers as possible. Pawn can help you decide whether it's better to use Jun 9, 2023 · Stat Weight(s) Post by Coralio » Fri Jun 09, 2023 2:59 am In WoW Classic there were a number of sites that had an Armory with a customizable stat weight function so that a class could make informed decisions about gear. Let’s say that 85% of the better setups have more Haste and less Mastery. Ardmoore-mankrik June 2, 2021, 1:24am 18. Site Updates. If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Balance Druid stat priority. Start with built-in advice from Ask Mr. This synergizes quite well with Mastery and the bigger focus on a direct May 7, 2024 · Some other classes will start having diminishing returns at 30%, but Restoration Druid will need to pay attention to the rating. Robot looks at your current gear and compares it to setups that do more damage (or healing or tanking) at your current iLevel. Strength >> Mastery >= Haste > Crit = Vers. WoW Classic's combat is table based, and one of the following results happens when you attack or get attacked, in this precise order, when assuming you are uncrittable due to Way of Earth and uncrushable due to facing +2 level Sunken Temple bosses: A disc priest only needs 157 or so haste to be haste capped with a shaman and boomy/ret in the comp and the default values for both Pawn and Eighty Upgrades drastically over valued haste imo. For secondary stats, the Devastation Evoker has the following: Mastery: Increases the effectiveness of Mastery: Giantkiller. The breakpoints for different stats are as follows: Haste: 10% after 5100, 20% after 6800, 30% after 8500. Preferably one you can add your Own weights into. Dowload the simulationcraft program from here. Honestly though, stat weights aren’t a great way to consistently After simming, it's going to give haste a lower stat weight because you don't need that much more. Versatility is roughly equal to Critical Strike. May 9, 2024 · The Fury Warrior stat priority emphasizes weapon damage and Strength (via item level), though its secondary stats vary greatly depending on the player's level of gear. 56. May 7, 2024 · The Basics of Stats for Demonology Warlock. 0. Mastery Dreadblade increases all Shadow damage dealt, which increases the It also tells you wich item in the great vault gives you the best upgrade and you can also sim different builds for specific content M+ or Raid. so we typically dont use stat weights much anymore as they can be mildly disingenuous, i would recommend using raidbots topgear as your option when it comes to sims. All stat weights are is an indication of the value of the item, not the goal of which stat you should get. Versatility provides you constant damage reduction, and also works against magic damage, but Critical strike excels in mitigating physical May 7, 2024 · On this page, you will find out the optimal stat priority for your Shadow Priest. This AddOn will calculate your personal item score based on your own stat weightings. Below is a safe stat priority for single target encounters in Dragonflight, for all forms of PvE content. Dec 2, 2023 · Welcome to Wowhead's DPS Paladin Attributes and Stats Classic Guide, updated for WoW Classic. ago. They are calculated (usually via Simulation tools like SimulationCraft , notably) at one specific gearset, for one specific type of fight (oftentimes single target I'm having a really hard time finding a current list for the ilvl weight of different item slots. 5k raw stats on each. If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Hunter stat prioritys: May 13, 2024 · In patch 10. I'm against simming every piece of gear but it's nice to refresh the weights every few ilvls. Haste: Increases attack speed and spell Hello folks! So with the new stats out and optimization being so important, I'd like to know if there are any good add-ons for in game stat weight comparison. So typically the higher number you see there, the more valuable the stat. Druid 192 - 60. Mastery Master of Beasts increases the damage done by your pets. Reload to refresh your session. WoW Class Guide • WoW Dragonflight Patch 10. Haste increases attack and spell casting speed, adds additional damage and healing to DoTs and HoTs, and reduces the GCD. 57 Stat priority and weights for Outlaw Rogues focused on DPS in WoW Dragonflight patch 10. 83 Intellect 1. Gear Compare. Find upgrades, do more damage, win. Calculates a score of an item based on stat weights and the item's stats. Random5483. Spell Hit = 20-25. Item Search now available in Top Gear. Read More. An understanding on how to interpret simulationcraft's stat weight/distribution. Raidbots is updated for Season 4. You signed out in another tab or window. We will give the general stat priority, then explain how each of these can change it for you. if you are interested in helping translate this addon, please see this page. For dps they are usually presented one of two ways. Apr 23rd, 2024. Mana pool or mp5 depending on how long the fight is (flash heal benefits less from +healing) Intellect vs mp5 is an easy equation, that only really depends on the length of the fight. Haste increases attack and spell casting speed, adds Pawn. Use FD with your current gear to get more exact results. Very early on, Haste and Mastery are very strong stats, though going into Season 3, general stat inflation is so high that the values of all four stats begin to converge. Spirit is important for the following classes: All stat weights are is an indication of the value of the item, not the goal of which stat you should get. 3. 2. Versatility. See insightful information about your abilities based on your own equipment, set bonuses, talents and buffs or a custom loadout. Stat Priority. From what I’ve looked up on google there are different priorities depending on the information source. 6 ish. Shaman 160 - 59. 7) Last updated on May 07, 2024 at 11:20 by Mysticall 33 comments Jan 10, 2011 · The point values for stat weight jump around quite a bit based on your current stats. +healing vs mana is trickier because it depends on what spells you use during a fight. Sep 14, 2016 · If one stat weight is twice as big as another, it means gaining some of that stat will increase the dps twice as much as the other one does. If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Frost Mage stat priority. Haste: Increases attack speed and spell casting speed. From 0% to 30% rating - 0% penalty. The general stat priority for Protection Warriors is: Item level; Haste; Versatility = Critical Strike; Mastery. At roughly 83. 77. Also, Haste increases Focus regeneration and attack speed for both you and your pets. Int = 0. Share. Caster classes supported: Priest, Druid, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Paladin. May 9, 2024 · In this guide, we will detail the best stat priority for your Beast-Mastery Hunter, as well as provide explanations covering how to determine Beast-Mastery Hunter stat priorities personalized for your character in Patch 10. May 7, 2024 · On this page, you will find out the optimal stat priority for your Arms Warrior. If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Arms Warrior stat priority. May 7, 2024 · Multi-Target Stat Priority. May 7, 2024 · The Basics of Stats for Preservation Evoker. As one stat increases the value of the others goes up. 3% increased Fire, Frost, and Nature damage, assuming Storm's Wrath is talented, your Windfury Weapon will have a 100% proc rate inside Doom Winds windows, and thus, additional Mastery no longer increases the strength of the cooldown. Intellect is our main primary stat and is found on all gear that we want to be wearing, except rings and some trinkets. Further, Agility slightly increases your chance to Dodge. Control which metrics you see through /swc settings. In this guide, we will explain what Attributes do for their character, what Secondary Stats are, as well as what things to prioritize for your character when comparing Gear, either while leveling or during end game content. For example, a level 359 two-handed epic weapon has either 623. But as your haste goes up, the value of mastery increases, meaning at Mar 25, 2024 · Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Whats the difference? It's simply preference. For Hunters, there is a point where the DPS benefits of Critical Strike chance start to diminish at a stronger rate though which is around the 24-25% mark. This is your strongest stat for pure AP gain, which will increase your damage done by all attacks. 3 DPS, or 213. 7, you can use the following as a rough priority: Raid. Shoulder, Hands, Feet, Waist 0. Crit. Warlock. The stat priority for a Preservation Evoker varies based on your spell selection or fight duration, your proximity to your healing targets, and your talents. This is literally the just the amount of dps gaining 1 more of any stat would give you. Raidbot's stat weight page has a link to this article explaining why you should avoid using stat weights to analyze whether a piece is an upgrade or not. This is known as the Soft-Cap. Our Holy Paladin guides are always updated with the latest information from in-game experience, simulations, and logs; make sure to check our changelog to this page, by clicking on View Changelog at the top 340. 1. We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations. Versatility: 10% after 6150, 20% after 8200. Jan 17, 2021 · Dear classic community, I’m trying to avoid a feeling. For stat weights, we recommend checking out the Mistweaver module of WoWAnalyzer, maintained by Anomoly and Abelito. Mr. As Protection, Crit also increases your chance to Parry via Riposte. Raidbots is updated for 10. The stat priority for a Mistweaver Monk is different depending on whether or not you are Fistweaving, and we also provide a different stat priority for Mythic+ dungeons. Take note that Mastery gains a lot of value when doing difficult content where players are more likely to drop to low health, such as progression raiding and rated PvP. 7. Besides talking about your Mistweaver The weighting system answers this for you automatically. TLDR; How to sim your character and get personal stat weights. Versatility = Critical Strike. 6. May 9, 2024 · Best Stats for Survival Hunter. 25 - 0. That's why your stat weights are different from the presets you're used to seeing. May 7, 2024 · On this page, you will find out the optimal stat priority for your Holy Priest. May 7, 2024 · Home / World of Warcraft / PvP / Havoc Demon Hunter PvP / Havoc Demon Hunter PvP Stat Priority and Gear Havoc Demon Hunter PvP Stat Priority, Gear, and Trinkets (Dragonflight 10. WoW is a super popular title, and WoW addons are an integral part of the game and the enthusiastic community around it. At every level, a player character's weapon skill can be increased by 5 points, up to a total of 300 points at level 60, before any racial trait or gear effects. Mastery Madness increases the damage done by most of your key Jun 1, 2021 · There is no such thing as “Feral tier” in Vanilla ( ie Classic) because the tier gear was all Restoration focused. I'm looking for something like this, but this is classic: Head, Chest, Legs, 2-handed weapon 1. Nov 21, 2023 · This is because Ferals single wield and therefore have a much lower miss chance on their auto-attacks than Rogues and Warriors do, leaving plenty of room on the melee hit table for crits. Here are some other numbers to that end: At level 60, these are expected numbers of INT and points per Crit%. Agility increases your attack power and the damage dealt by your abilities. Robot, or customize Pawn's stat weights to have it suggest items based on your favorite class guide or simulator. Dec 16, 2023 · 1 Introduction 2 Talents and Runes 3 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 4 Stat Priority 5 Gear and Best in Slot 6 Leveling 7 Enchants and Consumables. Versatility increases your damage, healing, and absorption done and Jul 15, 2019 · Druids receive 2 AP per point of Strength, but this becomes 2. Launch the simulationcraft program, and copy paste the text from step 3 into the simulation tab. Jul 22, 2019 · Classic Balance Druid Ranged DPS Stat Priority. Mastery provides a passive bonus to your character based on your specialization. The stat priority for a Demonology Warlock is as follows: Intellect; Haste to about 24%; Critical Strike ≅ Versatility; Mastery. For secondary stats, the Holy Priest has the following: Critical Strike: Provides a chance to double the healing done of your spells. Dec 2, 2023 · Sorry that I don't have the exact numbers for Paladins, but the trend is illustrated. 3. 87 Versatility 1. Jan 10, 2017 · What is Stat Weight Score? Stat Weight Score is another item, like Pawn that aids in seeing which item is better for you. Critical Strike. Our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10. 2 DPS and 1955 spell power. Everything about Raidbots, a website allowing players to run WoW character simulations online. From reading other posts and playing on FD, it seems that values per additional point fall in the range of (assuming at hit cap) the following list. Agi: 2. May 7, 2024 · Single Target Havoc Demon Hunter Secondary Stat Priority. So, you will find many websites that will tell you that this stat should be scaled first, that this stat weight is 0. Spirit * 0. 05 when haste is 1 for a blood dk. Like this . Wowhead: 9% Hit Rating Armor Agility Strength Apr 2, 2024 · Spirit * 0. • 5 yr. however you would read the printout as follows “mastery provides You signed in with another tab or window. Here are the stats that popped out: Mastery 2. Intellect increases the damage and healing done by your spells. 7 & Season 4, as well as how to check if a piece of gear is BiS, upgrade or just bad for you. For reference on most my fights it's int (by 3x) > crit=haste=mastery=vers. Priest 250 - 59. Critical Strike Chance - Increases the chance of an ability to be a critical strike. Basically, every time you change gear, the weights will readjust and the new values might just now tell you the previous piece was better because the optimum was somewhere in the middle. But as your haste goes up, the value of mastery increases, meaning at May 9, 2024 · Shadow Priest Stats. By default, a critical strike deals twice the damage or healing normally dealt. The second is normalised. Some people like one over the other for how it looks, or works for them. cq uc sc be kg dl dd qm xw fw